Acton - Intersection Improvements at Route 27 and Route 111 - Kelley’s Corner (608229)

Intersection of Route 27 (Main Street) and Route 111 (Massachusetts Avenue); west of Route 2 (at Exit 42, Route 27)
MPO Investment Category: Intersection Improvements
Main Objectives:
- Make the area safer to travel through as a pedestrian or bicyclist
- Reduce congestion
- Increase safety for residents, students, and patrons of local businesses
- Improve vehicle access to and from businesses and private development
Project Details:
- Rehabilitation of Main Street (0.45 mi), Massachusetts Avenue (0.48 mi), and Community Lane; approximately 2.18 lane miles (1.09 road miles)
- Includes five intersections:
- Kelley’s Corner: Intersection of Route 27 (Main Street) and Route 111 (Massachusetts Avenue)
- Massachusetts Avenue and Charter Road (west of Kelley’s Corner and southeast of the RJ Grey Junior High School)
- Main Street and Community Lane (north of Kelley’s Corner)
- Massachusetts Avenue and Community Lane (east of Kelley’s Corner)
- Main Street and Beverly Road (south of Kelley’s Corner)
- Proposed improvements will include:
- Two 11’ travel lanes on all roadways
- Pedestrian (rehabilitated sidewalks) and bicycle accommodations (painted 5’ shoulder) on all roadways
- Curb cut/access management at commercial areas, the inclusion of 10’ center turn lanes
- Replacement of the traffic signals at the intersection of Main Street and Massachusetts Ave
- New traffic signal at Community Lane and Route 27
- Utility relocations
- Drainage improvements
- Street lighting
- Pavement markings and improved signage
- Landscaping improvements
Bedford - Minuteman Bike Trail Extension (607738)

Railroad Avenue and the existing Reformatory Branch Trail, from Railroad Avenue to Wheeler Drive, near the Bedford/Concord Town line.
MPO Investment Category: Bicycle/Pedestrian Improvements
Main Objectives:
- Extend Minuteman Bikeway, which currently ends at Depot Park in Bedford, to the Concord town line
- Add bicycle and pedestrian accommodations to Railroad Avenue
Project Details:
- Approximately 2.28 miles
- Reformatory Branch Trail improvements:
- Redesign existing path to create a surface that is safe and stable for all user groups
- Create rest areas to take advantage of vistas along the trail
- Redesign the drainage ditches on either side of the existing trail
- Install bollards or gates at the path ends to prohibit motorized vehicles and maintain accessibility to people with disabilities
- Enhance existing parking areas with signage and pavement markings to enhance vehicle circulation
- Railroad Avenue improvements include the addition of/improvements to:
- Sidewalks
- Bike accommodations
- Drainage
- Pavement markings
- Signs
- Curb cuts
Cohasset - Corridor Improvements on Justice Cushing Highway (Route 3A), from Beechwood Street to the Scituate Town Line (608007)

Route 3A between Beechwood Street and Henry Turner Bailey Road
MPO Investment Category: Complete Streets
Main Objectives:
- Improve safety of this section of Route 3A, in the vicinity of a commercial area
- Improve the safety at the intersection of Route 3A and Beechwood Street
- Add bicycle and pedestrian accommodations throughout the project area
Project Details:
- Approximately 0.75 miles (and 1.86 lane miles)
- Signalization and roadway geometry improvements at the intersections at the northwest (Route 3A and Beechwood Street) and southeast (Route 3A and Henry Turner Bailey Road) limits of the project area. Including:
- Maintain existing traffic signal at Route 3A and Beechwood Street
- New traffic signal at the intersection of Route 3A and Henry Turner Bailey Road.
- Some geometric changes include:
- Exclusive left turn lanes on Route 3A at Beechwood Street
- Shared lanes on Beechwood Street
- Raised median south of Beechwood Street to restrict left turn lanes into and out of the gas station at this location
- Exclusive left turn lane at the intersection of Henry Turner Bailey Road and Route 3A
- Provision of a two-way left turn lane through the commercialized area along Route 3A
- Reconstruction of all driveways within the project limits to include accessible pedestrian signals and ramps as well as the narrowing, consolidation, and clear delineation of access points along Route 3A
- Provision of a 6-foot sidewalk on each side of Route 3A in the project area with accessible pedestrian signals and ramps at the intersections and driveways
- Provision of a bicycle lane along each direction of Route 3A with bicycle detection at the signalized intersections
Framingham - Pedestrian Hybrid Beacon Installation at Route 9 and Maynard Road (608006)

