Transportation Improvement Program and

Air Quality Conformity Determination


Federal Fiscal Years 2020-24


Boston Region MPO


Endorsed by the MPO, May 30, 2019


Prepared by

The Central Transportation Planning Staff:

Staff to the Boston Region Metropolitan Planning Organization


Directed by the Boston Region Metropolitan Planning Organization,

which is composed of the


Massachusetts Department of Transportation

Metropolitan Area Planning Council

Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority

MBTA Advisory Board

Massachusetts Port Authority

Regional Transportation Advisory Council

City of Boston

City of Beverly

City of Everett

City of Framingham

City of Newton

City of Somerville

City of Woburn

Town of Arlington

Town of Bedford

Town of Braintree

Town of Lexington

Town of Medway

Town of Norwood

Federal Highway Administration (nonvoting)

Federal Transit Administration (nonvoting)



The MPO complies with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and other federal and state nondiscrimination statutes and regulations in all programs and activities. The MPO does not discriminate based on race, color, national origin (including limited English proficiency), religion, creed, gender, ancestry, ethnicity, disability, age, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, veteran’s status (including Vietnam-era veterans), or background. Any person who believes herself/himself or any specific class of persons to have been subjected to discrimination prohibited by Title VI, ADA, or another nondiscrimination statute or regulation may, herself/himself or via a representative, file a written complaint with the MPO. Complaints filed under federal law (based on race, color, national origin [including limited English proficiency], sex, age, or disability) must be filed no later than 180 calendar days after the date the person believes the discrimination occurred. Complaints filed under Massachusetts General Law (based on race, color, religious creed, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, disability, or ancestry) or Governor’s Executive Order 526, section 4 (based on race, color, age, gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, religion, creed, ancestry, national origin, disability, veteran’s status [including Vietnam-era veterans], or background) must be filed no later than 300 calendar days after the date the person believes the discrimination occurred. A complaint form and additional information can be obtained by contacting the MPO (see above) or at


The Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority, Cape Ann Transportation Authority, and MetroWest Regional Transit Authority, which are Federal Transit Administration Section 5307(c) applicants, have consulted with the MPO and concur that the public involvement process adopted by the MPO for the development of the Transportation Improvement Program satisfies the public hearing requirements that pertain to the development of the Program of Projects for regular Section 5307, Urbanized Area Formula Program, grant applications, including the provision for public notice and the time established for public review and comment.



Contact MPO staff:

By mail:

Boston Region MPO

Certification Activities Group, Central Transportation Planning Staff

10 Park Plaza, Suite 2150

Boston, MA 02116

By telephone:

857-702-3702 (voice), 617-570-9193 (TTY)

By fax:


By email:



Certification Statement

These pages list the ten requirements of the transportation planning process to be conducted by Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPOs), and certify that the Boston Region MPO complies with these requirements. The certification of the Transportation Planning Process is signed by the members of the Boston Region MPO members, with the exception of:  Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority; Massachusetts Port Authority; North Suburban Planning Council – City of Woburn; South Shore Coalition – Town of Braintree; and SouthWest Advisory Planning Committee – Town of Medway.

Certification Statement

These pages list the ten requirements of the transportation planning process to be conducted by Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPOs), and certify that the Boston Region MPO complies with these requirements. The certification of the Transportation Planning Process is signed by the members of the Boston Region MPO members, with the exception of:  Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority; Massachusetts Port Authority; North Suburban Planning Council – City of Woburn; South Shore Coalition – Town of Braintree; and SouthWest Advisory Planning Committee – Town of Medway.

Global Warming Solution Act

These pages list the eleven requirements of State Regulation 310 CMR 60.05: Global Warming Solutions Act to be conducted by Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPOs), and certifies that the Boston Region MPO complies with these requirements. The certification of State Regulation 310 CMR 60.05: Global Warming Solutions Act is signed by the members of the Boston Region MPO members, with the exception of: Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority; Massachusetts Port Authority; and South Shore Coalition – Town of Braintree.


Global Warming Solution Act

These pages list the eleven requirements of State Regulation 310 CMR 60.05: Global Warming Solutions Act to be conducted by Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPOs), and certifies that the Boston Region MPO complies with these requirements. The certification of State Regulation 310 CMR 60.05: Global Warming Solutions Act is signed by the members of the Boston Region MPO members, with the exception of: Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority; Massachusetts Port Authority; and South Shore Coalition – Town of Braintree.

Table of Contents

Executive Summary


ffys 2020-24 tip investments

regional target program details

financing the ffys 2020-24 tiP

the tip development process

Approving the tip

updates to the tip

stay involved with the tiP

Chapter 1: 3C Transportation Planning and the Boston Region MPO



Chapter 2: The TIP Process

Introduction to the TIP Process

Funding the TIP

Investment Frameworks

Developing the TIP

Approving the TIP

Updating the TIP

Public Notice

Chapter 3: Summary of Highway and Transit Programming

detailed project descriptions

Chapter 4: Performance Analysis

Overview of Performance-Based Planning and Programming

Performance-based Planning and Programming Activities

The TIP’s Role in Performance-based Planning and Programming

FFYs 2020-24 Performance Analysis

Performance Monitoring, Reporting, and Evaluation

Chapter 5: Determination of Air Quality Conformity


Conformity Determination



APPENDIX A: Project Prioritization and Scoring

Appendix B: Greenhouse Gas Monitoring and Evaluation

Appendix C: Public Outreach and Comments

Appendix D: Glossary of Acronyms

Appendix E: Geographic Distribution of TIP Funding

Appendix F: Regulatory Framework and MPO Membership



2-1:  Federal Highway Administration Programs Applicable to the FFYs 2020-24 TIP

2-2:  Federal Transit Administration Programs Applicable to the FFYs 2020-24 TI5

3-1:  Boston Region MPO Regional Target Program MPO Discretionary Funds Sourced from the Federal-Aid Highway Program

3-2:  Federal Fiscal Years 2020-24 Transportation Improvement Progra3

3-3:  Federal Fiscal Years 2020-24 Transportation Improvement Program MBTA Federal Capital Program
        FFY 2019 and FFY 2020-2024 TIP - Project List and Descriptions (80% Federal Share)

3-4:  Federal Fiscal Years 2020-24 Transportation Improvement Program MPO Transit List - CATA

3-5:  Federal Fiscal Years 2020-24 Transportation Improvement Program MPO Transit List - MWRTA

4-1:  National and Boston Region MPO Goal Areas

4-2:  Federally Required Transit Performance Measures

4-3:  Federally Required Roadway Performance Measures

4-4:  Boston Region MPO Regional Target Investment Summary

4-5:  MassDOT Investment Summary

4-6:  MBTA Investment Summary

4-7:  CATA and MWRTA Investment Summary

4-8:  Massachusetts Statewide Highway Safety Performance Baselines and CY 2019 Targets

4-9:  Regional Target Roadway Projects at Safety-Relevant Locations

4-10: Massachusetts and Boston Region NHS Bridge Condition Baselines

4-11: MassDOT NHS Bridge Condition Targets

4-12: Massachusetts NHS Pavement Condition Baselines and MassDOT NHS Pavement
Condition Performance Targets

4-13: Regional Target Projects Addressing Roadway System Preservation and
Modernization Performance

4-14: SFY 2018 Measures and SFY 2019 Targets for Transit Rolling Stock

4-15: SFY 2018 Measures and SFY 2019 Targets for Transit Equipment Vehicles

4-16: SFY 2018 Measures and SFY 2019 Targets for Transit Facilities

4-17: SFY 2018 Measures and SFY 2019 Targets for MBTA Transit Fixed Guideway Infrastructure

4-18: Travel Time Index Analysis for the Boston Region: 2012 to 2015

4-19: Travel Time Reliability Performance Targets

4-20: Truck Travel Time Reliability Performance Targets

4-21: Performance Targets for Annual Hours of Peak Hour Excessive Delay Per Capita for the Boston UZA

4-22: Performance Targets for Percent of Non-SOV Travel for the Boston UZA

4-23: Regional Target-Funded Roadway Projects Addressing Capacity Management and Mobility Performance

4-24: CMAQ Emissions Reduction Targets for the Boston Region

4-25: Regional Target-Funded Roadway Projects Addressing Clean Air and Sustainable Communities Performance

4-26: Regional Target-Funded Roadway Projects Addressing Economic Vitality Performance

4-27: Transportation Equity Populations in the Boston Region

4-28: Transportation Equity Populations within One-Half Mile of Regional Target-Funded Projects

4-29: MPO Investment Programs Serving Transportation Equity Populations

4-30: Funding per Person or Household for Transportation Equity Populations within One-Half Mile of Regional Target-Funded Projects

A-1:  Universe of Unprogrammed Projects (as presented to the Boston Region MPO board on February 7, 2019)

A-2:  TIP Project Evaluation Criteria

A-3:  TIP Project Evaluation Results

A-4:  Final Project Evaluation Results and First-Tier List

B-1:  Greenhouse Gas Regional Highway Project Tracking

B-2:  Greenhouse Gas Regional Transit Project Tracking

B-3:  Greenhouse Gas Regional Highway “Completed” Project Tracking

B-4:  Greenhouse Gas Regional Transit “Completed” Project Tracking

E-1:  Federal Highway Programming for Municipalities in the Boston Region FFYS 2020–24


Figure #

ES-1 FFYS 2020-24 TIP Regional Target Funding by Investment Program

ES-2 MPO Municipalities Containing FFYS 202024 TIP Program Projects by Community Type

1-1   Municipalities in the Boston Region

1-2   Boston Region MPO Organizational Chart

1-3   LRTP Goals and Objectives

1-4   Relationship between the LRTP, TIP, UPWP, and Performance-Based Planning Process

2-1:  MPO Investment Programs

2-2:  Transportation Improvement Program Evaluation Criteria

4-1:  Fatalities from Motor Vehicle Crashes

4-2:  Fatality Rate per 100 Million Vehicle-Miles Traveled

44-3: Serious Injuries from Motor Vehicle Crashes

4-4:  Serious Injury Rate per 100 Million Vehicle-Miles Traveled

4-5:  Nonmotorized Fatalities and Serious Injuries

4-6:  Nonmotorized Fatalities and Serious Injuries in Massachusetts

4-7:  Nonmotorized Fatalities and Serious Injuries in the Boston Region

4-8:  Historic Values and Performance Targets for the Percent of Non-SOV Travel in the Boston UZA

E-1:  Regional Distribution of Target Funding by Subregion FFYS 2020–24

E-2:  Regional Distribution of Target Funding by Municipality Type FFYS 2020–24

E-3:  All Federal Highway Funding in the Boston Region by Subregion FFYS 2020–24

E-4:  All Federal Highway Funding in the Boston Region by Municipality Type FFYS 2020–24




Executive Summary—Federal Fiscal Years 2020-24 Transportation Improvement Program


The Boston Region Metropolitan Planning Organization’s (MPO) five-year transportation capital investment plan, the Federal Fiscal Years (FFYs) 2020-24 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP), is the near-term investment program for the region’s transportation system. Guided by the Boston Region MPO’s vision, goals, and objectives, the TIP prioritizes investments that preserve the current transportation system in a state of good repair, provide safe transportation for all modes, enhance livability, and improve mobility throughout the region. These investments fund major highway reconstruction, arterial roadway and intersection improvements, maintenance and expansion of the public transit system, bicycle path construction, and infrastructure improvements for pedestrians.

The Boston Region MPO is guided by a 22-member board with representatives of state agencies, regional organizations, and municipalities; its jurisdiction extends roughly from Boston north to Ipswich, south to Marshfield, and west to municipalities along Interstate 495. Each year, the MPO conducts a process to decide how to spend federal transportation funds for capital projects. The Central Transportation Planning Staff (CTPS), which is the staff to the MPO, manages the TIP development process.

MPO staff coordinates the evaluation of project funding requests, proposes programming of current and new projects based on anticipated funding levels, supports the MPO board in developing a draft TIP document, and facilitates a public review of the draft before the MPO board endorses the final document.

ffys 2020-24 tip investments

The complete TIP program is available in Chapter 3 of this document and online at The TIP tables provide details of how funding is allocated to each programmed project and capital investment program. These tables are organized by federal fiscal year, and are grouped by highway and transit programs.


Highway Program

The Highway Program of the TIP funds the priority transportation projects advanced by the Massachusetts Department of Transportation (MassDOT) and the cities and towns within the Boston region. The program is devoted primarily to preserving and modernizing the existing roadway network by resurfacing highways, replacing bridges, and reconstructing arterial roadways.

In Massachusetts, Federal-Aid Highway Program funding is apportioned by MassDOT, which allocates funding to Grant Anticipation Notes (GANs) payments, various statewide programs, and Regional Targets for the state’s MPOs. In the FFYs 2020–24 TIP, roadway, bridge, and bicycle and pedestrian programs account for more than $1.2 billion in funding to the Boston region. The Regional Target funding provided to the MPOs may be programmed for projects at the discretion of each MPO, whereas MassDOT has discretion to propose its recommended projects for statewide programs, such as those related to bridge repairs and interstate highway maintenance.


Transit Program

The Transit Program of the TIP provides funding for projects and programs that address the capital needs prioritized by the three transit authorities in the region: the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA), the Cape Ann Transportation Authority (CATA), and the MetroWest Regional Transit Authority (MWRTA). The Transit Program is predominantly dedicated to achieving and maintaining a state of good repair for all assets throughout the transit system. The FFYs 2020–24 TIP includes $3.1 billion in transit investments by the transit authorities that will support state of good repair, modernize transit systems, and increase access to transit. The Green Line Extension project is a major project programmed in this TIP that will expand transit service.


regional target program details

During FFYs 2020–24, the Boston Region MPO plans to fund 47 projects and programs with its Regional Target funding:

Figure ES-1 shows how the Regional Target funding for FFYs 2020–24 is distributed across the MPO’s investment programs. As the chart shows, the Boston Region MPO’s Regional Target Program is devoted primarily to modernizing and expanding the transportation network through Major Infrastructure and Complete Streets investments.


Figure ES-1
FFYS 2020-24 TIP Regional Target Funding by Investment Program

Figure ES-1. FFYs 2020-24 TIP Regional Target Funding by Investment Program 
Figure ES-1 is a pie chart that shows how the Regional Target funding for FFYs 2020–24 is distributed across the MPO’s investment programs. The chart indicates that the Boston Region MPO’s Regional Target Program is devoted primarily to modernizing and expanding the transportation network through Major Infrastructure and Complete Streets investments.

Boston Regional Target Program: $533.2 million


These investments will be implemented in 39 cities and towns throughout the MPO region, ranging from high-density, built-out, inner core communities to developing suburbs. Figure ES-2 identifies the type of communities—as defined by the Metropolitan Area Planning Council (MAPC)—that will receive these investments.

MPO Municipalities Containing FFYS 2020–24 TIP Program Projects by Community Type

Figure ES-2. MPO Municipalities Containing FFYs 2020–24 TIP Program Projects by Community Type
Figure ES-2 is a bar chart that identifies the type of communities—as defined by the Metropolitan Area Planning Council (MAPC)—that will receive the investments cited in Figure ES-1.


financing the ffys 2020-24 tip

Highway Program

The TIP Highway Program was developed with the assumption that federal funding for the state would range between $676 million and $739 million annually over the next five years (these amounts include only federal funds and include the funds that would be set aside as payments for the Accelerated Bridge Program).

The process of deciding how to use this federal funding in the Boston region follows several steps. First, MassDOT reserves funding for GANs debt service payments for the Accelerated Bridge Program; annual GANs payments range between $81 million and $98 million annually over the five years of this TIP.

The remaining Federal-Aid Highway Program funds are budgeted to support state priorities and regional (that is, MPO) priorities. In this planning cycle, $734 million to $792 million annually was available for programming statewide (these amounts include both federal dollars and the local match). MassDOT customarily provides the local match (which can also be provided by other entities); thus, projects are typically funded with 80 percent federal dollars and 20 percent state dollars, depending on the funding program.

Next, MassDOT allocates one third of the remaining funding among the state’s MPOs for programming. This discretionary funding for MPOs is sub-allocated by formula to determine the Regional Target amounts. MassDOT develops these targets in consultation with the Massachusetts Association of Regional Planning Agencies (MARPA).This TIP was programmed with the assumption that the Boston Region MPO will have between $102 million and $110 million annually for Regional Target amounts (which consist of federal funding and state funding for the local match).

Finally, MassDOT allocates the remaining funding across the following funding categories:

Each MPO may decide how to prioritize its Regional Target funding. Given that the Regional Target funding is a subset of the Highway Program, the MPO typically programs the majority of funding for roadway projects; however, the MPO has flexed portions of its highway funding to the Transit Program for both transit expansion and transit modernization projects. The TIP Highway Program details the projects that will receive Regional Target funding from the Boston Region MPO and statewide infrastructure projects within the Boston region.


Transit Program

The Federal Transit Administration (FTA) allocates the funds programmed in the TIP Transit Program according to formula. The three regional transit authorities in the Boston Region MPO area that are recipients of these funds are the MBTA, CATA, and MWRTA. The MBTA, with its extensive transit program and infrastructure, is the recipient of the preponderance of the region’s federal transit funds.

Under the federal transportation legislation, Fixing America’s Surface Transportation (FAST) Act, funding is allocated by the following categories:


the tip development process


When determining which projects to fund through the Regional Target funding process, MPO members collaborate with municipalities, state agencies, members of the public, advocacy groups, and other stakeholders. The MPO board uses evaluation criteria in its project selection process to help identify and prioritize projects that advance the MPO’s goals, which are categorized as follows:

Additionally, the MPO has established investment programs, which are designed to direct Regional Target funding towards MPO priority areas over the next 25 years, to help meet these goals. The investment programs used for the FFYs 2020-24 TIP, which were established by the MPO's current Long-Range Transportation Plan (LRTP), Charting Progress to 2040, are as follows:

Projects that the MPO selects to receive Regional Target funding through the TIP development process are included in one of the five programs listed above. Destination 2040, the MPO's new LRTP scheduled for completion in July 2019, is expected to add one new investment program to these five existing programs that allocates funding to transit modernization projects. Destination 2040 will also reflect an updated set of priorities for the MPO's Complete Streets investment program, adding dedicated bus lanes and climate resiliency measures to the types of projects targeted for funding through this program. The MPO will allocate funding to projects in these updated programs in future TIP cycles.

In recent years, the MPO has been incorporating performance-based planning and programming (PBPP) practices into its TIP development and other processes. These practices are designed to help direct MPO funds towards achieving specific outcomes for the transportation system. The MPO’s goals and investment programs are key components of its PBPP framework. In FFY 2018, the MPO began to set targets for specific performance measures. Over time, the MPO will more closely link its performance targets, investment decisions, and monitoring and evaluation activities.

Outreach and Data Collection

The outreach process begins early in the federal fiscal year, when cities and towns designate TIP contacts and begin developing a list of priority projects to be considered for federal funding, and the MPO staff asks the staffs of cities and towns in the region to identify their priority projects.

MPO staff compiles the project funding requests into a Universe of Unprogrammed Projects, a list of all projects identified as potential candidates to receive funding through the TIP. The Universe includes projects that are fully designed and ready to be advertised for construction, those that are undergoing preliminary engineering and design, and projects still in the conceptual or planning stage. MPO staff also collects data on each project in the Universe so that the projects may be evaluated.


Project Evaluation

MPO staff evaluates projects based on how well they address the MPO’s goals. In order for MPO staff to conduct a complete project evaluation, the project must have a functional design report or be at a 25-percent design stage; or its plans must include the level of detail defined in a functional design report. The evaluation results are posted on the MPO’s website where project proponents, municipal officials, and members of the public may review them and provide feedback.

TIP Readiness Day

An important step toward TIP programming takes place midway through the TIP development cycle at a meeting—referred to as TIP Readiness Day—that both MassDOT and MPO staff attend. At this meeting, MassDOT staff provide updates about cost and schedule changes related to currently programmed projects. These cost and schedule changes must be taken into account as MPO staff helps the MPO board consider updates to the already programmed years of the TIP, as well as the addition of new projects in the outermost year of the TIP.

Staff Recommendation and Draft TIP

Using the evaluation results and information about project readiness (that is, when a project likely would be fully designed and ready for construction), staff prepares the First-Tier List of Projects. This list contains those projects that are supported by a project proponent (a municipality or MassDOT) and that could be made ready for advertising within the TIP’s time horizon—the next five federal fiscal years. The projects are ranked based on the evaluation results.

MPO staff then prepares a recommendation or a series of programming scenarios for how to program the Regional Target funding in the TIP based on the First-Tier List of Projects and other considerations, such as whether a project was included in the LRTP, addresses an identified transportation need, or promotes distribution of transportation investments across the region.

