FFYs 2026-30 TIP Universe Snapshot

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Table 1: FFYs 2026-30 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) Universe of Projects - FFY 2026-2030 Universe

Projects grouped by MAPC subregion and by MPO Investment Program

This table contains unprogrammed projects in the Boston region that may be considered for evaluation in the FFYs 2026-30 TIP cycle. Not all projects listed in this table will be evaluated for funding in the FFYs 2026-30 TIP, as projects must be PRC approved and submit sufficient project documentation prior to scoring. The MPO has also established a policy to prioritize projects that have reached the 25% design submission stage for funding. This list is subject to change as more project information is received.

Virtual Universe Link



  Evaluated for FFYs 2025-29 TIP
  New project in TIP universe for FFYs 2026-30 TIP
  In FFYs 2025-29 universe, not evaluated


Municipality Project Proponent Project Name Project Number Design Status (as of 9/6/24) Year Added to Universe Cost Estimate Highway District Notes
Inner Core                
Complete Streets                
Boston Boston Reconstruction of Albany Street S13016 Preliminary Design 2021 N/A 6  
Boston MassDOT Reconstruction on Gallivan Boulevard (Route 203), from Neponset Circle to East of Morton Street Intersection S13015 PRC approved (2012)  2018 Outdated (Formerly $11,500,000) 6 Resulted from FFY 2012 Addressing Priority Corridors MPO Study.  Entirety of Gallivan.  A portion of this corridor is included in project 610650 for Safety Improvements, and is funded in FFY 2027 of the Statewide Highway Program.
Boston MassDOT Improvements on Morton Street (Route 203), from West of Gallivan Boulevard to Shea Circle  606897 (Former) PRC approved (2012)   2018 Outdated (Formerly $11,500,000) 6 Resulted from FFY 2012 Addressing Priority Corridors MPO Study.  Entirety of Morton from Gallivan to Arborway. Nearer term safety improvements proposed in 2027.
Boston Boston Roadway Improvements along Commonwealth Avenue (Route 30), from Alcorn Street to Warren/Kelton Streets (Phase 3 and Phase 4) 608449 25% submitted
2017 or earlier $31,036,006 6 Last scored for FFYs 2020-24 TIP.
Boston MassDOT Intersection and Signal Improvements at VFW Parkway and Spring Street 613282 PRC Approved (6/1/2023) 2022 $5,357,253 6 Project had previously submitted a 25% design with revisions to account for some comments by City of Boston in 2022. Project was re-initiated in April 2023.
Brookline Brookline Boylston Street (High Street to Brington Road) Complete Streets Improvements S13019 Preliminary Design 2022 $3,500,000 6 Pedestrian crossings, bike lanes, street trees. Design through Toole with some facilitation from MassDOT.  Three options were pushed through and endorsed by the Select Board. Town met with District 6 to run through this.  Should be in PRC soon.
Brookline Brookline Brookline- Pedestrian Bridge Replacement, B-27-017, Davis Path over MBTA 613683 PRC Approved (5/31/2024) 2022 $12,898,928 6 Town considering discretionary grant funding. Potential for bundling with Boylston Street work above.
Chelsea Chelsea Chelsea- Intersection Improvements at Everett Avenue and 3rd Street 613259 PRC Approved (6/1/2023) 2020 $2,078,680 6  
Chelsea Chelsea Hawthorne Street Redesign (Park Street to Bellingham Street) S13020 Preliminary Design 2023 N/A 6 Seeking funding for project design.
Chelsea Chelsea Reconstruction of Marginal Street S13021 Preliminary Design 2019 N/A 6 Potential PROTECT grant candidate based on discussion between MPO staff and City in 2024. Recent issues with sidewalks collapsing due to erosion.
Chelsea, Everett Everett Reconstruction of Vine and Third Street, from Chelsea Street to MBTA Station 613585 PRC Approved (10/12/2023) 2023 $5,654,870.15 4 Silver Line connection for pedestrian and bike.  Includes sidewalk extension and ADA ramp reconstruction.  Pavement reconstruction as well.
Potential candidate for FFY 2026–30 TIP.
Dedham Dedham Pedestrian Improvements on Elm Street 613685 PRC Approved (05/31/2024) 2024 $1,534,800 6  
Lynn, Salem MassDOT Reconstruction of Route 107 (Route 129A to Boston Street) 608927 PRC approved (2017) 2020 $38,155,000 4 Northern follow-up to Project 609246, which is currently programmed on the TIP for FFYs 2025–29.
Malden Malden Broadway Reconstruction: Everett to Melrose City Line 613244 PRC Approved (6/29/2023) 2022 $21,201,688 4  
Malden  Malden Commercial Street Reconstruction (Centre Street to Medford City Line) S13023 Preliminary Design 2024 $7,250,000 4 Evaluated for design funding for FFYs 2025–29 TIP. Continuation of concept that Medford recently completed on Rivers Edge Drive.
Malden Malden Improvements on Route 60 (Phase 1) [Lynn Street to Broadway] 613816 PRC Approved (10/2/2024) 2024 $5,393,158 4 Formerly part of S13024
Malden Malden Improvements on Route 60 (Phase 2) [Broadway to Franklin Street] 613817 PRC Approved (10/2/2024) 2024 $5,373,715 4 Formerly part of S13024
Malden Malden Improvements on Route 60 (Phase 3) [Franklin to Pearl Street] 613818 PRC Approved (10/2/2024) 2024 $8,176,241 4 Formerly part of S13024
Melrose Melrose Reconstruction of Lebanon Street, from Lynde Street to Malden City Line 612534 PRC approved (2/10/2022) 2020 $3,742,432 4  
Newton Newton Reconstruction of Washington Street, from Church Street to Chestnut Street S13025 Preliminary Design 2020 N/A 6  
Revere Revere Reconstruction of Ocean Avenue, Revere Street, and Revere Beach Boulevard S13026 Preliminary Design 2020 N/A 4 Project at conceptual stage with schematics, needs full design - investigating roundabout.  Key East/West connection.  
Winthrop Winthrop Reconstruction and Improvements on Route 145 (Pleasant and Main Street Project) 609446 PRC approved (2019) 2019 $7,565,512 6  
Winthrop Winthrop Reconstruction on Main Street, from Winthrop Street to the Boston City Line 613712 PRC Approved (05/31/2024) 2024 $11,902,600 6  
Intersection Improvements                
Boston, Brookline Boston, Brookline Mountfort Street and Commonwealth Avenue Connection 608956 PRC approved (2017) 2018 $916,883 6 Interim improvement completed in the area more recently, but longer term improvement still sought by Boston.
Chelsea Chelsea Intersection Improvements at Everett Avenue and 3rd Street 613259 PRC Approved (7/6/2023) 2023 $2,078,681 6 Added via PRC notification email.  25% design expected within 2024, may apply for funding through FFYs 2026–30 TIP.
Lynn, Saugus Lynn Intersection Safety Improvements at Boston Street at Hesper and Hamilton Streets S13046 Preliminary Design 2023 $3,000,000 4 Based on 3/3/2023 meeting with Lynn.  
Quincy MassDOT Intersection Improvements at Route 3A (Southern Artery) and Broad Street 608569 PRC approved (2016) 2020 $2,900,000 6 Priority for District 6.
Quincy Quincy Merrymount Parkway Phase II S13028 Preliminary Design 2022 N/A 6 Intersection improvement at Merrymount Parkway and Furnace Brook Parkway.  Parks Department is leading the work.  Will include bridge replacement.
Bicycle and Pedestrian                
Arlington Arlington Mystic River Path Connection to the Minuteman Bikeway 613593 PRC Approved (10/12/2023) 2023 $10,688,515 4 Design includes a $1,000,000 congressional earmark
Belmont Belmont Belmont Community Path Phase 2 S13029 Preliminary Design 2023 TBD 4 Consultant from Toole Design reached out 3/16/2023 to discuss initiation and funding through MassDOT
Boston Boston Fenway Multi-Use Path Phase III S13030 Preliminary Design 2021 N/A 6 Project at conceptual stage. Final phase of the path contingent on 24-hour accessibility in order to fund project with federal dollars via the TIP.
Brookline Brookline Beacon Street Bridle Pathway S13031 Preliminary Design 2022 N/A 6 Project in conceptual design through Toole, receipt of a MassTrails grant in 2020 for feasibility study.  Limits would be Audubon Circle to Cleveland Circle, may require phased approach.
Everett, Somerville DCR Mystic River Bicycle and Pedestrian Crossing 612004 75% Package Received (2/6/2023) 2021 $38,218,334 4  
Medford Medford MacDonald Park Pedestrian Bridge S13032 Preliminary Design 2022 $800,000 4 In DCR park, City is requesting expansion of bridge to 10-12 feet in width to coordinate with shared use pathway.
Newton Newton Bridge Replacement on Christina Street 613594 PRC Approved (10/12/2023) 2023 $4,785,788 6 May appear in FFYs 2026-30 TIP.
Major Infrastructure                
Boston, Chelsea Boston Bridge Rehabilitation and Fender Pier Replacement, Meridian Street Over Chelsea Creek (Andrew P. McArdle Bridge) 612601 PRC Approved (2/10/2022) 2021 $97,538,787 6  
Cambridge DCR Intersection Improvements at Fresh Pond Parkway/Gerry's Landing Road, from Brattle Street to Memorial Drive 609290 PRC approved (2018) 2019 $7,000,000 6 Short-term improvements being initiated. 
Newton MassDOT Traffic Signal and Safety Improvements at Interchange 127 (Newton Corner) 609288 PRC approved (2018) 2019 $14,000,000 6  
Lynn Lynn Lynnway Multimodal Corridor S13090 N/A 2024 $25,300,000 4 MBTA Project Number P1332. Design and construction for center-running bus lanes, separated bike lanes, enhanced bus stops, and sidewalk improvements.
Medford Medford Roosevelt Circle Interchange Reconfiguration S13033 Preliminary Design 2022 TBD 4 As discussed on 11/4/2022 with the City of Medford, the City is looking to reconfigure the ramps and adjacent local roadways to improve traffic safety following the results of a RSA along this corridor.  Includes improvements for bicycle, pedestrian, and transit access. 
Revere Revere Route 1A Improvement and Reconfiguration S13034 Preliminary Design 2022 $12,000,000 4 Project is in conceptual design stage.  The priority is to reconfigure the loop ramps at the General Edwards Bridge to facilitate redevelopment of the area, for which there are already parcel developments planned.  The reconfiguration will entail construction of a new roundabout and improved pedestrian crossings to improve access to the riverfront and Point of Pines area along Revere.  Per the City, this reconfiguration is intended to work with the Lynnway Multimodal Corridor improvements, but will also not impact construction for the General Edwards Bridge replacement.
Community Connections                
Belmont Belmont Belmont BlueBikes Expansion S13035 N/A 2022 $250,000 4 Belmont is currently evaluating potential revenue streams to cover operational costs and match prior to submitting an application for this project.  
Lynn Lynn Transit Signal Priority - Bus Upgrades for Lynn Route 107 S13036 N/A 2022 TBD 4  
Waltham Waltham Waltham BlueBikes/Bikeshare Expansion S13037 N/A 2022 TBD 4  
Minuteman Advisory Group on Interlocal Coordination            
Complete Streets                
Acton Acton Reconstruction of Route 2A/119 (Great Road), from Davis Road to Harris Street 613872 PRC-Approved (10/02/2024) 2023 $12,847,235 3 Seeking pathway for design funding. Was S13038 before.
Acton-Maynard Acton-Maynard Route 62 Complete Streets Design (Knox Trail to Waltham Street) S13039 Preliminary Design 2023 TBD 3 Joint application for design funding may emerge, majority of pavement is in Maynard.  
Bedford Bedford Roadway Reconstruction of Route 4/225 (The Great Road) 612739 PRC approved (5/12/2022) 2022 $10,899,448 4 North Road to match line near Loomis Street.  SRTS project completed in the area under 608000.
Bolton Bolton Reconstruction of Route 117 (Main Street) from 200 feet West of John Powers Lane to the Intersection of Mechanic Street 613885 PRC approved (10/2/2024) 2024 $7,490,000 3 Met with town in November 2023 to discuss, culvert is primary concern.
Intersection Improvements                
Acton Acton Intersection Improvements at Hayward Road and Route 27 S13041 Preliminary Design 2023 $2,000,000 3 Per discussion on 11/9/2023.  Town has had significant design progress internally, still working to move forward with it.
Littleton Littleton Intersection Improvements at Route 119/Beaver Brook Road 610702 PRC approved (4/30/2020) 2020 $3,120,110 3 MassDOT agreed to fund design after 25% design approved. As of October 2022, the project remains in preliminary design.
Bicycle and Pedestrian                
Bedford Bedford Minuteman Bikeway Extension, from Loomis Street to Concord Road (Route 62) 607738 100% Package Received 01/18/2022 2022 $11,218,186 4 Local concerns about permitting.  Previously programmed in FFYs 2023-27, dropped due to public opposition.  Failed to achieve 2/3rds majority in town meeting on 11/14/2022.
Concord Concord Assabet River Multi-Use Trail and Bridge Construction 612870 PRC approved (8/29/2022) 2020 $8,280,000 4 Project was originally a new Pedestrian Bridge with a $2-3.6M price range.  Scope has increased to include improvements for a multi-use trail alongside the bridge.  Cost has increased accordingly, and is now in preliminary design. Municipality applied for Reconnecting Communities Funding for work.

Project location runs between the West Concord MBTA Station and the Concord Meadows Corporate Center with a hookup to the Southern Terminus of the Bruce Freeman.
Hudson Hudson Mass Central Rail Trail Extension S13048 Preliminary Design 2023 $9,000,000 3 Sought funding for FFY 2025 Project Design Pilot.
Stow Stow Assabet River Rail Trail Construction 613096 Scope to DE (6/16/2023) 2022 $2,232,173 3 Project Info # is being reserved for this project's construction.  Recent earmark recipient for design under FFY22 House THUD bill (Rep. Lori Trahan).  Design line item added to FFYs 2023-27 in AM2 and is retaining a project ID # S12749.  
Major Infrastructure                
Acton MassDOT Intersection Improvements at Route 2 and Route 27 Ramps 610553 25% design 05/22/2024 2020 $6,689,946 3 Project not programmed in LRTP (meets MPO roadway classification requirement). Priority for District 3 and Town of Acton.

Project has had surveying and MSA design contracts opened for it.  MassDOT appears to be tracking as a Traffic Safety improvement.
Lexington Lexington Route 4/225 (Bedford Street) and Hartwell Avenue 613144 PRC approved (12/20/2022) 2019 $30,557,000 4 In 2022, the project received PRC approval for a design-only contract.  The project may seek funding through the TIP.  The project has expanded to be an interchange reconstruction, and the Hartwell Avenue component may emerge separately.  The estimated construction cost for this project is likely to increase.

Preliminary design funding for this project is programmed in FFY 2026.
Lexington Lexington Roadway Reconstruction on Hartwell Avenue and Bedford Street 613695 PRC approved (5/31/2024) 2024 $32,255,718 4 Subset of larger LRTP project above.
Community Connections                
Concord Concord Concord Workforce Shuttle S13043 N/A 2022 $369,911 4 Application in FFYs 2024-28 TIP.
Lexington Lexington Lexington Bikeshare Pilot Program S13044 N/A 2023 N/A 4 Current constraint is distance from existing Bluebikes network and operating costs.
MetroWest Regional Collaborative              
Complete Streets                
Wellesley Wellesley Route 135 Reconstruction (Natick Town Line to Weston Road) S13047 To be initiated 2022 TBD 6  
Holliston Holliston Reconstruction of Concord Street (Route 126) S13049 Pre-PRC 2021 N/A 3 Added through subregional outreach. Project is municipal priority, as it's tied to necessary below-grade sewer work.

10/12/22: MaPIT is showing that a project was initiated back on 7/14/2020 for this stretch for resurfacing and related work, assuming $600K in total cost (likely lowball).  
Intersection Improvements                
Ashland Ashland Intersection Improvements at Fountain and Union Street S13050 To be initiated 2024 TBD 3 First discussed on 5/28/24 during discussion with Evan White in Ashland DPW.
Framingham MassDOT Roundabout Construction at Salem End Road, Badger Road and Gates Street 609280 PRC approved (12/06/2018) 2019 $2,520,000 3  
Weston Weston Intersection Improvements - Signalization of Route 20 at Highland Street S13051 Pre-PRC 2021 N/A 6 Added through subregional outreach.
Weston Weston Intersection Improvements at Route 20 and Highland Street 613878 PRC-Approved (10/2/2024) 2024   3 HSIP Location. Investigating geometry changes and potential alternatives to current signalization. 
Bicycle and Pedestrian                
Weston MassDOT Shared Use Path Construction on Route 30 612602 PRC Approved (2/10/2022) 2022 $1,050,000 6 Meant to connect into Project 608954.  District 6 priority to ensure that the shared-use-path there ties in to the rest of the bicycle network and concludes at a logical terminus.
Major Infrastructure                
Framingham Framingham Intersection Improvements at Route 126/135/MBTA and CSX Railroad 606109 PRC approved (2010) 2019 $115,000,000 3 Subject of an FFY 2023 RCN design grant submission.  Included in Destination 2050 LRTP.
Funded in FFY 2026 for Design. To be scored in FFYs 2026-30 TIP.
North Suburban Planning Council              
Complete Streets                
Lynnfield Lynnfield Reconstruction of Summer Street 609381 PRC approved (2019) 2019 $21,521,921 4 Bayside Engineering handling design, Norman Brown is PM on consultant side.  Culvert and turtle crossings.  Town may consider descoping and phasing the project due to cost, per 12/20/2022 conversation with PM.
Reading Reading Reading Downtown Improvement Project S13053 Preliminary Design 2020 $8,000,000 4 Project at conceptual stage.
Stoneham Stoneham Reconstruction of South Main Street, from Town Center to South Street S13054 Preliminary Design 2021 N/A 4  
Winchester Winchester Town Center Complete Streets Improvements S13055 Preliminary Design 2021 N/A 4  
Intersection Improvements                
Burlington Burlington Route 3A / Cambridge Street and Winn Street Intersection Improvements 613641 PRC Approved (12/19/2023) 2023 $9,557,295 4 Evaluated for Project Design funding in FFY 2025.
Stoneham Stoneham Intersection Improvements at Main Street (Route 28), Franklin Street, and Central Street S13056 Preliminary Design 2020 N/A 4 Project at conceptual stage.
Wilmington Wilmington Intersection Improvements at Main Street (Route 38) at Richmond Street (Route 129) 613600 PRC Approved (10/19/2023) 2023 $7,190,375 4 NTP issued: 05/01/2024
Bicycle and Pedestrian                
Stoneham, Wakefield Stoneham, Wakefield Mystic Highlands Greenway Project S13057 Preliminary Design 2021 N/A 4  
Community Connections                
North Reading North Reading North Reading Human Services Transportation S13058 Preliminary Design 2022 $213,000 4 Significant paratransit consideration.  
North Shore Task Force              
Complete Streets                
Beverly, Manchester-by-the-Sea MassDOT Resurfacing and Related Work on Route 127 607707 PRC approved (2013) 2018 $2,300,000 4 Still in preliminary design.  
Danvers Danvers Reconstruction on Collins Street, from Sylvan Street to Centre and Holten Streets 602310 75% submitted (3/5/2010) 2017 or earlier $5,183,121 4 Updated 75% design submission needed for project to move forward. Last scored for FFYs 2020-24 TIP.
Ipswich Ipswich Reconstruction of County Road, from South Main Street to East Street 611975 PRC approved (01/28/2021) 2020 $5,653,500 4 Ipswich DPW noted that a bridge within the project limits has had a lane closed by MassDOT.  Structure IDs are I01005, main concern is Ipswich - 2PN which is an 1861-built historic stone arch mill bridge.  Currently functioning as a one-way. 

Town had approached as a traffic safety project with the bridge as a focal point.  Pier degradation and cracking.  Structure is under evaluation for a statewide bridge preservation contract.
Marblehead Marblehead Bridge Replacement, M-04-001, Village Street over Marblehead Rail Trail (Harold B. Breare Bridge) 612947 PRC approved (9/15/2022) 2019 $4,453,950 4  
Manchester-by-the-Sea Manchester-by-the-Sea Pine Street - Central Street (Route 127) to Rockwood Heights Road S13059 Preliminary Design 2017 or earlier N/A 4  
Rockport Rockport Roadway Reconstruction of Route 127A (Thatcher Road) 612737 PRC Approved (1/23/2023) 2023 $12,058,173 4  
Salem MassDOT Reconstruction of Bridge Street (Route 107), from Flint Street to Washington Street 612990 25% Design (09/18/2024) 2017 or earlier $12,067,500 4 Project is not programmed in Destination 2040. It is on a regionally significant roadway and would add roadway capacity. If it is programmed in the TIP, it will need to be programmed in Destination 2050.
Salem Salem Topsfield- Bridge Replacement, T-06-016, on Salem Road over the Ipswich River 613592 PRC Approved (10/12/2023) 2023 $5,593,494 4 Bridge replacement project only
Salem Salem Broad Street and Dalton Parkway Corridor Design Project S13129 Preliminary Design 2024 $2,500,000 4 Seeking design funding.
Wenham Wenham Safety Improvements on Route 1A 609388 75% approved 02/08/2024 2019 $5,328,763 4  Working with Bayside Engineering as design consultant. MassDOT may fund this for construction in full, and Wenham is paying for design.  Drainage for abutters is holding this up.
Wenham Wenham Roadway Reconstruction on Larch Row and Dodges Row S13060 Preliminary Design 2019 $800,000 4 Project at conceptual stage.
Intersection Improvements                
Essex Essex Targeted Safety Improvements on Route 133 (John Wise Avenue) 609315 PRC approved (2019) 2019 $2,135,440 4  
Swampscott Swampscott Humphrey Street at Atlantic Avenue  S13062 Preliminary Design 2023 $4,000,000 4 Project conceptual, design candidate.  Possible roundabout.
Bicycle and Pedestrian                
Peabody, Salem Peabody, Salem Riverwalk Project S13063 Preliminary Design 2021 N/A 4 MVP grant issued for project design. Includes elements of the Harmony Grove Path and the Independence Greenway to the west.  Gap remains between Mt Vernon Street and Endicott Street. 
Marblehead Marblehead B2B Bikeway  - Marblehead Rail Trail S13064 Preliminary Design 2022 $140,000 4 Design earmark currently programmed, construction will follow.
Peabody, Salem Peabody, Salem Harmony Grove Multi-Use Path 613258 PRC Approved (6/1/2023) 2022 $1,021,556 4 Design funding is a separate line item in the TIP.  This project is the Border to Boston Trail section for Salem and Peabody.
Major Infrastructure                
Beverly Beverly Interchange Reconstruction at Route 128/Exit 19 at Brimbal Avenue (Phase II) 607727 PRC Approved (2014) 2021 $23,000,000 4 Project is not programmed in Destination 2040. Is on a regionally-significant roadway, and would expand the interchange. If this project is programmed in the TIP and adds roadway capacity, this project will need to be included in Destination 2050.
South Shore Coalition                
Complete Streets                
Braintree Braintree Reconstruction of Allen Street (MA285) 613727 PRC Approved (05/31/2024) 2024 $3,150,000 6 Funded with a 2023 earmark for $3,150,000
Holbrook Holbrook Corridor Improvements on North and South Franklin Streets (Route 37), Franklin Terrace Royal Avenue 613117 PRC approved (12/20/2022) 2023 $16,049,369 5  
Hull Hull Nantasket Avenue Redesign S13089 Preliminary Design 2023 $8,000,000 5 Includes redevelopment of existing gravel squares in front of Nantasket Beach for additional facilities/recreational zones/open space. 
Rockland Rockland Corridor Improvements on VFW Drive/Weymouth Street 612605 PRC approved (2/10/2022) 2021 $13,047,281 5 PNF entered in Jan 2022
Weymouth MassDOT Reconstruction on Route 3A, Including Pedestrian and Traffic Signal Improvements 608231 PRC approved (2016) 2017 or earlier $10,780,100 6 Pre-25% package submitted in July 2021. Not recorded in PINFO.
Intersection Improvements              
Cohasset Cohasset Intersection Improvements at Route 3A and King Street S13068 Preliminary Design 2021 N/A 5 Added through subregional outreach.
Hull Hull Intersection Improvements at George Washington Boulevard and Barnstable Road/ Logan Avenue S13069 Preliminary Design 2021 N/A 5 Added through subregional outreach.
South West Advisory Planning Committee              
Complete Streets                
Bellingham Bellingham South Main Street (Route 126) - Elm Street to Douglas Drive Reconstruction S13070 Preliminary Design; PNF submitted (3/13/17) 2017 or earlier N/A 3 Project would dovetail ongoing project 608887, rehab on Route 126 from Douglas Drive to Route 140.  
Hopkinton Hopkinton West Main Street Reconstruction and Shared Use Path S13071 Preliminary Design 2022 $15,000,000 3 Priority is a shared use path under I-495 along West Main Street EB to link into existing trail networks and SUP in downtown area and commercial campuses west of I-495.  Includes a large roundabout at Lumber Street/Parkwood Drive and West Main Street due to frequent crashes.

Some of the initial vision for this project may be altered based on revisions to the scope of work for Project 606043- Hopkinton- Signal and Intersections Improvements on Route 135.
Medway Medway Improvements on Route 109 West of Highland Street (Highland Street to Bellingham Line)  S13072 Preliminary Design 2021 N/A 3 Project at conceptual stage.  Project #605657 recently completed near Highland Street.
Millis Millis Town Center Improvements S13073 Preliminary Design 2020 N/A 3 Project at conceptual stage.
Sherborn Sherborn Improvements on Route 27 and Route 16, Sherborn Town Center Improvements (Village Way to Coolidge Street)  S13074 Preliminary Design 2023 $9,500,000 3 Funded through the FFY 2025 Project Design Pilot.
Wrentham Wrentham Resurfacing and Related Work on Route 1 608497 PRC approved (2016) 2020 N/A 5  
Wrentham Wrentham Route 140 and Eagle Dam S13075 Preliminary Design 2023 N/A   MVP Project.  Dam removal upstream of the bridge and culvert on Route 40.  Seeking feedback from MassDOT. Strong Resilience Project candidate.
Wrentham Wrentham Wrentham Center Improvements S13076 Preliminary Design 2023 N/A 5 Formerly under Intersection Improvements, the scope of this project is growing given a 300 unit development near to the proposed work area.
Intersection Improvements              
Medway Medway Traffic Signalization at Trotter Drive and Route 109 S13077 Preliminary Design 2021 N/A 3 Project at conceptual stage.
Sherborn Sherborn Intersection Improvements at Route 16 and Maple Street S13078 Preliminary Design 2021 N/A 3 Project at conceptual stage.
Wrentham Wrentham Intersection Improvements on Route 1A at North and Winter Street 610676 25% Package Received (08/23/2024) 2020 $2,649,000 5 RSA done in 2022
Wrentham Wrentham Intersection Improvements at Randall Road and Route 1A S13079 Preliminary Design 2020 $2,649,000 5 Project at conceptual stage.
Wrentham Wrentham Intersection Improvements at Route 1A Green St and High Street S13080 Preliminary Design 2023 TBD 5  
Wrentham Wrentham Intersection Improvements at Route 1 and Hawes Street S13081 Preliminary Design 2023 TBD 5  
Wrentham Wrentham Intersection Improvements at Route 1A and Route 121 S13082 Preliminary Design 2023 TBD 5 Closer to the I-495 1A Ramps project, south side of town.  Recent RSA conducted.
Bicycle and Pedestrian                
Bellingham-Franklin Bellingham-Franklin Southern New England Trunkline Trail Construction 608948 25% Package Received (5/12/2020) 2021 $1,714,186 3 Project may be completed by DCR.
Hopkinton Hopkinton Campus Trail Connector, Shared Use Trail Construction 611932 PRC approved (9/24/2020) 2020 $1,750,700 3  
Norfolk, Walpole, and Wrentham Norfolk Metacomet Greenway S13083 Preliminary Design 2021 N/A 5 Project at conceptual stage.  Feasibility analysis complete.  Pilot development will start with Hill to Pine Street through old rail bed ROW.  Includes bridge over Route 115 due to traffic concerns.

Project evaluated and selected for FFY 2025 Project Design Pilot.
Sherborn Sherborn Upper Charles River Trail Extension to Framingham City Line S13084 Preliminary Design 2021 N/A 3 Project at conceptual stage.
Major Infrastructure                
Bellingham MassDOT Ramp Construction and Relocation, I-495 at Route 126 (Hartford Avenue) 604862 PRC approved (2006) 2017 or earlier $13,543,400 3 High priority for District 3
Three Rivers Interlocal Council              
Complete Streets                
Canton Canton Lower Randolph Reconstruction (Route 138, Turnpike Avenue to Colts Crossing) S13085 Preliminary Design 2023 TBD 6 Emerged in discussions following application of Randolph and York Street Signal Installation for FFYs 2024-28 STIP.  Sidewalk installation, bike lanes, crosswalks, roadway rehabilitation, signal improvements at the Route 138 and, potentially, York Street intersection.  Crosswalks near Ponkapoag Pond trailhead.
Canton MassDOT Canton- Roadway Reconstruction and Related Work on Route 138 612614 PRC Approved (2/10/2022) 2023 $24,687,600 6 This project reconstructs Route 138 from Randolph Street to the Stoughton Town Line.  It includes sidewalks and bicycle accommodations.
Medfield Medfield Reconstruction of Route 109 (Millis town line to Hartford Street) S13086 Preliminary Design 2021 N/A 3 Beta is design consultant.
Milton MassDOT Reconstruction on Granite Avenue, from Neponset River to Squantum Street 608406 25% submitted (2/10/2017) 2017 or earlier $3,665,146 6 Milton also in ICC subregion. 
Milton Milton Adams Street Improvements, from Randolph Avenue to Eliot Street 610820 PRC approved (4/30/2020) 2020 $1,799,330 6 Milton also in ICC subregion.  Preliminary design.
Needham Needham Reconstruction of Highland Avenue, from Webster Street to Great Plains Avenue 612536 PRC approved (10/21/2021) 2021 $10,402,402 6 Strong likelihood of FFYs 2026-30 TIP submission.
Dover, Needham Dover, Needham Centre Street Bridge Replacement 612978 PRC Approved (9/15/2022) 2022 $12,953,780 6 Historic-eligible, needs replacement as it is 1850's era.  Dover awarded an earmark to design.
Westwood Westwood Reconstruction of Canton Street (East Street Rotary and University Avenue) 608158 25% Design Public Hearing (09/28/2023) 2017 or earlier $20,406,113 6 Priority for municipality.  MassDOT expresses concerns regarding project readiness due to scope fluctuations.  PINFO includes bridge rehab work.

