FFYs 2025–29 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) Amendment Four

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Overall Changes in Funding in TIP
Project Proposed Change Explanation Section/Funding Source Current Cost New Cost Difference
FFY 2025 Statewide Highway Program            
612094: RANDOLPH- CANTON-DEDHAM-MILTON- WESTWOOD- PAVEMENT AND BRIDGE PRESERVATION ON I-95 AND I-93 Cost Decrease The cost estimate for this project has been revised following a 100% design package submission on October 22, 2024. The contract now includes bridge preservation work for the Ponkapoag Trail bridge over I-93/US-1 in Milton. The contract includes milling and thin overlay work along the roadway with adjustments to bridge profiles to improve rideability as well as performance bridge repairs. Statewide Highway: NHPP $29,899,107 $21,134,170 -$8,764,937
612044: BROOKLINE- NEWTON- RESURFACING AND RELATED WORK ON ROUTE 9 Cost Increase The cost estimate for this project has been revised following a PS&E submission on October 9, 2024. The project is expected to advertise for bids on December 28, 2024. Statewide Highway: NHPP $8,343,250 $9,547,287 $1,204,037

FFY = Federal Fiscal Year. NHPP = National Highway Performance Program. PS&E = Plans, Specifications, and Estimates.


MBTA Capital Program - Federal Funding

FFY 2025-2029 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) - November 2024 Amendment


Federal Funding Program ALI 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 FFY25-29 Total (Federal) FFY25-29 Total (Incl. Match)
5307   $191,537,708 $196,449,783 $196,449,783 $196,449,783 $196,449,784 $977,336,841 $1,221,671,051
Bridge & Tunnel Program   12.24.05 $0 $18,300,000 $18,300,000 $18,300,000 $18,300,000 $73,200,000 $91,500,000
Revenue Vehicle Program  12.12.00 $103,571,646 $133,439,950 $133,439,950 $133,439,950 $133,439,950 $637,331,446 $796,664,308
Signals/Systems Upgrade Program  12.63.01 $58,784,724 $24,291,705 $24,291,705 $24,291,705 $24,291,706 $155,951,545 $194,939,431
Stations and Facilities Program  12.34.00 $29,181,338 $20,418,128 $20,418,128 $20,418,128 $20,418,128 $110,853,850 $138,567,313
5337   $257,492,955 $240,135,478 $240,135,478 $240,135,478 $240,135,477 $1,218,034,866 $1,522,543,583
Bridge & Tunnel Program   12.24.05 $58,237,593 $62,445,844 $62,445,844 $62,445,844 $62,445,844 $308,020,969 $385,026,211
Revenue Vehicle Program  12.12.00 $53,304,427 $52,025,862 $52,025,862 $52,025,862 $52,025,862 $261,407,875 $326,759,844
Signals/Systems Upgrade Program  12.63.01 $45,352,488 $31,261,971 $31,261,971 $31,261,971 $31,261,970 $170,400,371 $213,000,464
Stations and Facilities Program  12.34.00 $100,598,447 $94,401,801 $94,401,801 $94,401,801 $94,401,801 $478,205,651 $597,757,064
5339   $18,439,418 $6,448,524 $6,448,524 $6,448,524 $6,448,525 $44,233,515 $55,291,894
Bus Program  11.14.00 $18,439,418 $6,448,524 $6,448,524 $6,448,524 $6,448,525 $44,233,515 $55,291,894
FFY25-29 FTA Formula Funding   $467,470,081 $443,033,785 $443,033,785 $443,033,785 $443,033,786 $2,239,605,222 $2,799,506,528
Other Federal   $1,935,638,381 $162,500,000 $162,500,000 $162,500,000 $162,500,000 $2,585,638,381 $3,004,485,993
RRIF Financing - PTC/ATC/Fiber 12.63.01 $100,085,333 $0 $0 $0 $0 $100,085,333 $100,085,333
RRIF/TIFIA Financing Program (Potential Loan) 12.24.05 $162,500,000 $162,500,000 $162,500,000 $162,500,000 $162,500,000 $812,500,000 $812,500,000
Green Line CIG-Core Capacity (Proposed Funding) 12.23.03 $1,507,020,668 $0 $0 $0 $0 $1,507,020,668 $1,883,775,835
Worcester Union Station (WRTA)                      12.34.02 $2,312,063 $0 $0 $0 $0 $2,312,063 $2,890,079
Attleboro Station Improvements (GATRA) 12.34.02 $516,277 $0 $0 $0 $0 $516,277 $645,346
Lynnway Multimodal Corridor (RAISE) 11.23.01 $20,250,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $20,250,000 $27,000,000
Wonderland Multimodal Connector (CPF) 11.23.01 $4,000,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $4,000,000 $4,000,000
Alewife Station and Garage Technical Asst. (IFACGP) 12.71.01 $1,195,800 $0 $0 $0 $0 $1,195,800 $1,391,600
Columbus Ave. Bus Lane Ph. II (CMAQ) 11.23.01 $27,240,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $27,240,000 $34,050,000
Lynn Station Improvements (STP) 12.34.02 $38,480,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $38,480,000 $48,100,000
Lynn Broad Street Corridor TSP (CMAQ) 11.23.01 $238,240 $0 $0 $0 $0 $238,240 $297,800
Jackson Sq. Station Access Impr. (CMAQ) 12.34.02 $26,800,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $26,800,000 $33,500,000
Fairmount Line Decarbonization (CRP) 12.23.03 $15,000,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $15,000,000 $18,750,000
Systemwide Flood Mitigation (PROTECT) 12.33.03 $4,000,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $4,000,000 $5,000,000
Rail Transformation - Early Action CMAQ) 12.24.03 $16,000,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $16,000,000 $20,000,000
Central Station Accessibility Project (CMAQ) 12.33.02 $4,000,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $4,000,000 $5,000,000
Nubian Square Bus Circulation Improv. (CMAQ) 12.33.01 $4,000,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $4,000,000 $5,000,000
Pedal & Park System Modernization (CMAQ) 12.43.42 $2,000,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $2,000,000 $2,500,000
FFY25-29 Total Federal Funding   $2,403,108,462 $605,533,785 $605,533,785 $605,533,785 $605,533,786 $4,825,243,603 $5,803,992,521