The staff recommendation is always financially constrained—meaning, subject to available funding. There was approximately $533 million of Regional Target funding available to the Boston Region MPO for FFYs 2020–24. In this TIP cycle, the MPO discussed the staff recommendation and programming scenarios for the Regional Target Program for highway projects and selected a preferred program in March, 2019.

In addition to prioritizing the Regional Target funding, the MPO also reviews and endorses the Statewide Infrastructure Items and Bridge Programs that MassDOT recommends for programming. The MPO also reviews and endorses programming of funds for the MBTA’s, CATA’s, and MWRTA’s capital programs.

Approving the tip

After selecting a preferred programming scenario, usually in April, the MPO votes to release the draft TIP for a 21-day public review period, during which the MPO invites members of the public, municipal officials, and other stakeholders in the Boston region to review the proposed program. During the public review period, MPO staff hosts open-house style public meetings to discuss the draft TIP document and elicit additional comments.

After the public review period ends, the MPO reviews all municipal and public comments and may change elements of the document or its programming. The MPO then endorses the TIP and submits it to the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) for approval. MassDOT incorporates the MPO-endorsed TIP into the State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP). The FHWA, FTA, and US Environmental Protection Agency review the STIP for certification by September 30, the close of the federal fiscal year.

updates to the tip

Even after the TIP has been finalized, administrative modifications, amendments, and adjustments often must be introduced because of changes in project status, project cost, or available revenues. This may necessitate reprogramming a project in a different funding year or programming additional funds for a project.

Notices of administrative modifications and amendments are posted on the MPO’s website. If an amendment is necessary, the Regional Transportation Advisory Council—the public advisory board to the MPO—is informed, and the MPO notifies affected municipalities and other stakeholders via email. The MPO typically holds a 21-day public review period before taking final action on an amendment. In extraordinary circumstances, the MPO may vote to shorten the public comment period to a minimum of 15 days. Administrative modifications and adjustments are generally minor and usually do not warrant a public review period.

stay involved with the tip

Public input is an important aspect of the transportation planning process. Please visit for more information about the MPO, to view the entire TIP, and to submit your comments. You also may wish to sign up for email news updates and notices by contacting or signing up at

To request a copy of the TIP in accessible formats, please contact the MPO staff by any of the following means:

Mail:               Boston Region MPO c/o CTPS

                        Certification Activities Group

                        10 Park Plaza, Suite 2150

                        Boston, MA  02116-3968

Telephone:    857.702.3700

TTY:                617.973.7089

Fax:                617.570.9192





Chapter 1—3C Transportation Planning and the Boston Region MPO

Decisions about how to allocate transportation funds in a metropolitan area are guided by information and ideas garnered from a broad group of people, including elected officials, municipal planners and engineers, transportation advocates, and interested residents. Metropolitan planning organizations (MPOs) are the bodies responsible for providing a forum for this decision-making process. Each metropolitan area in the United States with a population of 50,000 or more—also known as an urbanized area—is required by federal legislation to establish an MPO, which decides how to spend federal transportation funds for capital projects and planning studies for the area. 



The federal government regulates the funding, planning, and operation of the surface transportation system through the federal transportation program, which was enacted into law through Titles 23 and 49 of the United States Code. Section 134 of Title 23 of the Federal-Aid Highway Act and Section 5303 of the Federal Transit Act, as amended, require that urbanized areas conduct a transportation planning process, resulting in plans and programs consistent with the planning objectives of the metropolitan area, in order to be eligible for federal funds.


The most recent reauthorization of the surface transportation law is the Fixing America’s Surface Transportation (FAST) Act. The FAST Act sets policies related to metropolitan transportation planning. The law requires all MPOs to carry out a continuing, comprehensive, and cooperative (3C) transportation planning process. 


3C Transportation Planning

The Boston Region MPO is responsible for carrying out the 3C planning process in the Boston region and has established the following objectives for the process:



More information about the federal, state, and regional guidance governing the transportation planning process and about the regulatory framework in which the MPO operates can be found in Appendix F.



The Boston Region MPO’s planning area extends across 97 cities and towns from Boston north to Ipswich, south to Marshfield, and west to Interstate 495.


Figure 1-1 shows the map of the Boston Region MPO’s member municipalities.


Figure 1-1
Municipalities in the Boston Region

Figure 1-1. Municipalities in the Boston Region
Figure 1-1 is a map that shows the physical reach of the Boston Region MPO area. It indicates that the MPO’s jurisdiction extends from Boston north to Ipswich, south to Marshfield, and west to Interstate 495. The map shows the 97 cities and towns that make up the MPO area.


The MPO’s board comprises 22 voting members. Several state agencies and regional organizations and the City of Boston are permanent voting members, while 12 municipalities are elected as voting members for three-year terms. Eight municipal members represent each of the eight subregions of the Boston region, and there are four at-large municipal seats. The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and Federal Transit Administration (FTA) participate on the MPO board as advisory (nonvoting) members. More details about the MPO’s permanent members can be found in Appendix F.


Figure 1-2 shows MPO membership and the organization of the Central Transportation Planning Staff (CTPS), which serves as staff to the MPO.


Figure 1-2
Boston Region MPO Organizational Chart

Figure 1-2. Boston Region MPO Organizational Chart
Figure 1-2 is an organizational chart that lays out the membership and staff (the Central Transportation Planning Staff) of the Boston Region MPO.

MPO Central Vision Statement

The MPO board agreed upon the following vision statement on January 17, 2019, in preparation for the upcoming adoption of Destination 2040, the MPO’s next Long-Range Transportation Plan (LRTP):


The Boston Region MPO envisions a modern, well-maintained transportation system that supports a sustainable, healthy, livable, and economically vibrant region. To achieve this vision, the transportation system must be safe and resilient; incorporate emerging technologies; and provide equitable access, excellent mobility, and varied transportation options.


Certification Documents

As part of its 3C process, the Boston Region MPO annually produces the Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) and the Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP). These documents, along with the quadrennial LRTP, are referred to as certification documents and are required for the MPO’s process to be certified as meeting federal requirements; this certification is a prerequisite for receiving federal transportation funds. In addition to the requirement to produce the LRTP, TIP, and UPWP, the MPO must establish and conduct an inclusive public participation process, as well as maintain transportation models and data resources to support air quality conformity determinations and long- and short-range planning work and initiatives. 


The following is a summary of each of the certification documents:






Figure 1-4 depicts the relationship between the three certification documents and the MPO’s performance-based planning and programming process, which is a means to monitor progress towards the MPO’s goals and continuously evaluate the MPO’s approach to achieving them.



Figure 1-3
LRTP Goals and Objectives, as of Spring 2019

Figure 1-3. LRTP Goals and Objectives, as of Spring 2019
Figure 1-3 is a text table that cites the vision of the Boston Region MPO, and lists the six goals of the MPO, along with their related objectives.

Figure 1-4
Relationship between the LRTP, TIP, UPWP, and Performance-Based Planning Process

Figure 1-4. Relationship between the LRTP, TIP, UPWP, and Performance-Based Planning Process
Figure 1-4 is a text figure with directional arrows that shows how the different facets of each of the MPO’s four 3C programs complement and support each other.




Chapter 2—The TIP Process

Introduction to the TIP Process

One of the most important decisions a metropolitan planning organization (MPO) faces is deciding how to allocate limited funds for transportation projects and programs. Transportation improvements are part of the solution to many critical regional, state, national, and even global problems, such as traffic congestion, air pollution, fatalities and injuries on roadways, climate change, and environmental injustice. Because there is not nearly enough funding available for all of the necessary and worthy projects that would address these problems, an MPO’s investment choices must be guided by policies that help identify the most viable and effective solutions.


As described in Chapter 1, the Boston Region MPO develops a Long-Range Transportation Plan (LRTP) and a Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) to prioritize the expenditure of federal funds on transportation projects. The MPO staff manages the development of both plans. The annual development process for the TIP involves evaluating project funding requests from municipalities and state transportation agencies. The MPO staff also proposes programming for new and ongoing projects based on anticipated yearly funding levels, supports the MPO board by creating a draft TIP document, and facilitates a public involvement process that affords the public an opportunity to comment on proposed projects and review the draft TIP before the MPO board endorses the final document.


Funding the TIP

Federal Funding Framework

The first step in allocating federal transportation funds is the passage by the United States Congress of a multi-year act that establishes a maximum level of federal transportation funding per federal fiscal year (FFY).1 The establishment of this level of funding is referred to as an authorization.


After the authorization level has been established, the United States Department of Transportation annually allocates funding among the states according to various federal formulas. This allocation is referred to as an apportionment. The annual apportionment rarely represents the actual amount of federal funds that are ultimately committed to a state because of federally imposed limitations on spending in a given fiscal year, referred to as the obligation authority. In Massachusetts, TIPs are developed based on the estimated obligation authority.


Federal Highway Program

The FFYs 2020-24 TIP’s Highway Program was developed with the assumption that funding from the Federal-Aid Highway Program for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts would range between approximately $676 million and $740 million annually over the next five years. These amounts include the funds that would be set aside initially by the Massachusetts Department of Transportation (MassDOT) as payments for the Accelerated Bridge Program and exclude required matching funds.


The process of deciding how to use this federal funding in the Boston region follows several steps. MassDOT first reserves funding for Grant Anticipation Notes (GANs) debt service payments for the Accelerated Bridge Program; annual GANs payments range between approximately $82 million and $99 million annually over the five years of this TIP.


The remaining Federal-Aid Highway Program funds are budgeted to support state and regional (i.e., MPO) priorities. In the FFYs 2020-24 TIP, there is a total of approximately $734 million to $793 million assumed to be annually available statewide for programming (these amounts include both federal dollars and the state-provided local match). MassDOT customarily provides the local match (which can also be provided by other entities); thus, projects are typically funded with 80 percent federal dollars and 20 percent state dollars, depending on the funding program.


Regional Targets

The Regional Targets are discretionary funds for MPOs, suballocated by formula to each metropolitan planning region. (The Boston Region MPO receives about 43 percent of the total funds available statewide for Regional Targets.) MassDOT developed the target formula in consultation with the Massachusetts Association of Regional Planning Agencies (MARPA).


Each MPO in the state can decide how to prioritize its Regional Target funding. Given that the Regional Target funding originates from the Federal-Aid Highway Program, the Boston Region MPO board typically programs the majority of its target funding on roadway projects; however, the MPO board has flexed portions of its TIP Highway Program funding to the TIP’s Transit Program, as when the MPO board gave its support to the Green Line Extension transit expansion project.