Application submitted for FFYs 2024-28.  
Intersection Improvements                
Canton Canton Signal Installation at Randolph Street and York Street S13087 Preliminary Design 2022 $500,000 6 Application submitted for FFYs 2024-28 TIP.  Municipality requested $50,000 against a total estimate of $500,000.  Significant funding in local mitigation fund for match.
Foxborough Foxborough Intersection Signalization at Route 140/Walnut Street and Route 140/I-95 (SB Ramp) 612740 PRC Approved (5/12/2022) 2021 $11,902,600 5 Added through subregional outreach. Town has advanced design outside of TIP process. District supports project.  Budget has increased from original $5M estimate in 2021.
Medfield Medfield Intersection Improvements at Route 27 and West Street 612807 PRC Approved (5/12/2022) 2021 $3,987,500 3 Added through subregional outreach. 
Randolph Randolph Intersection Improvements at Route 28, Route 139, and North Street 613704 PRC Approved (05/31/2024) 2024 $6,183,000 6  
Bicycle and Pedestrian                
Canton Canton Warner Trail Extension, from Sharon to Blue Hills Reservation S13088 Preliminary Design 2021 N/A 6 Added through subregional outreach. Feasibility study currently underway.
Major Infrastructure                
Canton, Westwood MassDOT Interchange Improvements at I-95 / I-93 / University Avenue / I-95 Widening 87790 25% submitted (7/25/2014) 2017 or earlier $202,205,994 6

Project not programmed in Destination 2040. It is on a regionally-significant roadway and adds roadway capacity. If programmed in the TIP, this project would also need to be included in Destination 2050.
Last scored for FFYs 2020-24 TIP. 

Metropolitan Area Planning Council (MAPC) subregions: ICC = Inner Core Committee. MAGIC = Minuteman Advisory Group on Interlocal Coordination. MWRC = MetroWest Regional Collaborative. NSPC = North Suburban Planning Council. NSTF = North Shore Task Force. SSC = South Shore Coalition. SWAP = SouthWest Advisory Planning Committee. TRIC = Three Rivers Interlocal Council.

Abbreviations: DCR = Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation. FFY = federal fiscal year. MassDOT = Massachusetts Department of Transportation. MBTA = Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority. MPO = metropolitan planning organization. N/A = not applicable. NTP = notice to proceed. PNF = Project Need Form. PRC = MassDOT's Project Review Committee. RSA = Road Safety Audit. SB = southbound. TBD = to be determined.



Table 2: Programmed Regional Target Projects in the FFYs 2025-29 TIP

Projects grouped by MAPC subregion and by MPO Investment Program

This table contains projects that were funded using MPO Regional Target funds in the FFYs 2025-29 TIP. This is the active TIP as of 10/1/2024.


