FFYs 2025–29 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) Amendment Five

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  Overall Changes in Funding in TIP
Project Proposed Change Explanation Section/Funding Source Current Cost New Cost Difference
FFY 2025 Transit Program            
RTD0011124: MWRTA- 5307 FORMULA 2025 ELECTRIC VEHICLE (EV) ADDITIONAL ELECTRIFICATION INFRASTRUCTURE COST Remove Project This line item is being removed with funding reallocated to support Type D vehicle acquisition efforts. FTA Section 5307, RTACAP $500,000 $0 -$500,000
RTD0011925: MWRTA- 5307 FORMULA 2025- ACQUIRE REVENUE VEHICLES - BUS QTY 5 TYPE D GAS New Project This new line item reflects new vehicle acquisitions by the MWRTA for five Type D vehicles. FTA Section 5307, Local Funds, RTACAP $0 $802,510 $802,510

FFY = Federal Fiscal Year. FTA = Federal Transit Administration. MWRTA = MetroWest Regional Transit Authority. RTACAP = Regional Transit Authority Capital Funds.