During the next five years, the Boston Region MPO’s total Regional Target funding will be approximately $533 million, an average of $107 million per year. To decide how to spend its Regional Target funding, the MPO engages its 97 cities and towns in an annual TIP development process.


Federal Highway Administration Programs

The Federal-Aid Highway Program dollars discussed in this section come through several Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) funding programs, each of which has unique requirements. Table 2-1 shows these programs, which come from the Fixing America’s Surface Transportation (FAST) Act and fund projects in the FFYs 2020–24 TIP.


Table 2-1
Federal Highway Administration Programs Applicable to the FFYs 2020-24 Transportation Improvement Program


FAST Act Program

Eligible Uses

Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement (CMAQ)

A wide range of projects to reduce congestion and improve air quality in nonattainment and maintenance areas for ozone, carbon monoxide, and particulate matter

Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP)

Implementation of infrastructure-related highway safety improvements

National Highway Performance Program (NHPP)

Improvements to interstate routes, major urban and rural arterials, connectors to major intermodal facilities, and the national defense network; replacement or rehabilitation of any public bridge; and resurfacing, restoring, and rehabilitating routes on the Interstate Highway System

Surface Transportation Block Grant Program (STBGP) [formerly the Surface Transportation Program (STP)]

A broad range of surface transportation capital needs, including roads; transit, sea, and airport access; and vanpool, bicycle, and pedestrian facilities

Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP)


A set-aside from the STBGP that funds the construction of infrastructure-related projects (for example, sidewalk, crossing, and on-road bicycle facility improvements)

Metropolitan Planning

Facilities that contribute to an intermodal transportation system, including intercity bus, pedestrian, and bicycle facilities

National Highway Freight Program (NHFP)

Projects that improve the efficient movement of freight on the National Highway Freight Network

Source: Federal Highway Administration.


Federal Transit Program

Federal aid for public transit authorities is allocated by formula to urbanized areas (UZAs). MassDOT is the recipient of this federal aid in the Boston UZA. In UZAs with populations greater than 200,000, such as the Boston UZA, the distribution formula factors in passenger-miles traveled, population density, and other factors associated with each transit provider. The three regional transit authorities (RTAs) in the Boston Region MPO area are the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA), MetroWest Regional Transit Authority (MWRTA), and Cape Ann Transportation Authority (CATA). The MBTA, with its extensive transit program and infrastructure, is the recipient of the preponderance of federal transit funds in the region.


The Federal Transit Administration (FTA) distributes funding to transit agencies through several different programs. Table 2-2 shows FTA programs that come from the FAST Act and support transit investments in the FFYs 2020-24 TIP.


Table 2-2
Federal Transit Administration Programs Applicable to the FFYs 2020-24 Transportation Improvement Program

FAST Act Program

Eligible Uses

Urbanized Area Formula Grants (Section 5307)

Transit capital and operating assistance in urbanized areas

Fixed Guideway/Bus (Section 5337)

Replacement, rehabilitation, and other state-of-good-repair capital projects

Bus and Bus Facilities (Section 5339)

Capital projects to replace, rehabilitate, and purchase buses and related equipment, and to construct bus-related facilities

Enhanced Mobility of Seniors and Individuals with Disabilities (Section 5310)

Capital expenses that support transportation to meet the special needs of older adults and persons with disabilities

Fixed-Guideway Capital Investment Grants (Section 5309)

Grants for new and expanded rail, bus rapid transit, and ferry systems that reflect local priorities to improve transportation options in key corridors

 Source: Federal Transit Administration.

Investment Frameworks

MPO Investment Framework

As mentioned previously, each MPO in the state can decide how to prioritize the Regional Target funding it receives through the processes established by FHWA and MassDOT. The Boston Region MPO’s LRTP defines the investment framework that informs the specific investment decisions made in the TIP by establishing



MPO Goals and Objectives

The MPO’s goals and objectives provide the foundation for the TIP evaluation criteria the MPO board uses when selecting roadway projects to be funded with Regional Target dollars. MPO staff compares candidate projects’ characteristics to these criteria to evaluate whether individual projects can help the MPO advance its various goals. The criteria used to select projects for this TIP are based on the MPO’s goals and objectives, adopted as part of Charting Progress to 2040, which is the LRTP the MPO endorsed in 2015. The MPO made updates to its goals and objectives for Destination 2040, which are listed in Chapter 1.


MPO Investment Programs

In Charting Progress to 2040, the MPO strengthened the link between its spending and improvements to transportation performance by establishing a series of investment programs. These investment programs focus on specific types of projects that the MPO expects will help achieve its goals and objectives for the transportation system. The MPO created these programs to give municipalities the confidence that if they design these types of projects the MPO will be willing to fund them through the LRTP and TIP:


Figure 2-1 provides details about the Charting Progress to 2040 investment programs and their relationship to the MPO’s goals. When developing the FFYs 2020–24 TIP, the MPO allocated its Regional Target dollars to these investment programs by assigning them to TIP projects that meet the investment programs’ criteria.


Figure 2-1
 Charting Progress to 2040 Investment Programs

Figure 2-1. MPO Investment Programs
Figure 2-1 shows the investment programs to which the MPO allocates its discretionary funds. The discretionary funds are assigned to projects that meet the investment programs’ criteria. Details about these programs and their relationship to MPO goals are also shown in Figure 2-1.

Destination 2040, which is scheduled for completion in July 2019, is expected to add one new investment program to these five existing programs that allocates funding to transit modernization projects. Destination 2040 will also reflect an updated set of priorities for the MPO's Complete Streets investment program, adding dedicated bus lanes and climate resiliency measures to the types of projects targeted for funding through this program. The MPO will allocate funding to projects in these updated programs in future TIP cycles.

Other Funding Guidelines

When creating investment scenarios for Charting Progress to 2040, the MPO applied guidelines which were designed to strike a balance between large-scale projects that would be included in its Major Infrastructure program and lower cost, operations and management-type projects. (For the development of the FFYs 2020-24 TIP, the MPO defined major Infrastructure projects as those that cost more than $20 million or that add capacity to the transportation network). Such a balance would help the MPO address its goals and provide more opportunities for the MPO to distribute federal transportation dollars to projects throughout the region, as opposed to concentrating it in a few large-scale projects. Charting Progress to 2040 focused on investing federal transportation dollars over a 20-year period, but several guidelines are relevant to shorter-term TIP programming, including the following:



The MPO can consider LRTP-based guidelines such as these when determining how to program Regional Target funding over the relevant five-year period for the TIP. As the MPO continues to develop Destination 2040, it is anticipated that these guidelines may change to reflect an updated set of goals and investment programs. If and when these policy changes are finalized, they will guide programming decisions made during future TIP cycles.


MassDOT and Transit Agency Investment Frameworks

MassDOT, in coordination with the MBTA, updates its rolling five-year Capital Investment Plan (CIP) on an annual basis. This planning document identifies priority roadway, transit, bridge, and statewide infrastructure projects for the five MassDOT divisions and the MBTA. The CIP process uses a framework that prioritizes funding according to MassDOT’s strategic goals. Reliability is the top priority for MassDOT, followed by Modernization and Expansion. MassDOT and the MBTA have created investment programs for the CIP that relate to these strategic goals, and allocate funding to these goals and programs in ways that emphasize their priority. These goals and investment programs are as follows:



Developing the TIP

Project Selection Process


The MPO applies its investment framework when developing the TIP. The MPO board’s process for selecting projects to receive highway discretionary—or Regional Target—funding relies on evaluation criteria to help identify and prioritize projects that advance the MPO’s goals. The criteria are based on the MPO’s goals and objectives, which were adopted for Charting Progress to 2040. All projects are required to show consistency with the LRTP and other statewide and regional plans. Other considerations include the readiness of a project for construction and municipal support for the project. Background information about the TIP project evaluation process is presented in Appendix A. Following adoption of the next LRTP, Destination 2040, in June 2019, the TIP evaluation criteria will be reviewed to determine if any changes or improvements are necessary to enhance alignment with the MPO’s revised goals and objectives, or to reflect up-to-date best practices in performance-based planning.


Outreach and Data Collection (October–December)

The TIP development process begins early in the federal fiscal year when cities and towns in the region designate staff as TIP contacts and begin developing a list of priority projects to be considered for federal funding. Each fall, the MPO staff asks these TIP contacts to identify their city or town’s priority projects and then the MPO staff elicits input from interested parties and members of the general public.


New projects must be initiated by the MassDOT Highway Division before they can be considered for programming in the TIP. MassDOT details the project initiation process and posts relevant documents on its Project Review Committee’s webpage,


Municipal TIP Contacts and the MPO staff coordinate to update each project’s Project Funding Application Form through the MPO’s Interactive TIP Database,, which summarizes information about each project's background, infrastructure condition and needs, development status, and ability to help the region attain the MPO’s goals and objectives.


The MPO staff compiles the project funding requests into a Universe of Unprogrammed Projects list, which consists of all identified projects being advanced for possible funding. The Universe includes projects that are fully designed and ready to be advertised for construction, those that are undergoing preliminary engineering and design, and projects still in the conceptual planning stage.


The MPO staff also monitors the anticipated greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions that would result from each project in order to consider these impacts when prioritizing transportation investments. For more information on GHG emission monitoring and evaluation, see Appendix B.


Project Evaluation (December–February)

The MPO staff uses its project evaluation criteria to logically and transparently evaluate and select projects for programming in the TIP that advance the MPO’s vision for transportation. This process favors projects that support the following goals:


The project evaluation scoring methodology used to create the FFYs 2020-24 TIP consists of 28 criteria that support the MPO's goals and objectives as outlined in Charting Progress to 2040. A list of the TIP evaluation criteria (in Figure 2-2) provides an overview of the goals, criteria, and scoring values.

In order for the MPO staff to conduct a complete project evaluation, the project must have a functional design report or be at a 25 percent design stage, or its plans must include the level of detail defined in a functional design report. See MassDOT’s Project Development and Design Guide for information about the contents of a functional design report. This guide is available at


The summary of evaluation results for projects considered for programming in this TIP is available in Appendix A. The table contains the total project rating for each project. For more details about the evaluation criteria used to score projects, see Appendix A.


TIP Readiness Day (February)

The MPO staff meets with members of the MassDOT Highway Division to review cost and schedule changes related to currently programmed projects, which are undergoing design review, permitting, and right-of-way acquisition. The MPO board then considers these updated project construction costs and changes to the expected dates for construction advertisement when making decisions about changes to TIP programming. These changes have an impact on the ability of the MPO to program its target funds for new projects in the five-year TIP.


