DATE:   August 1, 2024

TO:       Boston Region Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO)

FROM:  Erin Maguire, Boston Region MPO Staff

RE:        Summary of Revisions to the Memorandum of Understanding


On November 30, 2023, the Boston Region Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) voted to delegate discussions of updates to the MPO’s governing document, the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU), to the MOU Update Committee. These updates came as a result of the 2022 Federal Certification Review, which issued one corrective action and some recommendations related to the content of the MOU.


Prior to this vote, actions were taken to address the corrective action, resulting in an amended MOU that became effective in September 2023. Further revisions and deliberations related to updating the MOU, which was last fully revised in 2011, then were delegated to the MOU Update Committee. The committee’s charges are summarized in a memorandum from November 2023. This group has met on an approximately monthly cadence since January 2024.


Revisions to the MOU fall under six major categories:

·       Regional transit authorities’ (RTAs) role

·       Regional Transportation Advisory Council description

·       Reference to the Metropolitan Area Planning Council (MAPC)/Central Transportation Planning Staff (CTPS) Fiduciary Agent Agreement

·       Description of project information sharing and agency collaboration

·       Staff and committee led clarifications

·       Editorial revisions


Updates related to agency collaboration will be contained in updates to the MPO’s Operations Plan. The Operations Plan defines processes in greater detail than the MOU and allows for more regular updates. Revisions to the Operations Plan will be deliberated in the MOU Update Committee and discussed with the full MPO board in late 2024.


Table 1, found below, outlines the substance of revisions that have been made from the 2023 MOU, including the page that includes the content in the draft MOU (posted to the MPO meeting calendar), the category it is related to, and a summary of the content.


Table 1
Revisions Made to the 2023 MOU







List of signatories

Title page


Staff-led clarifications

List of signatories has been revised to reflect updated membership of the SouthWest Advisory Planning Committee and the region’s RTAs

Reference to most recent MOUs

Throughout document

Throughout document

Staff-led clarifications

References throughout the document to previous MOUs have been updated to refer to the September 2023 revision

Introductory section

Section 1: Introduction


Editorial revisions

Paragraphs describing the importance of transportation planning and the 3-C process, including references to relevant regulations, have been relocated to the beginning of this section

Whereas statement for RTAs

Section 1: Introduction



A whereas statement has been added to reflect the decision to add a board seat, to be shared between the region’s RTAs

RTA seat on the board and description of seat rotation

Section 2: Composition and Roles of the Boston Region Metropolitan Planning Organization



In response to a recommendation from the 2022 Federal Certification Review, the Boston Region MPO has voted to add a shared board seat between the region’s RTAs, to be shared on a rotating two-year term

Regional Transportation Advisory Council description

Section 2.D: The Regional Transportation Advisory Council


Regional Transportation Advisory Council

The Advisory Council description has been revised, in consultation with the Advisory Council, to reflect its primary mission, role, and primary goals of equity, accountability, and engagement

Voting rules

Section 2.E: Voting Rules


Staff-led clarifications

Voting rules have been clarified to define a simple majority and the items that require a two-thirds majority vote as opposed to a simple majority

Introductory paragraph of the functions and roles of the Boston Region MPO and its committees

Section 3.A: Overview


Editorial revisions

Reference to the Boston Region MPO as the forum for the 3-C decision-making process has been updated and clarified

Reference to geographic distribution of projects

Section 3.A: Overview


Staff-led clarifications

Text has been updated from a previous reference to “geographic equity” to refer to the geographic distribution of projects and making efforts to reduce barriers to participation

Relocated reference to meeting posting deadlines

Section 3.A: Overview


Editorial revisions

This paragraph has been relocated from its original placement in the 2023 MOU

Long-Range Transportation Plan (LRTP) description

Section 3.B: Planning and Programming, Section 4.D: Transit

10, 13

Staff-led clarifications

References to the MPO’s LRTP have been updated

Relocated reference to financial plans

Section 4.B: Establishment of Financial Constraint and Development of TIP Targets


Editorial revisions

This paragraph has been relocated from its original placement in the 2023 MOU

Committee appointment description

Section 3.C: Establishment of Committees and Task Forces


Staff-led clarifications

Addition of reference to additional process descriptions in the Operations Plan

CTPS description

Section 3.D: Central Transportation Planning Staff


Reference to fiduciary agreement

This section has been rewritten to clarify the role of CTPS in supporting the Boston Region MPO and its relationship the MAPC

Accelerated Bridge Program and Road and Bridge Program description moved to Operations Plan

Section 4.E.1: Accelerated Bridge Program, Section 4.E.2: Road and Bridge Program


Staff-led clarifications

These sections have been moved to the Operations Plan

Level of detail of TIP development process

Section 3.F: Improvement of TIP-Related Information


Staff-led clarifications

Information related to TIP development and information sharing has been relocated to the Operations Plan, including the entirety of Section 3.F from the 2023 MOU

Operations Plan description

Section 5: Operations Plan


Staff-led clarifications

The description of the Operations Plan has been updated to refer to the document’s content

Review schedule of MOU

Section 6: Review of This Document


Staff-led clarifications

Revisions establish a review cycle of the MOU to occur every four years, immediately following a federal certification review



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