FTA formula funds (5307, 5337 and 5339) are based on estimated apportionments for FFY25-29. FFY25 includes unobligated carryover funds.

TIP programs and projects are based on the FY25-29 CIP and pending federal obligations as of Nov-24. Adjustments may be made to federal projects and budgets as the FY25-29 CIP is implemented and the FY26-30 CIP is developed.

The Activity Line Item (ALI) codes are preliminary only and generally reflect the bulk of the TIP program. Within a program there may be several different ALI codes used.

RRIF loan funding for the PTC/ATC/Fiber Resiliency project is based on the currently planned drawdown schedule and is subject to change.

RRIF/TIFIA financing program funding is an initial estimate and will be refined as projects are identified and loans are finalized with the Build America Bureau.

This table excludes MBTA discretionary grant funding that was already included in FFY25-29 TIP Amendment #3, presented to the Boston MPO on 10/24/2024.

The "Green Line CIG-Core Capacity (Proposed Funding)" line item represents a preliminary estimate of the MBTA’s future FTA CIG-Core Capacity grant application and is a demonstration of the MBTA’s participation in the discretionary program. If awarded, this grant would support a number of Green Line Projects intended to increase system capacity by no less than 10%. Each Project will be funded by a combination of FTA Core Capacity grant funds, FTA Boston UZA formula funds and MBTA local match. This line item only reflects the proposed Core Capacity funding.   Projects P0591, P1010, P0921, P1102, P1105, P0920, P1011, P1103, P1101, P1136, P0923, P1334, P0922, P1337, P1338, and P0924 are approved in the transit element of the endorsed FFY25-29 Boston Region TIP and the Transit Investment Report of the FFY25-29 Massachusetts STIP. These Projects are elements of the MBTA’s Core Capacity application and are identified in the project listing presented to the Boston MPO. Through the MBTA CIP, Boston Region TIP, and Massachusetts STIP, MBTA has committed the use of $282,025,316 of Boston UZA 5337 formula funding to support the completion of these projects. Upon award, Projects, budgets, and funding sources will be amended as required. 



MBTA Federal Capital Program - FTA Formula Funds

FFY 2025-2029 TIP Amendment - Project List and Descriptions (80% Federal Share) - November 2024


Funds TIP Program CIP ID# Project Name FFY 2025 FFY 2026-2029 Total (Federal) Project Description


FTA Formula Funds (5307, 5337, 5339)

5307 - Bridge and Tunnel

5307 Bridge and Tunnel P1107 Bridge Program Pipeline - Rehabilitation, Repair and Replacement $0 $73,200,000 $73,200,000 This program uses information provided through the bridge inspection and load rating program to design and construct prioritized bridge rehabilitation, repair, or replacement projects. 
$0 $73,200,000 $73,200,000


5307 - Revenue Vehicles

5307 Revenue Vehicles P0369 Green Line Type 10 Vehicle Replacement Program $39,323,169 $392,185,564 $431,508,733 Procurement of 102 new fully-accessible light rail vehicles and related infrastructure improvements to replace the existing Type 7 and Type 8 fleets, with additional optional cars available in the contract to support increased system capacity.
5307 Revenue Vehicles P0618 Procurement of 40ft Enhanced Electric Hybrid Buses $0 $109,093,636 $109,093,636 Procurement of 460 40ft Enhanced Electric Hybrid (EEH) buses to replace 310 40ft diesel buses purchased in 2006-2008 and support more reliable, efficient, and sustainable operations. Includes vehicle testing, warranty, and inspection.
5307 Revenue Vehicles P0649 Option Order Procurement of New Flyer Hybrid 40ft Buses $253,666 $0 $253,666 Procurement of 194 40ft buses with hybrid propulsion to replace an aging fleet and improve fuel economy.
5307 Revenue Vehicles P0860 Hybrid Bus Overhaul (New Flyer XDE40 - SR 1881) $0 $1,440,000 $1,440,000 Midlife overhaul of major systems and components (e.g., engine, battery upgrade, drive unit, cooling systems, axles, brakes) of 60 40ft BAE hybrid buses to ensure reliable and safe operations and to meet FTA service life requirements.
5307 Revenue Vehicles P0911 Hybrid Bus Overhaul (New Flyer XDE40 - SR1983) $33,593,024 $10,926,844 $44,519,869 Midlife overhaul of major systems and components of 156 40ft hybrid buses to ensure reliable and safe operations that meet FTA requirements. Also includes condition assessment activities for 175 40ft CNG buses, and 45 60ft hybrid buses. 
5307 Revenue Vehicles P1154 CNG Bus Overhaul (New Flyer XN40 - SR 1982) $18,876,633 $3,318,909 $22,195,542 Planning for the midlife overhaul of 175 40-foot New Flyer CNG buses delivered 2016 to 2017. These buses require overhaul of major systems and components to ensure continued reliable and safe operations and to meet FTA service life requirements.
5307 Revenue Vehicles P1162 Reliability Centered Maintenance - Blue, Orange and Red Line $11,525,154 $16,794,846 $28,320,000 Improvements to trucks, brakes, motors, current collectors, propulsion, and auxiliary fuses on the Blue Line and improvements to propulsion, brakes, HVAC, and doors on the Red and Orange Lines.
$103,571,646 $533,759,800 $637,331,446


5307 - Signals and Systems

5307 Signals and Systems P0285 Signal Program - Red/Orange Line $29,723,045 $8,000,002 $37,723,048 Replacement and upgrade of signal equipment on the Red and Orange Lines. Includes renewal of track circuit modules using latest digital audio frequency technology and replacement of wayside equipment.
5307 Signals and Systems P0857 Mattapan HSL Transformation $18,461,678 $73,166,817 $91,628,495 State of good repair and accessibility improvements, power upgrades, and other infrastructure investments on the Mattapan Line. 
5307 Signals and Systems P0912 Systemwide Tunnel Flood Mitigation Program $0 $4,000,000 $4,000,000 Planning, training, and infrastructure improvements to make the tunnel network more resilient to flooding exposures due to storm surge, precipitation, and sea level rise.
5307 Signals and Systems P1210 PILC-EPR Medium Voltage Cable Replacement Program $4,200,000 $7,600,000 $11,800,000 Replacement of medium voltage AC cables that are beyond their useful life between traction power substations to maintain a state of good repair and reduce lead exposure risk to employees.
5307 Signals and Systems P1212 Systemwide 15kV Feeder and Duct Bank Replacement $6,400,000 $4,400,000 $10,800,000 Design and systemwide replacement of cables with Paper Insulated Lead Covered (PILC) feeders with new cables containing Ethylene Propylene Rubber (EPR) feeders to increase employee safety and power system resiliency. 
$58,784,724 $97,166,821 $155,951,545


5307 - Stations and Facilities

5307 Stations and Facilities P0066a Quincy Adams Accessibility Improvements $374,633 $0 $374,633 Replacement of three existing elevators and addition of new elevator at Quincy Adams, according to ADA/BCIL requirements. Also includes upgrades to mechanical, communication, and safety systems, as well as wayfinding signage.
5307 Stations and Facilities P0066e Harvard/Central Elevator $400,000 $0 $400,000 Replacement of existing station elevator No. 821 at Harvard Square and No. 861 at Central Square on the Red Line, per ADA/BCIL requirements. Also includes replacement of central escalator No. 360.
5307 Stations and Facilities P0066g Downtown Crossing Elevator Phase 1 $72,000 $0 $72,000 Installation of two new elevators at Downtown Crossing to meet ADA and BCIL requirements. Includes exit gate improvements, creation of ‘points of safety’ with fire/smoke rated wall and door assemblies, and a new fire alarm system.
5307 Stations and Facilities P0075 Elevator Program Multiple Location Design $5,239,223 $2,154,438 $7,393,661 Design and some construction work for the replacement of elevators and/or addition of new, redundant elevators and related wayfinding amenities at transit stations.
5307 Stations and Facilities P0104 Charlestown Bus - Seawall Rehabilitation $2,000,000 $0 $2,000,000 Stabilization of the Mystic River shoreline and replacement of existing seawall to protect Charlestown Bus Facility from flooding. Includes a collaboration with Massachusetts DCR to build a multi-use public path along the seawall.
5307 Stations and Facilities P0671a Quincy Bus Facility Modernization $20,000,000 $20,039,222 $40,039,222 Relocation and replacement of the Quincy Bus Maintenance Facility. The new, modernized facility will expand capacity and includes the infrastructure necessary to support the MBTA's first battery-electric bus (BEB) fleet.
5307 Stations and Facilities P0671b Arborway Bus Facility - Design Funding $135,482 $22,184,518 $22,320,000 Design funding to support the construction of a new Arborway bus facility to accommodate battery electric bus (BEB) infrastructure and bus electrification.
5307 Stations and Facilities P0912a Airport Tunnel Portal Flood Protection $0 $8,056,000 $8,056,000 Addition of floodgates and large steel doors to the entrance of the Blue Line tunnel at the tunnel's Airport Portal to prevent flooding. Includes updates to pump rooms and traction power systems. 
5307 Stations and Facilities P0912b Systemwide Pump Room Upgrades $960,000 $960,000 $1,920,000 Design phase funding for state of good repair improvements to rapid transit and Silver Line tunnel pump rooms, including state of good repair and SCADA upgrades.
5307 Stations and Facilities P1216 Everett Building 2 Floor Repairs $0 $6,020,000 $6,020,000 Repairs to the heavily deteriorated structure on the first floor of Everett's Building 2 facility that supports heavy rail service.
5307 Stations and Facilities P1225 Systemwide Escalator and Elevator Replacement Program $0 $5,440,000 $5,440,000 Replacement of escalators and elevators systemwide that are in poor condition, have limited parts available, and require replacement as identified in the MBTA's 20-Year Vertical Transportation Capital Plan.
5307 Stations and Facilities P1232 Green Line D Branch Enhanced Accessibility Improvements $0 $16,818,334 $16,818,334 Accessibility improvements on the Green Line D Branch to improve existing station entrances and increase accessibility.
$29,181,338 $81,672,512 $110,853,850


5337 - Bridge and Tunnel

5337 Bridge and Tunnel P0006 Gloucester Drawbridge Replacement $2,650,225 $0 $2,650,225 Replacement of Gloucester Drawbridge on the Rockport Line. The new bridge will consist of a moveable bascule span with two independent barrels, two spans of precast concrete box beams, a new steel superstructure, and a new micro-pile abutment.
5337 Bridge and Tunnel P0008 Emergency Bridge Design / Inspection & Rating $606,005 $870,128 $1,476,133 Funding to support as-needed emergency design, inspection, and rating of bridges.
5337 Bridge and Tunnel P0009 Bridges - Design $3,958,094 $3,148,405 $7,106,499 Design funding to support the repair, rehabilitation, and replacement of bridges across the system. 
5337 Bridge and Tunnel P0018 North Station Draw 1 Bridge Replacement $4,003,242 $179,315,006 $183,318,248 Replacement of North Station Draw 1 bridge structures and control tower. Includes construction of three new vertical lift bridges, and extension of existing station platform to accommodate track 11 and 12.
5337 Bridge and Tunnel P0495 Bridge Bundling Contract $7,031,801 $168,199 $7,200,000 Replacement of six Commuter Rail bridges at Intervale Rd. in Weston; Bacon St. in Wellesley; High Line Bridge in Somerville; Lynn Fells Parkway in Melrose; Parker St. in Lawrence; and Commercial St. in Lynn.
5337 Bridge and Tunnel P0551 Longfellow Approach $12,018,929 $29,883,518 $41,902,448 Rehabilitation of Longfellow Approach viaduct, Span 1 of the Longfellow Bridge, and station platforms at Charles/MGH Station. Includes new track, power, communication and signal systems, and additional emergency egress and redundant elevators.
5337 Bridge and Tunnel P0627 Systemwide Bridge Inspection and Rating $0 $16,436,826 $16,436,826 Program to support in-depth inspection and load rating of MBTA-owned bridges at regular intervals. Load ratings are used to establish a systemwide priority list of bridge repairs, rehabilitation, and replacement.
5337 Bridge and Tunnel P0892 Saugus Drawbridge Replacement $8,000,000 $0 $8,000,000 Design of Saugus Drawbridge replacement on the Newburyport/Rockport Line. The new bridge would include a widened approach embankment, a new control house, signal upgrades, and relocation of submerged utilities.
5337 Bridge and Tunnel P1107 Bridge Program Pipeline - Rehabilitation, Repair and Replacement $9,225,823 $5,814,178 $15,040,000 This program uses information provided through the bridge inspection and load rating program to design and construct prioritized bridge rehabilitation, repair, or replacement projects. 
5337 Bridge and Tunnel P1116 Systemwide Culvert Inspection and Load Rating $4,171,205 $5,828,794 $10,000,000 Inventory, inspection, and load rating of the MBTA's approx. 1,300 culverts supporting in-service structures systemwide. The scope of work includes an initial inspection to establish baseline condition, followed by inspection every five years.   
5337 Bridge and Tunnel R0074 Tunnel Inspection Systemwide $6,572,268 $8,318,320 $14,890,589 Ongoing inspection and rating of Red Line, Orange Line, Green Line, and Blue Line tunnels. 
$58,237,593 $249,783,376 $308,020,969