Staff Recommendation and Project Selection (March–April)

Using the evaluation ratings and information gathered about project readiness (when a project likely would be fully designed and ready for advertisement), staff prepares a First-Tier List of Projects. This list cites the projects that both earned the highest ratings in the MPO’s evaluation process and that could be made ready for advertising within the TIP’s time horizon—the next five FFYs.


The MPO staff strongly considers the First-Tier List of Projects when preparing a recommendation to the MPO for projects to program in the TIP. Other considerations for project selection include whether a project was programmed in the LRTP, LRTP-based guidelines for allocating funds to different programs or project types, distribution of investments across the region, and availability of sufficient funding.


Figure 2-2
Transportation Improvement Program Evaluation Criteria

Figure 2-2. TIP Evaluation Criteria
Figure 2-1 is graphic that lays out the six MPO goals, along with 28 concomitant criteria, in addition to the project ratings that support them.

Selection Process for State and Transit Agency Prioritized Projects

As discussed above, the selection of transit, bridge, and statewide infrastructure projects for programming in the TIP draws primarily from MassDOT’s Capital Investment Plan (CIP). MassDOT and the MBTA evaluate projects for inclusion in CIP programs using criteria established by the independent Project Selection Advisory Council (PSAC). The following criteria from the PSAC process guide project evaluation:



Projects that receive the highest priority are those that meet MassDOT’s goals for maintaining and improving the overall condition and reliability of the system; modernizing the system to make it safer and more accessible and to accommodate growth; and expanding and diversifying transportation options for communities. These project prioritization processes may also reflect other planning initiatives, such as Focus40, the MBTA’s 25-year investment plan. Once project prioritization is complete, programming decisions are made based on these evaluations as well as on information regarding project readiness, program sizing, and existing asset management plans.


As discussed above, the transit element of the TIP also includes the Federal-Aid Programs of the other two RTAs in the region, CATA and MWRTA.


Once selection processes are complete, these agencies submit their lists of bridge projects, statewide infrastructure items, and transit capital projects to the MPO for review.


Approving the TIP

Approval of Draft TIP for Public Review

The MPO board considers the project evaluation results, First-Tier List of Projects, and staff recommendation when prioritizing projects for Regional Target funding. The body also considers public comments, the regional importance of projects, and other factors. In addition to prioritizing the Regional Target funding, the MPO board reviews statewide infrastructure items, the Bridge Program, and the capital programs for the MBTA, CATA, and MWRTA before voting to release a draft TIP for public review.


The MPO board votes to release the draft document for public review and invites members of the public, municipal officials, and other stakeholders in the Boston region to review the proposed TIP. The MPO staff hosts outreach events during the public review period to elicit comments on the draft document (see Appendix C).


Approval of the Draft TIP

After the public review period ends, the MPO staff and board review all municipal and public comments, and the board may change the programming or the document as appropriate before endorsing the TIP. MassDOT staff incorporates the MPO-endorsed TIP into the State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) and submits it to the FHWA and FTA for approval. The FHWA, FTA, and US Environmental Protection Agency review the STIP and certify it by September 30, the end of the federal fiscal year.


Updating the TIP

The TIP is a dynamic program that may be amended and adjusted throughout the year. Administrative modifications and amendments are often introduced because of changes in project status (advertisement readiness), project cost, project design scope, or available revenue. An amendment is a revision that requires public review and a demonstration of fiscal constraint.


Consistent with federal guidelines, the Boston Region MPO must release an amendment if there is (1) a change in project cost of $500,000 or more, for projects valued at $5 million or less, or (2) a change of 10 percent or more of the project cost, for projects valued greater than $5 million. Cost changes that are less than these threshold amounts may be considered in the form of administrative modifications or adjustments, which must still undergo MPO board action for approval. Although a public review period is not required for administrative modifications or adjustments, one may be offered at the MPO board’s discretion.


All proposed amendments are presented in a public setting at an MPO meeting, and details are posted on the MPO’s website, Public notices are distributed through the MPO’s email contact list, which members of the public may join by signing up on the MPO’s website. TIP contacts at the affected municipalities and the public are notified of pending amendments at the start of an amendment’s public review period.


Public Notice

Notices of draft TIP amendments include a summary of the amendment’s contents, dates of the public review period, contact information for submitting a comment to the MPO, and the date, time, and location that the MPO will vote on that amendment. Also during the public review period, the MPO staff notifies and briefs the Regional Transportation Advisory Council about the amendment and relays comments from the Advisory Council, if any, to the MPO board. Municipal representatives and members of the public are invited to submit written or oral testimony at the MPO meetings at which amendments are discussed or voted upon.


The MPO typically holds a 21-day public review period before taking final action on an amendment. In extraordinary circumstances, the MPO may vote to shorten the public review period to a minimum of 15 days. (These circumstances are detailed in the MPO’s Public Participation Plan.)


The MPO’s website is the best place to find current information about the TIP. All changes to the draft TIP and changes to the endorsed TIP, such as amendments and modifications that have been approved by the MPO, are available on the TIP webpage,


Comments or questions about the draft TIP materials may be submitted directly to the MPO staff via the website, email, or US mail, or voiced at MPO meetings and other public MPO events.




1 The most recent authorization act, Fixing America’s Surface Transportation Act (FAST Act), was signed into law on December 4, 2015.


Chapter 3
Summary of Highway and Transit Programming

The Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) tables included in this chapter present a listing of all the projects and programs funded with federal highway and transit aid in the Boston region during federal fiscal years (FFYs) 2020–24. These funding tables are also included as part of the State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP).

Table 3-1 presents a summary of the Boston Region Metropolitan Planning Organization’s (MPO) share of Regional Target funds from the Federal-Aid Highway Program. The allocation of these funds is constrained by projections of available federal aid. As shown in Table 3-1, the MPO has programmed these discretionary funds within the limits of projected funding for highway funding programs. As such, the FFYs 2020–24 TIP Regional Target Program complies with financial constraint requirements. The details of this funding and the specific projects programmed with Regional Target funding are shown in Section 1A of each annual element of the TIP tables (Table 3- 2). Section 1A includes the regionally prioritized projects funded during a given federal fiscal year. The other sections in Table 3-2 (sections 1B, 2A, 2B, 2C, 3, and 4) list the following:
Projects funded with earmarks or discretionary grant funds
State-prioritized bridge repairs and rehabilitation, pavement maintenance, safety improvements, retrofits for accessibility (as required by the Americans with Disabilities Act), intersection improvements, roadway reconstruction, and bicycle and pedestrian projects
Projects funded by sources other than federal aid
Each annual element of Table 3-2 also lists the federally funded transit projects and programs in the Boston region that the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA), MetroWest Regional Transit Authority, and Cape Ann Transportation Authority plan to undertake. Table 3-3 provides additional information related to the MBTA’s programs and projects planned in the region.

The second part of the chapter includes detailed descriptions of projects, including evaluation scores (for projects funded by the MPO’s Regional Target Program), project proponents, and funding details. The pages are organized alphabetically by the municipality in which each project is located.

Table 3-1
Boston Region MPO Regional Target Program
MPO Discretionary Funds Sourced from the Federal-Aid Highway Program