Municipality Project Proponent Project Name PROJIS MPO Evaluation Score Programmed Year Design Status (10/6/22) Programmed Cost (in FFYs 2023-27 TIP) Highway District Notes
Inner Core
Complete Streets                  
Everett Everett Rehabilitation of Beacham Street, from Route 99 to Chelsea City Line 609257 54 2027 25% comments (May 2024) $10,545,024 4  
Boston Boston Boston- Bridge Preservation B-16-066 (38D), Cambridge Street over MBTA 612989 53.1 2027 Scope to DE (04/05/2023) $15,400,000 6  
Brookline Brookline Rehabilitation of Washington Street 610932 62.4 2027-28 PRC approved (09/24/2020) $25,888,631 6  
Chelsea Chelsea Park Street and Pearl Street Reconstruction 611983 69.9 2027 PRC approved (01/28/2021) $12,123,769 6  
Lynn Lynn Reconstruction of Western Avenue (Route 107) 609246 74.9 2028-30 PRC approved (12/06/2018) $15,000,000 4 Project programmed in Destination 2040 (FFYs 2025–29).
Lynn Lynn Rehabilitation of Essex Streeet 609252 66 2026; 2027 PRC approved (12/06/2018) $19,698,640 4  
Intersection Improvements                  
Quincy Quincy Intersection Improvements at Willard Street and Ricciuti Drive 610823 41.1 2026 75% package resubmission received (06/12/2024) $1,812,839 6  
Chelsea MassDOT Targeted Safety Improvements and Related Work on Broadway, from Williams Street to City Hall Avenue 609532 83 2026 75% package comments to Development Engineer (04/01/2024) $9,807,515 6  
Bicycle and Pedestrian                  
Belmont Belmont Community Path, Belmont Component of the MCRT (Phase 1) 609204 64.6 2026 25% submitted (11/3/2021) $21,034,382 4  
Malden Malden Spot Pond Brook Greenway 613088 73 2027 PRC approved (12/20/2022) $4,337,613 4  
Arlington MassDOT Stratton School Improvements (SRTS) 609531 n/a 2025 100% design (April 2024) $2,133,673 4  
Medford MassDOT Shared Use Path Connection at the Route 28/Wellington Underpass 611982 n/a 2026 100% design (10/31/2024) $6,061,917.11 4  
Boston Boston Improvements on Boylston Street 606453 60 2026 25% resubmitted (January 2022) $8,665,052.00 6  
Major Infrastructure                  
Boston Boston Reconstruction of Rutherford Avenue 606226 59 2027-2028 25% resubmitted (May 2021) $197,759,449 6 Project is programmed in FFYs 2027 and 2028, and is expected to be funded through FFY 2032.
Lynn Lynn Reconstruction of Western Avenue (Route 107) 609246 74.9 2027 PRC approved (2018) $45,897,600 4 A second phase may be initiated as a separate project.  This project may be programmed through FFY 2029.  
Somerville Somerville McGrath Boulevard Construction 607981 72.2 2027-30 25% design (10/21/2024) $98,840,000 4 Design remains underway.  Public hearing may be scheduled in Winter 2023-24.  The MPO may program funding for this project through or beyond FFY 2030.
Community Connections                  
Watertown Watertown Pleasant Street Shuttle Service Expansion S12697 78 2023-2025 N/A $1,002,198 6  
Transit Transformation Program                  
Boston MBTA Columbus Avenue Bus Lanes Phase 2 (Jackson Square to Ruggles) S12822 N/A 2021, 2023-2025 TBD $26,550,000 6 Design work underway between City of Boston and MBTA. Funded $11.75M in the FFYs 2024-28 TIP.  $14.8M funded in FFY 2023.
Boston MBTA Jackson Square Station Accessibility Improvements S12819 N/A 2024-2025 TBD $26,250,000 6  
MetroWest Regional Collaborative
Complete Streets                  
Marlborough Marlborough Marlborough- Reconstruction of Granger Boulevard [DESIGN ONLY] S12980 79.9 2025 Initiation $1,215,000 3  
Weston Weston Reconstruction on Route 30 608954 49.2 2026 25% Design Public Hearing (9/22/2022) $17,028,272 6  
Intersection Improvements                  
Ashland Ashland Rehabilitation and Rail Crossing Improvements on Cherry Street 608436 38 2028 25% submitted (2/4/2020) $1,269,327 3  
Holliston Holliston Route 16 Washington Street at Whitney Street S12984 42.8 2025 Initiation $250,000 3  
Weston Weston Intersection Improvements - Boston Post Road (Route 20) at Wellesley Street 608940 50.6 2026 75% resubmission received (March 2024) $2,681,330 6  
Bicycle and Pedestrian                  
Framingham Framingham Chris Walsh Trail Phase 2 S12982 80  2023 Initiated $850,000 3 Construction cost expected to be $14,300,000.
Natick Natick Cochituate Rail Trail Extension, from MBTA Station to Mechanic Street 610691 67 2028 25% resubmission received (09/04/2024) $7,760,451 3  
Major Infrastructure                  
Community Connections                  
Marlborough, Hudson MWRTA CatchConnect Microtransit Service Expansion (Marlborough and Hudson Expansion) S12701 59 2023-2025 Underway $450,163 3  
Framingham, Natick MWRTA CatchConnect Microtransit Service Expansion Phase 2 (Framingham and Natick Extended Hours) S12807 90 2024-2026 Underway $503,125 3 Service hours extension in Framingham and Natick.
Minuteman Advisory Group on Interlocal Coordination                  
Bicycle and Pedestrian                  
Sudbury Sudbury Sudbury-Framingham - Bike Path Construction (Bruce Freeman Rail Trail Phase 3) 613319 50.5 2029-30 25% Design (07/09/2024) $8,526,000 3  
Community Connections                  
Bolton, Boxborough, Littleton, Stow Montachusett RTA Montachusett RTA Microtransit Service S12703 57 2023-2025 N/A $1,316,061 3  
North Suburban Planning Council                  
Complete Streets                  
Wakefield Wakefield Wakefield- Comprehensive Downtown Transportation Improvement Project. 613145 61.8 2028 25% Design Complete (06/01/2023) $16,581,200 4  
Woburn Woburn Roadway and Intersection Improvements at Woburn Common, Route 38 (Main Street), Winn Street, Pleasant Street, and Montvale Avenue 610662 75 2027 PRC approved (12/19/2019) $16,105,600 4  
Wilmington Wilmington Reconstruction of Route 38 (Main Street), from Route 62 to the Woburn City Line 608051 59 2025 100% package received (1/19/2024) $37,452,644 4  
Intersection Improvements                  
Burlington, Woburn Woburn Intersection Reconstruction at Route 3 (Cambridge Road) and Bedford Road and South Bedford Street 608067 52 2025 25% approved (January 2024) $1,612,800 4  
Community Connections                  
Stoneham Stoneham Stoneham Shuttle Service S12699 72 2023-2025 N/A $716,897 4  
Transit Transformation Program                  
Woburn, Reading MBTA Rail Transformation Early Action Items S12821 N/A 2024-25 TBD $20,000,000 6 Wilbur Interlocking near Anderson/Woburn Station, Reading Station track
North Shore Task Force                  
Complete Streets                  
Salem Salem Boston Street Improvements 609437 67.8 2026 25% submitted (DPH 9/27/2022) $13,977,600 4  
Ipswich Ipswich Resurfacing and Related Work on Central and South Main Streets 605743 48 2027-28 25% received (July 2024) $5,702,076 4  
Ipswich Ipswich Argilla Roadway Reconstruction and Adaptation (Crane Estate to Crane Beach) 612738 37.9 2029-30 PRC approved (5/12/2022) $5,368,966 4  
Bicycle and Pedestrian                  
Peabody Peabody Multi-Use Path Construction of Independence Greenway at I-95 and Route 1 610544 53 2025 75% design (09/12/2024) $6,568,800 4  
Swampscott Swampscott Rail Trail Construction 610666 66.4 2027 25% submitted (1/27/2021) $8,932,000 4  
Community Connections                  
Gloucester, Rockport CATA CATA On Demand Microtransit Service Expansion S12700 61.75 2023-2025 N/A $813,291 4  
South Shore Coalition                  
Complete Streets                  
Hingham Hingham Intersection Improvements at Route 3A/Summer Street Rotary 605168 57 2025 75% comments to DE (April 2024) $15,474,200 5  
Community Connections                  
Scituate Scituate Installation of 25 Bicycle Racks S12967 45.5 2025 Contracting $22,800 5  
South West Advisory Planning Committee                  
Complete Streets                  
Bellingham Bellingham Bellingham - Roadway Rehabilitation of Route 126 (Hartford Road), from 800 feet North of the I-495 NB off ramp to Medway town line, including B-06-017 612963 54.3 2029 PRC approved (9/15/2022) $13,900,000 3 Funded for FFYs 2025-29 between 2029 and 2030.  BRMPO issued a full corridor study in 2011.  Progressing towards 25% design, recent addition of stormwater work.
Intersection Improvements                  
Milford MassDOT Rehabilitation of Route 16, from Route 109 to Beaver Street 608045 50 2026 25% resubmission (10/13/2023) $10,481,030 3  
Three Rivers Interlocal Council                  
Complete Streets                  
Norwood, Westwood Westwood Westwood-Norwood- Reconstruction of Canton Street to University Drive 608158 53.3 2028-29 25% Design Public Hearing (9/28/2023) $22,094,875 3 Bridge no longer in contract.
Intersection Improvements                  
Norwood Norwood Intersection Improvements at Route 1 and University Avenue/Everett Street 605857 55 2026 25% resubmitted (1/5/2021) $25,757,791 5  
Community Connections                  
Regionwide Regionwide Community Connections Program S12124 N/A 2024-27 N/A $6,716,799 Regionwide  
Transit Modernization                  
Regionwide Regionwide Transit Modernization Program S12113 N/A 2025-27 N/A $19,500,000 Regionwide  