5337 - Revenue Vehicles

5337 Revenue Vehicles P0239 F40 Commuter Rail Locomotive Overhaul $29,967,699 $5,423,881 $35,391,580 Overhaul of 37 F40 Commuter Rail locomotives to improve reliability and reduce risk of unplanned maintenance.
5337 Revenue Vehicles P0370 Green Line Train Protection $0 $62,198,491 $62,198,491 Procurement and installation of on-board and wayside equipment for a train protection and information system on the Green Line to mitigate red signal violations, train-to-train collisions, derailments, and intrusions into work zones.
5337 Revenue Vehicles P0918 Future Rolling Stock $10,100,735 $29,899,265 $40,000,000 Planning funds to support future procurement of 25 electrified or decarbonized Commuter Rail rolling stock to replace the oldest vehicles in the fleet and support rail electrification.
5337 Revenue Vehicles P0927 Rolling Stock - Locomotive and Coach State of Good Repair and Resiliency $0 $6,000,000 $6,000,000 Program to upgrade system reliability, correct deficiencies, standardize procedures, and increase equipment availability for Commuter Rail rolling stock through vehicle procurement, testing, service life enhancement, and overhauls.
5337 Revenue Vehicles P1173 HSP46 Locomotive Overhaul $13,235,993 $104,581,812 $117,817,805 Midlife overhaul of 40 HSP46 Locomotives to improve reliability and reduce risk of unplanned maintenance.
$53,304,427 $208,103,448 $261,407,875


5337 - Signals and Systems

5337 Signals and Systems P0146 SCADA Upgrades $0 $1,600,000 $1,600,000 Upgrades to the Power Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) communication network from leased lines to the Security Wide Area Network (SWAN) to provide high-speed ethernet connection at  24 traction power substations and unit substations.
5337 Signals and Systems P0261 Worcester Line Track and Station Accessibility Improvements $8,630,029 $17,255,714 $25,885,742 New third track and realignment of existing tracks on the Framingham and Worcester Commuter Rail lines between Weston and Framingham. Includes upgrades to Wellesley Farms, Wellesley Hills, Wellesley Square, and West Natick Stations.
5337 Signals and Systems P0283 Green Line Central Tunnel Signal - 25 Cycle $3,840,000 $0 $3,840,000 Replacement of 25Hz track circuits with 100Hz track circuits in the Green Line central tunnel. Includes replacement of track circuit cable, trough, messenger, cases, relays, rectifiers, and signal power equipment.
5337 Signals and Systems P0301 Systemwide Radio $13,027,825 $25,211,102 $38,238,927 Upgrade of the MBTA’s existing two-way radio system used by MBTA Transit Police and operations personnel. This project includes mobile radios for heavy rail, light rail, and bus vehicles.
5337 Signals and Systems P0591 Green Line Central Tunnel Track and Signal Replacement $0 $16,059,747 $16,059,747 Rehabilitation and upgrades to signal and track infrastructure within the Green Line Central Tunnel. Includes central instrumentation houses and signal, track, and power systems at Copley, Park Street, and Government Center.
5337 Signals and Systems P1104 Traction Power Substation Replacement $2,048,049 $7,711,951 $9,760,000 Complete replacement of electrical systems and strucural, mechanical, and plumbing improvements at aging traction power substations (TPSS). This scope also includes a TPSS Design Guide to standardize future improvements.
5337 Signals and Systems P1132 Ashmont Branch Track Replacement $2,926,585 $1,073,414 $4,000,000 Design and construction for partial reconstruction of track and track support systems on the Ashmont Branch of the Red Line.
5337 Signals and Systems P1139 Asset Management Program $0 $17,827,156 $17,827,156 Implementation of the MBTA Asset Management Program in accordance with FTA requirements, including asset inventory and condition assessments, updates to the National Transit Database and the Transit Asset Management Plan, and EAMS implementation.
5337 Signals and Systems P1213 Systemwide SCADA Equipment Upgrade $0 $5,240,000 $5,240,000 Equipment and fiber optic network upgrades to the Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) system that controls critical power infrastructure. Upgrades incl. a new master terminal, programmable logic controllers, and remote terminal units.  
5337 Signals and Systems P1315 Fairmount Line Infrastructure for Decarbonized Service $14,880,000 $33,068,800 $47,948,800 Delivery of infrastructure necessary to operate decarbonized service every 20 minutes on the Fairmount line.
$45,352,488 $125,047,883 $170,400,371


5337 - Stations and Facilities

5337 Stations and Facilities P0066 Elevator Program $1,218,320 $0 $1,218,320 Design and construction funding for elevator improvements on the rapid transit system. Individual elevator projects are separated into unique projects once construction stage is reached.
5337 Stations and Facilities P0076 Oak Grove Station Vertical Transportation Improvements $800,000 $0 $800,000 Accessibility upgrades at Oak Grove station, including three elevators, replacement of one existing elevator, sidewalk repairs, and wayfinding and station-brightening improvements.
5337 Stations and Facilities P0087 Braintree and Quincy Adams Garage Rehabilitation $4,897,128 $0 $4,897,128 Full rehabilitation of the Red Line’s Braintree Station and Quincy Adams Station parking garages to extend the operable service life of each facility by forty years.
5337 Stations and Facilities P0129 Newton Highlands Green Line Station Accessibility Project $7,871,971 $45,874,472 $53,746,443 Accessibility improvements at Newton Highlands Station on the Green Line D Branch, including three ramps covered with canopies, raised platforms, one at-grade pedestrian crossing, site lighting, new platform shelters, and covered bike racks.  
5337 Stations and Facilities P0163 Forest Hills Improvement Project $6,563,799 $19,525,963 $26,089,762 Accessibility and state of good repair improvements at Forest Hills Station. Includes elevator replacement, new elevator/stair tower to connect upper and lower busway, accessibility upgrades, station brightening, wayfinding, and platform repairs. 
5337 Stations and Facilities P0168 Symphony Station Improvements $2,325,070 $21,214,550 $23,539,620 Upgrade Symphony Station to a modern and fully accessible passenger facility. Includes construction of four new elevators, raised platforms, accessible restrooms, installation of egress stairs, and upgraded fire alarm systems.
5337 Stations and Facilities P0174 Natick Center Station Accessibility Project $6,047,998 $0 $6,047,998 Reconstruction and modernization of Natick Center Station, including new fully accessible high-level side platforms,elevators, ramps, stairs, lighting, wayfinding, streetscape, upgraded tracks, and connection to the Cochituate Rail Trail.
5337 Stations and Facilities P0395 Worcester Union Station Accessibility and Infrastructure Improvements $2,841,410 $0 $2,841,410 Includes high-level center platform with elevators, ramps, and stairs; replacement and realignment of station tracks; and construction of a new rail crossover to improve accessibility, operations, and service capacity at Worcester Union Station.
5337 Stations and Facilities P0631b Blue Line Communications Rooms Improvements $7,703,264 $7,630,902 $15,334,166 Rehabilitation of communications rooms along the Blue Line to bring them into a state of good repair and support the implementation of Fare Transformation.
5337 Stations and Facilities P0679 Codman Yard Expansion and Improvements $0 $48,023,156 $48,023,156 Improvements to Codman Yard, including in-kind replacement of existing infrastructure and the expansion of storage capacity to support the new Red Line trains.
5337 Stations and Facilities P0923 E Branch Accessibility & Capacity Improvements $2,837,794 $65,914,866 $68,752,660 Improvements to surface track and stations on the E branch of the Green Line, extending from the Northeastern Station portal to Heath Street Station.
5337 Stations and Facilities P0924 B Branch Accessibility & Capacity Improvements $936,373 $107,054,690 $107,991,063 Track realignments, accessibility improvements, potential consolidation, and station and traction power upgrades along the Green Line B branch between Blandford St. and Warren St. Stations.
5337 Stations and Facilities P1010 Riverside Vehicle Maintenance Facility Modifications & Upgrades $17,447,512 $22,032,492 $39,480,004 Upgrades to existing hoists, pits, and mezzanines at the Riverside Vehicle Maintenance Facility to accommodate the future Type 10 fleet. 
5337 Stations and Facilities P1011 Green Line Extension Vehicle Maintenance Facility Modifications & Upgrades $1,582,058 $288,000 $1,870,058 Design and installation of a new hoist at the Green Line Extension (GLX) Vehicle Maintenance Facility to accommodate the future Type 10 fleet.
5337 Stations and Facilities P1025 Lynn Station Parking Garage Deconstruction $12,000,303 $6,349,933 $18,350,236 Decommissioning of the closed Lynn Station parking garage. 
5337 Stations and Facilities P1101 Lake Street Complex Demolition and Reconfiguration $7,818,263 $15,628,653 $23,446,916 Demolition of the Lake Street facility and reconfiguration into an expanded yard. The site will be designed to maximize train storage, streamline yard operations, and eliminate a sharp curve in anticipation of the larger Type 10 light rail fleet.
5337 Stations and Facilities P1103 Reservoir Yard and Non-Revenue Track Optimization and Reconfiguration $8,937,149 $15,487,719 $24,424,868 Reconfiguration of various track elements at Reservoir, including the lower west yard, East/West Wye, Chestnut Hill Avenue connection, B-branch connection, and non-revenue track around Cleveland Circle.
5337 Stations and Facilities P1144b BET Roof and HVAC Replacement $6,240,000 $0 $6,240,000 Replacement of roofing system, skylights, and rooftop HVAC equipment along with energy efficiency measures including HVAC and lighting upgrades at the Commuter Rail Facility in Somerville.
5337 Stations and Facilities P1171 Billerica MOW Repair and Storage Facility $880,000 $0 $880,000 Funds to design and construct a new, fully accessible Commuter Rail maintenance facility, storage yards, and tracks in Billerica, with eight service bays, wash bay, overhead bridge crane, office space, and employee amenities.
5337 Stations and Facilities R0069 Park Street Station Wayfinding Improvements $1,650,033 $0 $1,650,033 Various improvements to lighting, CCTV placement, wayfinding and illuminated exit signage, Braille signage, floor finishes, benches, and 24 staircases at Park Street. Includes artwork restoration and reopening of Tremont Street's Temple Place stairs.
5337 Stations and Facilities R0071 Lynn Station and Parking Garage Improvements Phase II $0 $2,581,808 $2,581,808 Design funding for new elevators, stairs, platform, canopy, and architectural improvements to the station and the intent to acquire and demolish structures under station's viaduct. Existing parking garage will also be replaced by surface parking.
$100,598,447 $377,607,204 $478,205,651