Route 9 in the vicinity of Maynard Road and the Framingham Fire Station
MPO Investment Category: Bicycle/Pedestrian Improvements
Main Objectives:
- Improve pedestrian safety in the project area
Project Details:
- Construction of a pedestrian hybrid beacon and crosswalk on the east side of the Route 9 and Maynard Road intersection. Details include:
- Crosswalk will be at-grade
- Crossing will be controlled by a High-Intensity Activated crossWalK beacon (HAWK) mounted on an 8-foot post with a 30-foot mast arm with signal control over the eastbound and westbound travel lanes
- Upgrade the Route 9 median.
- Convert this to a concrete barrier with fencing and narrowing the median opening which allows emergency vehicle access across Route 9
- Reconstruction of the existing emergency signal for the Framingham Fire Station on Route 9 and the CSX railroad crossing. The new traffic control cabinet and foundation will be constructed to allow continued emergency vehicle pre-emption
Malden - Pavement, Sidewalk Rehabilitation, and Other Improvements on Exchange Street* (Lighting and Sidewalk Improvements on Exchange Street) (608275)

Exchange Street from Abbott Street to Main Street, including the connecting side streets of Abbott Street, Washington Street, and Middlesex Street.
MPO Investment Category: Complete Streets
Main Objectives:
- Improve vehicular and pedestrian connections within the downtown
- Enhance the streetscape including pedestrian safety and aesthetic improvements
- Provide dedicated on-street bicycle lane
- Improve Exchange Street to accommodate all users
Project Details:
- Along Exchange Street (0.31 miles/0.62 lane miles) in the project area, as well as along the connecting side streets, the project would make the following improvements:
- Pavement reconstruction or rehabilitation
- ADA compliant sidewalks and pedestrian ramps
- Sidewalk extensions (curb bump-outs) at intersections
- Dedicated pavement markings along Exchange Street for a bike lane
- New street trees
- ADA compliant tree grates
- LED lighting
- Benches
- Bicycle racks
- Trash receptacles
- Street signs
- Repair or replacement of drainage infrastructure, including the adjustment of vertical profile grades along the gutter lines to improve drainage
* Note: this is not the official MassDOT project name. This temporary name change more accurately reflects the objectives of the project.
Reading (MassDOT) - Intersection Signalization at Route 28 and Hopkins Street (607305)

Intersection of Route 28 and Hopkins Street, north of the Route 128/Route 28 interchange.
MPO Investment Category: Intersection Improvements
Main Objectives:
- Improve vehicular and pedestrian safety
- Improve intersection traffic operations
- Rehabilitate existing sidewalks and roadways
- Provide greater pedestrian mobility with improved sidewalks and AAB/ADA compliant wheelchair ramps
Project Details:
- Installation of a fully-actuated traffic signal system which would include:
- Advance phase for northbound approach and protected permitted operation for left-turn vehicles
- Protected, push-button actuated pedestrian crossing phase
- Emergency vehicle preemption for all approaches
- Coordinated operation with existing traffic signals at the two adjacent intersections (Main Street/South Street to the south) and Main Street/Summer Street to the north)
- Geometric improvements which would include:
- Minor widening on Route 28 to provide minimum lane widths in both directions
- Reconstruction of sidewalks on both sides of Route 28
- Replacement of existing granite curb
- Construction of new ADA/AAB compliant wheelchair ramps at all four corners of the intersection
- Reconfiguration of the island on the eastbound Hopkins Street approach to facilitate left turns
- New pavement markings including stop lines and crosswalks for all four roadway approaches; new signage associated with the proposed improvements; and, replacement of existing signage
Sudbury - Bruce Freeman Rail Trail, Phase 2D (608164)

Section of the rail trail from the Concord town line to Station Road (MassCentral Rail Trail)
MPO Investment Category: Bicycle/Pedestrian
Main Objectives:
- Provide a connection between the Bruce Freeman Rail Trail (north-south corridor) and the MassCentral Greenway (23 miles of east-west corridor)
- Provide connections between open space, recreational areas, conservation areas, the commercial district, and Sudbury’s historic town center
Project Details:
- Construct 4.6 miles of rail trail to complete the next segment of the Bruce Freeman Rail Trail (Lowell to Framingham)
- Replace existing railroad right-of-way with MassDOT recommended pavement for abandoned rail corridors
- Construct path that is 10-feet wide with 2-foot grass or gravel shoulders; path will comply with all ADA/AAB requirements
- No pavement rehabilitation would take place where the trail crosses existing roadways
- Analyze the seven locations where the trail crosses public roadways (Route 117, Pantry Road, Haynes Road, Morse Road, Route 27, Codjer Lane, and Old Lancaster Road) for appropriate improvements necessary to provide safe crossing and access in accordance with the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices