3C Planning and MPO Support:

FFY 2020

October 3, 2019


Proposed Action

The Boston Region Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) reviews this work plan.

Project Identification

Project Number 9119


Boston Region MPO

Project Supervisors

Principal: Annette Demchur
Manager: Alexandra Kleyman

Funding Source

MPO Planning and §5303 Contract #108217

Schedule and Budget

Schedule: Ongoing

Budget: $449,146

Schedule and budget details are shown in Exhibits 1 and 2, respectively.



This work plan encompasses the following 3C activities, which support the federally mandated “continuing,” “cooperative,” and “comprehensive” transportation-planning process.


There are four primary objectives of the 3C Planning and MPO Support program:

  1. Support and facilitate the MPO’s operation
  2. Plan and coordinate the delivery of information to the MPO, agencies, and members of the public for collaboration and decision making
  3. Conduct the communication, program management, and stakeholder engagement processes needed for success in 3C planning and MPO support work. This includes working to increase the number of people we reach in the region specifically focusing on equity populations (more information on MPO staff’s work to protect and include equity populations in regional transportation planning is included in the Transportation Equity work plan).
  4. Maintain compliance with federal regulations and requirements

Work Description

Task 1  Support the MPO and Its Committees

This task focuses on carrying out the day-to-day and ongoing operations of the MPO. The MPO decision-making board typically meets twice a month. MPO staff will plan, attend, and provide support for these meetings (see details under Products of Task 1).

The MPO currently has three committees: Administration and Finance, Congestion Management Process, and Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP). MPO staff will support the work of these committees by coordinating committee meetings, reviewing agendas and meeting materials, and attending and providing support to facilitate meetings.

Products of Task 1

Task 2  Carry Out the Public Participation Program

The MPO’s Public Participation Program supports the MPO’s commitment to include and engage the people of the Boston region in collaborative transportation planning.

Each year, MPO staff ensure that the public involvement and communications strategies outlined in the MPO’s Public Participation Plan are carried out. In FFY 2020, MPO staff also plan to test and evaluate new engagement activities such as attending different types of stakeholder meetings, hosting pop-up outreach activities at community events across the region, and developing more engaging materials and interactive tools, both online and in print.

Specific subtasks that will be undertaken in order to successfully carry out the public participation program include:

Subtask 2.1 Create Database for Maintaining and Tracking Public Outreach

Subtask 2.2: Conduct public engagement to support the 3C process

Subtask 2.3: Provide communications to support the 3C process

Subtask 2.4: Evaluate public engagement and outreach activities.

This subtask includes the following tasks:

Task 3 Support the Regional Transportation Advisory Council

The Regional Transportation Advisory Council (Advisory Council) is the MPO’s citizen advisory committee, which comprises approximately 65 entities (among its members and “friends”). The Advisory Council serves as a broad-based forum for discussing regional transportation issues and providing input about MPO certification documents, reports, studies, policies, and decisions. MPO staff supports the Advisory Council and its membership of municipalities, transportation-interest groups, and public entities. Staff manages the Advisory Council’s communications and helps to plan and administer its meetings. Staff also coordinates with Advisory Council leadership on member recruitment and elections.

The Advisory Council has several standing committees and forms other committees as needed. The standing committees are Program, Nominating, and Membership. MPO staff will continue to provide ongoing support to these committees and will be responsible for committee notifications and communications, meeting planning, meeting materials, meeting minutes, correspondence, updating and maintaining an Advisory Council contact list and database, and implementing the decisions and guidance that stem from the meetings.

Products of Task 3


Task 4 Stay Current and in Compliance with MPO Regulations, Requirements, and Best Practices

This task identifies the measures staff will take to comply with MPO regulations, requirements, and best practices.

Subtask 4.1 Comply with Federal Regulations and Requirements

MPO staff will stay informed of federal requirements and national best practices and incorporate them as appropriate. Staff will prepare memoranda as needed to notify the MPO of emerging developments.

Subtask 4.2 Coordinate with Other MPOs

The Boston region urbanized area is served by multiple MPOs. This task involves working with staff from these neighboring MPOs to promote coordinated, comprehensive, and consistent transportation plans and programs for the broader metropolitan planning area. Transportation managers from Massachusetts MPOs convene on a regular basis (typically monthly). Furthermore, MPO staff will engage with staff from MPOs in other parts of the state (or country) to share best practices, coordinate planning activities, or participate in certification reviews.

Subtask 4.3 Engage in Professional Development Opportunities

To adhere to federal guidance and best serve the MPO and its certification activities and planning practices, staff will continue to develop its expertise in current and emerging planning topics. MPO staff will continue to maintain their expertise and pursue professional development opportunities, in part, by participating in relevant and topical courses, seminars, training programs, and workshops offered by the Federal Highway Administration, Federal Transit Administration, Transportation Research Board, Association of Metropolitan Planning Organizations, Institute of Transportation Engineers, American Planning Association, and other organizations.

Products of Task 4

Exhibit 1
3C Planning and MPO Support: Federal Fiscal Year 2019

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Support the MPO and Its Committees
From Month 1, Week 1 to Month 12, Week 4.
Carry Out the Public Participation Program
From Month 1, Week 1 to Month 12, Week 4.
Delivered by Month 2, Week 1.
Support the Regional Transportation Advisory Council
From Month 1, Week 1 to Month 12, Week 4.
Stay Current and in Compliance with MPO Regulations, Requirements, and Best Practices
From Month 1, Week 1 to Month 12, Week 4.
A: Fall/Winter Outreach Materials

Exhibit 2
3C Planning and MPO Support: Federal Fiscal Year 2019

Direct Salary and Overhead


Person-Weeks Direct
M-1 P-5 P-4 P-3 P-2 P-1 SP-1 Total
Support the MPO and Its Committees
20.0 5.0 10.0 10.0 20.9 10.1 1.1 77.1 $107,961 $110,239 $218,200
Carry Out the Public Participation Program
4.0 2.0 3.5 3.5 38.3 15.0 0.0 66.3 $77,879 $79,522 $157,400
Support the Regional Transportation Advisory Council
2.0 1.0 1.4 0.6 2.4 0.0 13.9 21.3 $22,043 $22,508 $44,550
Stay Current and in Compliance with MPO Regulations, Requirements, and Best Practices
2.0 0.0 2.0 1.6 2.0 2.0 2.0 11.6 $14,347 $14,650 $28,996
28.0 8.0 16.9 15.7 63.6 27.1 17.0 176.4 $222,229 $226,918 $449,146

Other Direct Costs



MPO Planning and §5303 Contract #108217