Regional Target Program

FFY 2020

FFY 2021

FFY 2022

FFY 2023

FFY 2024


Regional Target Obligation Authority







Regional Target Funds Programmed







Regional Target Funds Unprogrammed








Table 3-2
Federal Fiscal Years 2020-24 Transportation Improvement Program

2020 Boston Region Transportation Improvement Program      
Amendment /
Adjustment Type ▼
STIP                             Program ▼ MassDOT Project ID Metropolitan Planning Organization ▼ Municipality Name ▼ MassDOT                                                                                                              Project                                                                                               Description MassDOT  District Funding                       Source Total Programmed                Funds Federal                    Funds Non-Federal                        Funds Additional Information ▼                                   Present information as follows, if applicable: a) Planning / Design / or Construction; b) total project cost and funding sources used; c) advance construction status; d) MPO project score; e) name of entity receiving a transfer; f) name of entity paying the non-state non-federal match; g) earmark details; h) TAP project proponent; i) other information
►Section 1A / Regionally Prioritized Projects
►Regionally Prioritized Projects          
  Planning / Adjustments / Pass-throughs 1570 Boston Region Multiple GREEN LINE EXTENSION PROJECT- EXTENSION TO COLLEGE AVENUE WITH THE UNION SQUARE SPUR 6 CMAQ  $   18,412,068  $   14,729,654  $     3,682,414 Construction; STBG+CMAQ+Section 5309 (Transit) Total MPO Contribution = $190,000,000; Total funding in this TIP = $49,131,200; AC Yr 5 of 6; funding flexed to FTA; match provided by local contributions
  Roadway Reconstruction 606635 Boston Region Multiple NEEDHAM-NEWTON- RECONSTRUCTION OF HIGHLAND AVENUE, NEEDHAM STREET & CHARLES RIVER BRIDGE, N-04-002, FROM WEBSTER STREET (NEEDHAM) TO ROUTE 9 (NEWTON) 6 HSIP  $     4,500,000  $     4,050,000  $        450,000 Construction; CMAQ+HSIP+TAP+STBG Total Cost = $29,601,436; AC Yr 2 of 2; MPO Evaluation Score = 75
  Roadway Reconstruction 606635 Boston Region Multiple NEEDHAM-NEWTON- RECONSTRUCTION OF HIGHLAND AVENUE, NEEDHAM STREET & CHARLES RIVER BRIDGE, N-04-002, FROM WEBSTER STREET (NEEDHAM) TO ROUTE 9 (NEWTON) 6 STBG  $   12,905,937  $   10,324,750  $     2,581,187 Construction; CMAQ+HSIP+TAP+STBG Total Cost = $29,601,436; AC Yr 2 of 2; MPO Evaluation Score = 75
  Roadway Reconstruction 606043 Boston Region Hopkinton HOPKINTON- SIGNAL & INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENTS ON ROUTE 135 3 CMAQ  $     2,365,425  $     1,892,340  $        473,085 Construction; CMAQ+STBG Total Cost = $7,946,749
  Roadway Reconstruction 606043 Boston Region Hopkinton HOPKINTON- SIGNAL & INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENTS ON ROUTE 135 3 STBG  $     5,581,324  $     4,465,059  $     1,116,265 Construction; CMAQ+STBG Total Cost = $7,946,749
  Roadway Reconstruction 607652 Boston Region Everett EVERETT- RECONSTRUCTION OF FERRY STREET, SOUTH FERRY STREET AND A PORTION OF ELM STREET 4 CMAQ  $     1,884,270  $     1,507,416  $        376,854 Construction; CMAQ+STBG+HSIP+TAP Total Cost = $16,119,557; MPO Evaluation Score = 73
  Roadway Reconstruction 607652 Boston Region Everett EVERETT- RECONSTRUCTION OF FERRY STREET, SOUTH FERRY STREET AND A PORTION OF ELM STREET 4 HSIP  $     1,050,296  $       945,266  $        105,030 Construction; CMAQ+STBG+HSIP+TAP Total Cost = $16,119,557; MPO Evaluation Score = 73
  Roadway Reconstruction 607652 Boston Region Everett EVERETT- RECONSTRUCTION OF FERRY STREET, SOUTH FERRY STREET AND A PORTION OF ELM STREET 4 STBG  $   12,460,579  $     9,968,463  $     2,492,116 Construction; CMAQ+STBG+HSIP+TAP Total Cost = $16,119,557; MPO Evaluation Score = 73
  Roadway Reconstruction 607652 Boston Region Everett EVERETT- RECONSTRUCTION OF FERRY STREET, SOUTH FERRY STREET AND A PORTION OF ELM STREET 4 TAP  $        724,412  $       579,530  $        144,882 Construction; CMAQ+STBG+HSIP+TAP Total Cost = $16,119,557; MPO Evaluation Score = 73; TAP Proponent = Everett
  Roadway Reconstruction 604123 Boston Region Ashland ASHLAND- RECONSTRUCTION ON ROUTE 126 (POND STREET), FROM THE FRAMINGHAM T.L. TO THE HOLLISTON T.L. 3 CMAQ  $     1,000,000  $       800,000  $        200,000 Construction; STBG+CMAQ+TAP Total Cost = $16,304,925; MPO Evaluation Score = 54
  Roadway Reconstruction 604123 Boston Region Ashland ASHLAND- RECONSTRUCTION ON ROUTE 126 (POND STREET), FROM THE FRAMINGHAM T.L. TO THE HOLLISTON T.L. 3 STBG  $   13,198,444  $   10,558,755  $     2,639,689 Construction; STBG+CMAQ+TAP Total Cost = $16,304,925; MPO Evaluation Score = 54
  Roadway Reconstruction 604123 Boston Region Ashland ASHLAND- RECONSTRUCTION ON ROUTE 126 (POND STREET), FROM THE FRAMINGHAM T.L. TO THE HOLLISTON T.L. 3 TAP  $     2,106,481  $     1,685,185  $        421,296 Construction; STBG+CMAQ+TAP Total Cost = $16,304,925; MPO Evaluation Score = 54; TAP Proponent = Ashland
  Roadway Reconstruction 602261 Boston Region Walpole WALPOLE- RECONSTRUCTION ON ROUTE 1A (MAIN STREET), FROM THE NORWOOD T.L. TO ROUTE 27, INCLUDES W-03-024 OVER THE NEPONSET RIVER 5 CMAQ  $     1,000,000  $       800,000  $        200,000 Construction; STBG+CMAQ+TAP Total Cost = $19,906,002; MPO Evaluation Score = 51
  Roadway Reconstruction 602261 Boston Region Walpole WALPOLE- RECONSTRUCTION ON ROUTE 1A (MAIN STREET), FROM THE NORWOOD T.L. TO ROUTE 27, INCLUDES W-03-024 OVER THE NEPONSET RIVER 5 STBG  $   17,047,565  $   13,638,052  $     3,409,513 Construction; STBG+CMAQ+TAP Total Cost = $19,906,002; MPO Evaluation Score = 51
  Roadway Reconstruction 602261 Boston Region Walpole WALPOLE- RECONSTRUCTION ON ROUTE 1A (MAIN STREET), FROM THE NORWOOD T.L. TO ROUTE 27, INCLUDES W-03-024 OVER THE NEPONSET RIVER 5 TAP  $     1,858,437  $     1,486,750  $        371,687 Construction; STBG+CMAQ+TAP Total Cost = $19,906,002; MPO Evaluation Score = 51; TAP Proponent = Walpole
  Roadway Reconstruction 608275 Boston Region Malden MALDEN - EXCHANGE STREET DOWNTOWN IMPROVEMENT PROJECT 4 CMAQ  $     1,000,000  $       800,000  $        200,000 Construction; CMAQ+STBG Total Cost = $1,988,532; MPO Evaluation Score = 59
  Roadway Reconstruction 608275 Boston Region Malden MALDEN - EXCHANGE STREET DOWNTOWN IMPROVEMENT PROJECT 4 STBG  $        988,532  $       790,826  $        197,706 Construction; CMAQ+STBG Total Cost = $1,988,532; MPO Evaluation Score = 59
  Intersection Improvements 608347 Boston Region Beverly BEVERLY- INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENTS @ 3 LOCATIONS: CABOT STREET (ROUTE 1A/97) @ DODGE STREET (ROUTE 1A), COUNTY WAY, LONGMEADOW ROAD & SCOTT STREET, MCKAY STREET @ BALCH STREET & VETERANS MEMORIAL BRIDGE (ROUTE 1A) AT RANTOUL, CABOT, WATER & FRONT STREETS 4 CMAQ  $     1,520,271  $     1,216,217  $        304,054 Construction; CMAQ+HSIP Total Cost = $4,394,886; MPO Evaluation Score = 63
  Intersection Improvements 608347 Boston Region Beverly BEVERLY- INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENTS @ 3 LOCATIONS: CABOT STREET (ROUTE 1A/97) @ DODGE STREET (ROUTE 1A), COUNTY WAY, LONGMEADOW ROAD & SCOTT STREET, MCKAY STREET @ BALCH STREET & VETERANS MEMORIAL BRIDGE (ROUTE 1A) AT RANTOUL, CABOT, WATER & FRONT STREETS 4 HSIP  $     2,874,615  $     2,587,154  $        287,462 Construction; CMAQ+HSIP Total Cost = $4,394,886; MPO Evaluation Score = 63
  Regionally Prioritized Projects subtotal ► ###########  $82,825,416  $19,653,240 ◄ Funding Split Varies by Funding Source
►Section 1A / Fiscal Constraint Analysis        
Total Regional Federal Aid Funds Programmed ► ########### ########### ◄Total Budget  $                 0 Target Funds Available
Section 1A instructions: MPO Template Name) Choose Regional Name from dropdown list to populate header and MPO column; Column C) Enter ID from ProjectInfo; Column E) Choose Municipality Name from dropdown list; Column H) Choose the Funding Source being used for the project - if multiple funding sources are being used enter multiple lines; Column I) Enter the total amount of funds being programmed in this fiscal year and for each funding source; Column J) Federal funds autocalculates. Please verify the amount and only change if needed for flex. Column K) Non-federal funds autocalculates. Please verify the split/match - if matching an FTA flex, coordinate with Rail & Transit Division before programming; Column L) Enter Additional Information as described - please do not use any other format. STBG programmed ►  $62,182,381  $49,745,905 STBG  
HSIP programmed ►  $  8,424,911  $  7,582,420 HSIP  
CMAQ programmed ►  $27,182,034  $21,745,627 CMAQ  
TAP programmed ►  $  4,689,330  $  3,751,464 TAP  
►Section 1B / Earmark or Discretionary Grant Funded Projects
►Other Federal Aid          
      Boston Region   Other Federal Aid   HPP  $                -    $               -    $                -    
Other Federal Aid subtotal ►  $               -    $               -    $               -   ◄ Funding Split Varies by Funding Source
►Section 2A / State Prioritized Reliability Projects
►Bridge Program / Inspections          
  Bridge Program   Boston Region   Bridge Inspection      $                -    $               -    $                -    
Bridge Program / Inspections subtotal ►  $               -    $               -    $               -   ◄ Funding Split Varies by Funding Source
►Bridge Program / Off-System          
  Bridge Program   Boston Region   Bridge Program / Off-System      $                  -  $               -    $                -    
Bridge Program / Off-System subtotal ►  $               -    $               -    $               -   ◄ 80% Federal + 20% Non-Federal
►Bridge Program / On-System (NHS)          
  Bridge Program 604173 Boston Region Boston BOSTON- BRIDGE REPLACEMENT, B-16-016, NORTH WASHINGTON STREET OVER THE BOSTON INNER HARBOR 6 NHPP-On  $   26,291,954  $   21,033,563  $     5,258,391 AC Year 4 of 6, Total Cost $176,318,433
  Bridge Program 605342 Boston Region Stow STOW- BRIDGE REPLACEMENT, S-29-001, (ST 62) GLEASONDALE ROAD OVER THE ASSABET RIVER 3 NHPP-On  $     6,706,560  $     5,365,248  $     1,341,312  
  Bridge Program 605287 Boston Region Chelsea CHELSEA- ROUTE 1 VIADUCT REHABILITATION (SB/NB) ON C-09-007 & C-09-011 6 NHPP-On  $   39,152,831  $   31,322,265  $     7,830,566 AC Year 3 of 4, Total Cost $213,972,689
  Bridge Program 604952 Boston Region Multiple LYNN- SAUGUS- BRIDGE REPLACEMENT, L-18-016=S-05-008, ROUTE 107 OVER THE SAUGUS RIVER (AKA - BELDEN G. BLY BRIDGE) 4 NHPP-On  $   14,694,121  $   11,755,297  $     2,938,824 AC Year 2 of 5, Total Cost $84,253,135
  Bridge Program   Boston Region   Bridge Program / On-System (NHS)      $                -    $               -    $                -    
Bridge Program / On-System (NHS) subtotal ►  $86,845,466  $69,476,373  $17,369,093 ◄ Funding Split Varies by Funding Source
►Bridge Program / On-System (Non-NHS)          
  Bridge Program   Boston Region   Bridge Program / On-System (Non-NHS)      $                  -  $               -    $                -    
Bridge Program / On-System (Non-NHS) subtotal ►  $               -    $               -    $               -   ◄ 80% Federal + 20% Non-Federal
►Bridge Program / Systematic Maintenance          
  Bridge Program   Boston Region   Bridge Program / Systematic Maintenance      $                  -  $               -    $                -    
Bridge Program / Systematic Maintenance subtotal ►  $               -    $               -    $               -   ◄ Funding Split Varies by Funding Source
►Interstate Pavement          
  Interstate Pavement   Boston Region   Interstate Pavement      $                -    $               -    $                -    
Insterstate Pavement subtotal ►  $               -    $               -    $               -   ◄ 90% Federal + 10% Non-Federal
►Non-Interstate Pavement          
  Non-Interstate Pavement 609101 Boston Region Peabody PEABODY - PAVEMENT PRESERVATION AND RELATED WORK ON ROUTE 128 4 NHPP  $     5,025,000  $     4,020,000  $     1,005,000  
  Non-Interstate Pavement 609102 Boston Region Multiple WENHAM - GLOUCESTER - PAVEMENT PRESERVATION AND RELATED WORK ON ROUTE 128 4 NHPP  $   13,083,840  $   10,467,072  $     2,616,768  
  Non-Interstate Pavement 608482 Boston Region Multiple CAMBRIDGE-SOMERVILLE- RESURFACING AND RELATED WORK ON ROUTE 28 Multiple NHPP  $     7,080,000  $     5,664,000  $     1,416,000  
  Non-Interstate Pavement   Boston Region   Non-Interstate Pavement      $                -    $               -    $                -    
Non-Interstate Pavement subtotal ►  $25,188,840  $20,151,072  $  5,037,768 ◄ 80% Federal + 20% Non-Federal
► Roadway Improvements          
  Roadway Improvements 609222 Boston Region Arlington ARLINGTON - SPY POND SEDIMENT REMOVAL 4 STBG  $        950,000  $       760,000  $        190,000  
  Roadway Improvements   Boston Region   Roadway Improvements      $                -    $               -    $                -    
Roadway Improvements subtotal ►  $     950,000  $     760,000  $     190,000 ◄ 80% Federal + 20% Non-Federal
► Safety Improvements          
  Safety Improvements 608611 Boston Region Multiple CANTON- MILTON- RANDOLPH- REPLACEMENT AND REHABILITATION OF THE HIGHWAY LIGHTING SYSTEM AT THE ROUTE 24/ROUTE 1/I-93 INTERCHANGE 6 NHPP  $     8,735,250  $     6,988,200  $     1,747,050  
  Safety Improvements 608608 Boston Region Braintree BRAINTREE- HIGHWAY LIGHTING IMPROVEMENTS AT I-93/ROUTE 3 INTERCHANGE 6 HSIP  $     2,688,726  $     2,419,853  $        268,873 AC Year 2 of 2
  Safety Improvements 608205 Boston Region Multiple READING TO LYNNFIELD- GUIDE AND TRAFFIC SIGN REPLACEMENT ON A SECTION OF I-95 (SR 128) 4 HSIP  $     4,500,000  $     4,050,000  $        450,000  
  Safety Improvements   Boston Region   Safety Improvements      $                -    $               -    $                -    
Safety Improvements subtotal ►  $15,923,976  $13,458,053  $  2,465,923 ◄ Funding Split Varies by Funding Source
►Section 2B / State Prioritized Modernization Projects
► ADA Retrofits          
  ADA Retrofits   Boston Region   ADA Retrofits      $                -    $               -    $                -    
ADA Retrofits subtotal ►  $               -    $               -    $               -   ◄ 80% Federal + 20% Non-Federal
►Intersection Improvements          
  Intersection Improvements   Boston Region   Intersection Improvements      $                -    $               -    $                -    
Intersection Improvements subtotal ►  $               -    $               -    $               -   ◄ Funding Split Varies by Funding Source
►Intelligent Transportation Systems          
  Intelligent Transportation Systems   Boston Region   Intelligent Transportation Systems      $                -    $               -    $                -    
Intelligent Transportation System subtotal ►  $               -    $               -    $               -   ◄ 80% Federal + 20% Non-Federal
►Roadway Reconstruction          
  Roadway Reconstruction 608835 Boston Region Medford MEDFORD- IMPROVEMENTS AT BROOKS ELEMENTARY SCHOOL (SRTS) 4 TAP  $        989,895  $       791,916  $        197,979  
  Roadway Reconstruction 608743 Boston Region Salem SALEM- IMPROVEMENTS AT BATES ELEMENTARY SCHOOL (SRTS) 4 TAP  $        384,658  $       307,726  $         76,932  
  Roadway Reconstruction 608791 Boston Region Winchester WINCHESTER- IMPROVEMENTS AT VINSON-OWEN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL (SRTS) 4 TAP  $     1,671,716  $     1,337,373  $        334,343  
  Roadway Reconstruction   Boston Region   Roadway Reconstruction      $                -    $               -    $                -    
Roadway Reconstruction subtotal ►  $  3,046,269  $  2,437,015  $     609,254 ◄ Funding Split Varies by Funding Source
►Section 2C / State Prioritized Expansion Projects
►Bicycles and Pedestrians          
  Bicycles and Pedestrians   Boston Region   Bicycles and Pedestrians      $                -    $               -    $                -    
Bicycles and Pedestrians subtotal ►  $               -    $               -    $               -   ◄ 80% Federal + 20% Non-Federal
  Capacity   Boston Region   Capacity      $                -    $               -    $                -    
Capacity subtotal ►  $               -    $               -    $               -   ◄ Funding Split Varies by Funding Source
►Section 3 / Planning / Adjustments / Pass-throughs
►Planning / Adjustments / Pass-throughs          
      Boston Region   ABP GANS Repayment  Multiple    $                -    $               -    $                -    
      Boston Region   Award adjustments, change orders, etc. Multiple    $                -    $               -    $                -    
      Boston Region   Metropolitan Planning Multiple    $                -    $               -    $                -    
      Boston Region   State Planning and Research Work Program II,  (SPR II), Research Multiple    $                -    $               -    $                -    
      Boston Region   Railroad Crossings Multiple    $                -    $               -    $                -    
      Boston Region   Recreational Trails Multiple    $                -    $               -    $                -    
Other Statewide Items subtotal ►  $               -    $               -    $               -   ◄ Funding Split Varies by Funding Source
►Section 4 / Non-Federally Aided Projects
►Non-Federally Aided Projects          
  Non Federal Aid   Boston Region   Non-Federal Aid      $                -      $                -    
Non-Federal Aid subtotal►  $               -      $               -   ◄100% Non-Federal
2020 Summary TIP Section 1 - 3: ▼ TIP Section 4: ▼ Total of All Projects ▼    
Total ► ###########  $               -   ########### ◄ Total Spending in Region
Federal Funds ► ###########   ########### ◄ Total Federal Spending in Region
Non-Federal Funds ►  $45,325,278  $               -    $45,325,278 ◄ Total Non-Federal Spending in Region
701 CMR 7.00 Use of Road Flaggers and Police Details on Public Works Projects / 701 CMR 7.00 (the Regulation) was promulgated and became law on October 3, 2008.  Under this Regulation, the CMR is applicable to any Public works Project that is performed within the limits of, or that impact traffic on, any Public Road.  The Municipal Limitation referenced in this Regulation is applicable only to projects where the Municipality is the Awarding Authority.  For all projects contained in the TIP, the Commonwealth is the Awarding Authority.  Therefore, all projects must be considered and implemented in accordance with 701 CMR 7.00, and the Road Flagger and Police Detail Guidelines. By placing a project on the TIP, the Municipality acknowledges that 701 CMR 7.00 is applicable to its project and design and construction will be fully compliant with this Regulation.   This information, and additional information relative to guidance and implementation of the Regulation can be found at the following link on the MassDOT Highway Division website:


Transportation Improvement Program (TIP)
Project List (FY2020)
FTA Program Project Number Transit Agency FTA Activity Line Item Project Description Carryover (unobligated) Federal Funds State Funds TDC Local Funds Total Cost
5307 RTD0007515 Cape Ann Transportation Authority 117A00 PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE $285,000 $0 $0 $71,250 $356,250
5307 RTD0007521 Cape Ann Transportation Authority 114206 ACQUIRE - SHOP EQ/COMP/SFTWR $55,000 $13,750 $0 $0 $68,750
5307 RTD0007984 MetroWest Regional Transit Authority 114200 ACQUISITION OF BUS SUPPORT EQUIP/FACILITIES $181,512 $45,378 $0 $0 $226,890
5307 RTD0007985 MetroWest Regional Transit Authority 440000 TECHNOLOGY SUPPORT/CAPITAL OUTREACH $160,000 $40,000 $0 $0 $200,000
5307 RTD0007987 MetroWest Regional Transit Authority 113403 TERMINAL, INTERMODAL (TRANSIT) - BLANDIN $288,000 $72,000 $0 $0 $360,000
5307 RTD0007320 MetroWest Regional Transit Authority 113403 TERMINAL, INTERMODAL (TRANSIT) - Framingham Commuter Rail Station (FCRS) $19,640 $4,910 $0 $0 $24,550
5307 RTD0008272 MetroWest Regional Transit Authority 117C00 NON FIXED ROUTE ADA PARA SERV $1,717,784 $429,446 $0 $0 $2,147,230
5307 RTD0007955 Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA) 121200 Revenue Vehicle Program - 5307 $121,172,978 $0 $0 $30,293,245 $151,466,223
5307 RTD0008235 Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA) 126301 Signals/Systems Upgrade Program - 5307 $28,323,647 $0 $0 $7,080,912 $35,404,559
          Subtotal $152,203,561 $605,484 $0 $37,445,407 $190,254,452
5309 RTD0007975 Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA) 132303 Green Line Extension Project $150,000,000 $0 $0 $150,000,000 $300,000,000
          Subtotal $150,000,000 $0 $0 $150,000,000 $300,000,000
          Subtotal $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
          Subtotal $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
5337 RTD0007960 Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA) 123400 Stations and Facilities Program - 5337 $57,577,842 $0 $0 $14,394,461 $71,972,303
5337 RTD0007961 Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA) 124400 Signals/Systems Upgrade Program - 5337 $76,229,292 $0 $0 $19,057,323 $95,286,615
5337 RTD0008237 Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA) 122405 Bridge & Tunnel Program -5337 $26,823,759 $0 $0 $0 $26,823,759
          Subtotal $160,630,893 $0 $0 $33,451,784 $194,082,677
5339 RTD0007962 Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA) 111400 Bus Program - 5339 $6,611,840 $0 $0 $1,652,960 $8,264,800
          Subtotal $6,611,840 $0 $0 $1,652,960 $8,264,800
          Subtotal $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Other Federal                    
          Subtotal $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Other Non-Federal                    
Other Non-Federal RTD0008062 Cape Ann Transportation Authority 111240 BUY ASSOC CAP MAINT ITEMS $0 $15,000 $0 $0 $15,000
          Subtotal $0 $15,000 $0 $0 $15,000
          Total $469,446,294 $620,484 $0 $222,550,151 $692,616,929
Funds listed under the Carry Over column are included in the Federal Amount