Abbreviations: CATA = Cape Ann Transportaton Authority. DE = District Engineer. FFY = federal fiscal year. MassDOT = Massachusetts Department of Transportation. MBTA = Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority. MWRTA = Metrowest Regional Transit Authority. N/A = not applicable. PRC = MassDOT's Project Review Committee. RTA = regional tranist authority. TBD = to be determined.



Table 3: Advertised Regional Target Projects in FFY 2024

Projects grouped by MAPC subregion and by MPO Investment Program

This table contains projects that were funded using MPO Regional Target funds and were programmed in FFY 2024 and advertised for construction.


Municipality Project Proponent Project Name PROJIS MPO Evaluation Score Programmed Year Design Status (FY24) Final Programmed Cost (MPO Funds) Highway District
Inner Core
Complete Streets
Newton, Weston MassDOT Bridge Rehabilitation, N-12-010--W-29-005, Commonwealth Avenue (Route 30) over the Charles River 110980 Not scored 2024 Notice to Proceed (11/15/2024) $21,851,750 6
Watertown Watertown Rehabilitation of Mount Auburn Street (Route 16) 607777 75/134 2023, 2024 Notice to Proceed (2/27/2024) $27,899,345 6
Minuteman Advisory Group on Interlocal Communication
Complete Streets
Littleton Littleton Reconstruction of Foster Street 609054 38/134 2024 Notice to Proceed (07/12/2024) $5,164,375 3
SouthWest Advisory Planning Council
Wrentham MassDOT Construction of Interstate 495/Route 1A Ramps 603739 55/134 2024 Notice to Proceed (10/23/2024) $17,994,890 5
South Shore Coalition
Complete Streets
Cohasset, Scituate MassDOT Corridor Improvements and Related Work on Justice Cushing Highway (Route 3A) from Beechwood Street to Henry Turner Bailey Road 608007 37/134 2024 Notice to Proceed (08/31/2024) $15,496,957 5


Abbreviations: MassDOT = Massachusetts Department of Transportation.




Table 4: Projects Removed from the FFYs 2026–30 TIP Universe of Projects

Projects grouped by MAPC subregion and by MPO Investment Program

This table contains projects that were removed from the TIP universe during the FFYs 2026-30 TIP cycle. The reason for removing each project is listed in the Notes column.


Municipality Project Proponent Project Name PROJIS Design Status Year Added to Universe Cost Estimate Highway District Notes Previous Evaluation Score
Inner Core
Major Infrastructure
Revere, Saugus Revere, Saugus Roadway Widening on Route 1 North (Phase 2) 611999 PRC Approved (1/28/2021) 2021 $2,397,600 4 This project has been removed from the TIP Universe of Projects as there has not been an update to the project since its addition to the Universe in 2021. If advanced, the project is likely to be implemented as a safety improvement within the MassDOT Statewide Highway Program as it is not a municipal-proponent project.  
North Shore Task Force
Complete Streets
Manchester-by-the-Sea Manchester-by-the-Sea Bridge Replacement, M-02-001 (8AM), Central Street (route 127) over Saw Mill Brook 610671 PRC approved (2019) 2019 $6,478,300 4 This project is being removed from the TIP Universe of Projects as the Town of Manchester-by-the-Sea was awarded three discretionary grants to address the project, with the project expected to advertise for construction and be awarded to a contractor in fall/winter 2024-25.

Additional information on this project can be found at: https://manchester.ma.us/825/Central-Street-Culvert-Replacement-Centr
South Shore Coalition
Complete Streets
Holbrook Holbrook Corridor Improvements and Related Work on South Franklin Street (Route 37) from Snell Street to King Road 608543 PRC approved (2017) 2018 $4,000,200 5 This project was deactivated by MassDOT and is no longer being listed in the TIP Universe of projects due to inactivity. The project may be reinitiated at a later date.  
Weymouth MassDOT Resurfacing and Related Work on Route 3A 608483 PRC approved (2016) 2018 $2,400,000 6 This project was deactivated by MassDOT and is no longer being listed in the TIP Universe of projects due to inactivity. The project may be reinitiated at a later date.  
South West Advisory Planning Committee
Complete Streets
Franklin MassDOT Resurfacing and Intersection Improvements on Route 140, from Beaver Street to I-495 Ramps 607774 PRC approved (2014)   2018 $4,025,000 3 This project was deactivated by MassDOT and is no longer being listed in the TIP Universe of projects due to inactivity. The project may be reinitiated at a later date.  
Milford MassDOT Resurfacing and Related Work on Route 16 612091 PRC approved (2021) 2021 $4,192,500 3 This project was deactivated by MassDOT and is no longer being listed in the TIP Universe of projects due to inactivity. The project may be reinitiated at a later date.  


Abbreviations: MassDOT = Massachusetts Department of Transportation. PRC = MassDOT's Project Review Committee.