5339 - Bus Program

5339 Bus Program P1154 CNG Bus Overhaul (New Flyer XN40 - SR 1982) $5,845,455 $759,002 $6,604,458 Planning for the midlife overhaul of 175 40-foot New Flyer CNG buses delivered 2016 to 2017. These buses require overhaul of major systems and components to ensure continued reliable and safe operations and to meet FTA service life requirements.
5339 Bus Program P0911 Hybrid Bus Overhaul (New Flyer XDE40 - SR1983) $12,593,962 $25,035,095 $37,629,057 Midlife overhaul of major systems and components of 156 40ft hybrid buses to ensure reliable and safe operations that meet FTA requirements. Also includes condition assessment activities for 175 40ft CNG buses, and 45 60ft hybrid buses. 
$18,439,418 $25,794,097 $44,233,515

Note: Project descriptions and dollar amounts are preliminary only and are provided for informational purposes. In many cases, the scopes of work and project budgets will become more fully developed as the design process proceeds and is completed. The MBTA may also opt to fund a project from a different FTA funding source based on the timing of projects and the availability of FTA funds.



Capital Investment Grant / Core Capacity Program

FTA 5337 Formula Funds Currently in the TIP (80% Federal Share) - November 2024

CC ID TIP Program CIP # Project Name FFY 2025 FFY 2026-2029 Total (Federal) Core Capacity ID#
5337 Signals and Systems P0591 Green Line Central Tunnel Track and Signal Replacement $0 $16,059,747 $16,059,747 1, 17
5337 Stations and Facilities P1010 Riverside Vehicle Maintenance Facility Modifications & Upgrades $17,447,512 $22,032,492 $39,480,004 2, 18
    P0921 GL Type 10 Dedicated High Speed Test Track (Design) $0 $0 $0 3
    P1102 Overhead Contact System Relocation $0 $0 $0 4
    P1105 Type 10 Operator Simulator Installation (Design) $0 $0 $0 5
    P0920 Green Line VMF Systematic Preliminary Design  $0 $0 $0 N/A
5337 Stations and Facilities P1011 Green Line Extension Vehicle Maintenance Facility Modifications & Upgrades $1,582,058 $288,000 $1,870,058 7
5337 Stations and Facilities P1103 Reservoir Yard and Non-Revenue Track Optimization and Reconfiguration $8,937,149 $15,487,719 $24,424,868 8
5337 Stations and Facilities P1101 Lake Street Complex Demolition and Reconfiguration $7,818,263 $15,628,653 $23,446,916 9
    P1136 Innerbelt GLX Yard Expansion and MOW Building $0 $0 $0 10
5337 Stations and Facilities P0923 E Branch Accessibility & Capacity Improvements $2,837,794 $65,914,866 $68,752,660 11
    P1334 Riverside Yard Optimization (Construction) $0 $0 $0 12
    P0922 GL Traction Power Upgrades for Increased Capacity $0 $0 $0 13
    P1337 GL Type 10 Light Rail Fleet Replacement - Option Cars (58 Cars) $0 $0 $0 14
    P1338 Reservoir VMF Modifications & Upgrades $0 $0 $0 15
5337 Stations and Facilities P0924 B Branch Accessibility & Capacity Improvements $936,373 $107,054,690 $107,991,063 16a, b, c
$39,559,149 $242,466,167 $282,025,316

Note: The "Green Line CIG-Core Capacity (Proposed Funding)" line item represents a preliminary estimate of the MBTA’s future FTA CIG-Core Capacity grant application and is a demonstration of the MBTA’s participation in the discretionary program. If awarded, this grant would support a number of Green Line Projects intended to increase system capacity by no less than 10%. Each Project will be funded by a combination of FTA Core Capacity grant funds, FTA Boston UZA formula funds and MBTA local match. This line item only reflects the proposed Core Capacity funding.   Projects P0591, P1010, P0921, P1102, P1105, P0920, P1011, P1103, P1101, P1136, P0923, P1334, P0922, P1337, P1338, and P0924 are approved in the transit element of the endorsed FFY25-29 Boston Region TIP and the Transit Investment Report of the FFY25-29 Massachusetts STIP. These Projects are elements of the MBTA’s Core Capacity application and are identified in the table above. Through the MBTA CIP, Boston Region TIP, and Massachusetts STIP, MBTA has committed the use of $282,025,316 of Boston UZA 5337 formula funding to support the completion of these projects. Upon award, Projects, budgets, and funding sources will be amended as required. 



RRIF/TIFIA Financing Program

Projects Potentially Funded by Federal RRIF/TIFIA Loans

TIP Program CIP ID# Project Name Loan Amount and Timing - TBD   Project Description
RRIF/TIFIA Financing   P0671a Quincy Bus Facility Modernization Potential RRIF/TIFIA loan - amount and timing to be determined Relocation and replacement of the Quincy Bus Maintenance Facility. The new, modernized facility will expand capacity and includes the infrastructure necessary to support the MBTA's first battery-electric bus (BEB) fleet.
RRIF/TIFIA Financing   P0952 Widett Layover and Maintenance Facility Potential RRIF/TIFIA loan - amount and timing to be determined Preliminary design for a Commuter Rail layover facility at Widett Circle in South Boston.
RRIF/TIFIA Financing   P0170 Newton Commuter Rail Stations Design Potential RRIF/TIFIA loan - amount and timing to be determined Design of a fully accessible Commuter Rail station in Newton with 400' platform and the potential for either a double-sided or center-running high-level platform.
RRIF/TIFIA Financing   P0178 South Attleboro Station Improvements Potential RRIF/TIFIA loan - amount and timing to be determined Design for the construction of a new South Attleboro station, to include 800-ft. high-level platforms, three elevators, platform access ramps, a bus bay, egress to Newport Ave., additional parking, improved vehicular circulation, updated lighting.
RRIF/TIFIA Financing   P0863 South-Side Commuter Rail Maintenance Facility Potential RRIF/TIFIA loan - amount and timing to be determined Assessment and design for a new Commuter Rail maintenance and layover facility at Readville. Includes design for future construction of multiple maintenance bays within Yard 1 and Upper Yard 2. 

Note: The MBTA is exploring the use of federal loans through the Build America Bureau to finance certain capital projects at a lower interest rate than traditional tax-exempt bonds. This includes loans under the Railroad Rehabilitation & Improvement Financing (RRIF) and Transportation Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act (TIFIA) programs. The projects listed above are being considered for this program, subject to the approval of funding through the CIP process. Additional project and funding information will be provided through a future TIP/Amendment if federal grant funds or loans are utilized.