FFYs 2025–29 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) Adjustment Two

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  Overall Changes in Funding in TIP
Project Proposed Change Explanation Section/Funding Source Current Cost New Cost Difference
FFY 2025 Transit Program            
RTD0011110: MWRTA- TECHNOLOGY SUPPORT/CAPITAL OUTREACH Cost Decrease This line item reduces the proportion of matching funding by the MWRTA on this activity to reflect the expected cost of the work. RTACAP $300,000 $274,091 -$25,909
RTD0011137: MWRTA- VEHICLE REPLACEMENT- ACQUIRE REVENUE CUTAWAYS Cost Increase The cost of this line item is increasing to reflect anticipated acquisition costs for vehicles in FFY 2025. Subsequent years of this line item for FFYs 2026 through 2029 remain unchanged. FTA Section 5307, FTA Section 5339, RTACAP $800,000 $929,544 $129,544

FFY = Federal Fiscal Year. FTA = Federal Transit Administration. MWRTA = MetroWest Regional Transit Authority. RTACAP = Regional Transit Authority Capital Funds.