2021 Boston Region Transportation Improvement Program      
Amendment /
Adjustment Type ▼
STIP                             Program ▼ MassDOT Project ID Metropolitan Planning Organization ▼ Municipality Name ▼ MassDOT                                                                                                              Project                                                                                               Description MassDOT  District Funding                       Source Total Programmed                Funds Federal                    Funds Non-Federal                        Funds Additional Information ▼                                   Present information as follows, if applicable: a) Planning / Design / or Construction; b) total project cost and funding sources used; c) advance construction status; d) MPO project score; e) name of entity receiving a transfer; f) name of entity paying the non-state non-federal match; g) earmark details; h) TAP project proponent; i) other information
►Section 1A / Regionally Prioritized Projects
►Regionally Prioritized Projects          
  Planning / Adjustments / Pass-throughs 1570 Boston Region Multiple GREEN LINE EXTENSION PROJECT- EXTENSION TO COLLEGE AVENUE WITH THE UNION SQUARE SPUR 6 CMAQ  $   30,719,132  $   24,575,306  $     6,143,826 Construction; STBG+CMAQ+Section 5309 (Transit) Total MPO Contribution = $190,000,000; AC Yr 6 of 6; Total funding in this TIP = $49,131,200; funding flexed to FTA; match provided by local contributions
  Roadway Reconstruction 606476 Boston Region Boston BOSTON- ROADWAY, CEILING & WALL RECONSTRUCTION, NEW JET FANS, AND OTHER CONTROL SYSTEMS IN SUMNER TUNNEL 6 NHPP  $   22,115,687  $   17,692,550  $     4,423,137 Construction; NHPP+HSIP+Other Federal Aid Total Cost = $126,544,931; Total MPO Contribution = $22,115,687; AC Yr 1 of 3
  Roadway Reconstruction 606453 Boston Region Boston BOSTON- IMPROVEMENTS ON BOYLSTON STREET, FROM INTERSECTION OF BROOKLINE AVENUE & PARK DRIVE TO IPSWICH STREET  6 CMAQ  $     1,000,000  $       800,000  $        200,000 Construction; CMAQ+TAP+STBG Total Cost = $8,852,517; MPO Evaluation Score = 58
  Roadway Reconstruction 606453 Boston Region Boston BOSTON- IMPROVEMENTS ON BOYLSTON STREET, FROM INTERSECTION OF BROOKLINE AVENUE & PARK DRIVE TO IPSWICH STREET  6 TAP  $       812,432  $       649,946  $        162,486 Construction; CMAQ+TAP+STBG Total Cost = $8,852,517; MPO Evaluation Score = 58; TAP Proponent = Boston
  Roadway Reconstruction 606453 Boston Region Boston BOSTON- IMPROVEMENTS ON BOYLSTON STREET, FROM INTERSECTION OF BROOKLINE AVENUE & PARK DRIVE TO IPSWICH STREET  6 STBG  $     7,040,085  $     5,632,068  $     1,408,017 Construction; CMAQ+TAP+STBG Total Cost = $8,852,517; MPO Evaluation Score = 58
  Bridge Program 604996 Boston Region Woburn WOBURN- BRIDGE REPLACEMENT, W-43-017, NEW BOSTON STREET OVER MBTA 4 STBG  $   15,482,660  $   12,386,128  $     3,096,532 Construction; Total Cost = $15,482,660; MPO Evaluation Score = 55
  Roadway Reconstruction 608228 Boston Region Framingham FRAMINGHAM- RECONSTRUCTION OF UNION AVENUE, FROM PROCTOR STREET TO MAIN STREET 3 HSIP  $     1,000,000  $       900,000  $        100,000 Construction; STBG+HSIP+TAP Total Cost = $8,504,804; MPO Evaluation Score = 58
  Roadway Reconstruction 608228 Boston Region Framingham FRAMINGHAM- RECONSTRUCTION OF UNION AVENUE, FROM PROCTOR STREET TO MAIN STREET 3 TAP  $     1,006,391  $       805,113  $        201,278 Construction; STBG+HSIP+TAP Total Cost = $8,504,804; MPO Evaluation Score = 58; TAP Proponent = Framingham
  Roadway Reconstruction 608228 Boston Region Framingham FRAMINGHAM- RECONSTRUCTION OF UNION AVENUE, FROM PROCTOR STREET TO MAIN STREET 3 STBG  $     6,498,413  $     5,198,730  $     1,299,683 Construction; STBG+HSIP+TAP Total Cost = $8,504,804; MPO Evaluation Score = 58
  Roadway Reconstruction 606501 Boston Region Holbrook HOLBROOK- RECONSTRUCTION OF UNION STREET (ROUTE 139), FROM LINFIELD STREET TO CENTRE STREET/WATER STREET 5 STBG  $     2,454,293  $     1,963,434  $        490,859 Construction; TAP+STBG+Earmark Total Cost = $4,270,631; MPO Evaluation Score = 45
  Roadway Reconstruction 606501 Boston Region Holbrook HOLBROOK- RECONSTRUCTION OF UNION STREET (ROUTE 139), FROM LINFIELD STREET TO CENTRE STREET/WATER STREET 5 TAP  $       289,088  $       231,270  $         57,818 Construction; TAP+STBG+Earmark Total Cost = $2,285,168; MPO Evaluation Score = 45; TAP Proponent = Holbrook
  Intersection Improvements 606130 Boston Region Norwood NORWOOD- INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENTS @ ROUTE 1A & UPLAND ROAD/WASHINGTON STREET & PROSPECT STREET/FULTON STREET 5 CMAQ  $     1,000,000  $       800,000  $        200,000 Construction; CMAQ+STBG Total Cost = $4,028,045; MPO Evaluation Score = 53
  Intersection Improvements 606130 Boston Region Norwood NORWOOD- INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENTS @ ROUTE 1A & UPLAND ROAD/WASHINGTON STREET & PROSPECT STREET/FULTON STREET 5 STBG  $     3,028,045  $     2,422,436  $        605,609 Construction; CMAQ+STBG Total Cost = $4,028,045; MPO Evaluation Score = 53
  Roadway Reconstruction 608146 Boston Region Marblehead MARBLEHEAD- INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENTS AT PLEASANT STREET & VILLAGE, VINE AND CROSS STREETS   4 STBG  $       786,568  $       629,254  $        157,314 Construction; STBG Total Cost = $786,568; MPO Evaluation Score = 40
  Intersection Improvements 608443 Boston Region Multiple LITTLETON- AYER- INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENTS ON ROUTE 2A AT WILLOW ROAD AND BRUCE STREET 3 HSIP  $     1,000,000  $       900,000  $        100,000 Construction; HSIP+STBG Total Cost = $2,589,272; MPO Evaluation Score = 36
  Intersection Improvements 608443 Boston Region Multiple LITTLETON- AYER- INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENTS ON ROUTE 2A AT WILLOW ROAD AND BRUCE STREET 3 STBG  $     1,589,272  $     1,271,418  $        317,854 Construction; HSIP+STBG Total Cost = $2,589,272; MPO Evaluation Score = 36
  Intersection Improvements 607305 Boston Region Reading READING- INTERSECTION SIGNALIZATION @ ROUTE 28 & HOPKINS STREET 4 HSIP  $       750,419  $       675,377  $         75,042 Construction; HSIP+STBG Total Cost = $1,750,419; MPO Evaluation Score = 38
  Intersection Improvements 607305 Boston Region Reading READING- INTERSECTION SIGNALIZATION @ ROUTE 28 & HOPKINS STREET 4 STBG  $     1,000,000  $       800,000  $        200,000 Construction; HSIP+STBG Total Cost = $1,750,419; MPO Evaluation Score = 38
  Roadway Reconstruction 602077 Boston Region Lynn LYNN- RECONSTRUCTION ON ROUTE 129 (LYNNFIELD STREET), FROM GREAT WOODS ROAD TO WYOMA SQUARE  4 CMAQ  $     1,000,000  $       800,000  $        200,000 Construction; CMAQ+STBG Total Cost = $4,980,392; MPO Evaluation Score = 38
  Roadway Reconstruction 602077 Boston Region Lynn LYNN- RECONSTRUCTION ON ROUTE 129 (LYNNFIELD STREET), FROM GREAT WOODS ROAD TO WYOMA SQUARE  4 STBG  $     3,980,392  $     3,184,314  $        796,078 Construction; CMAQ+STBG Total Cost = $4,980,392; MPO Evaluation Score = 38
  Planning / Adjustments / Pass-throughs BN0009 Boston Region Multiple COMMUNITY TRANSPORTATION PROGRAM N/A CMAQ  $     2,000,000  $     1,600,000  $        400,000 Planning, Design, or Construction; Set Aside for LRTP Clean Air and Mobility Program
Regionally Prioritized Projects subtotal ► ###########  $59,342,038  $14,491,707 ◄ Funding Split Varies by Funding Source
►Section 1A / Fiscal Constraint Analysis        
Total Regional Federal Aid Funds Programmed ► ########### ########### ◄Total Budget  $                0 Target Funds Available
Section 1A instructions: MPO Template Name) Choose Regional Name from dropdown list to populate header and MPO column; Column C) Enter ID from ProjectInfo; Column E) Choose Municipality Name from dropdown list; Column H) Choose the Funding Source being used for the project - if multiple funding sources are being used enter multiple lines; Column I) Enter the total amount of funds being programmed in this fiscal year and for each funding source; Column J) Federal funds autocalculates. Please verify the amount and only change if needed for flex. Column K) Non-federal funds autocalculates. Please verify the split/match - if matching an FTA flex, coordinate with Rail & Transit Division before programming; Column L) Enter Additional Information as described - please do not use any other format. STBG programmed ►  $63,975,415  $51,180,332 STBG  
HSIP programmed ►  $  2,750,419  $  2,475,377 HSIP  
CMAQ programmed ►  $35,719,132  $  4,000,000 CMAQ  
TAP programmed ►  $  2,107,911  $  1,686,329 TAP  
►Section 1B / Earmark or Discretionary Grant Funded Projects
►Other Federal Aid          
  Roadway Reconstruction 606501 Boston Region Holbrook HOLBROOK- RECONSTRUCTION OF UNION STREET (ROUTE 139), FROM LINFIELD STREET TO CENTRE STREET/WATER STREET 5 HPP  $     1,527,250  $     1,221,800  $        305,450 Demo ID MA177
  Roadway Reconstruction 606476 Boston Region Boston BOSTON- ROADWAY, CEILING & WALL RECONSTRUCTION, NEW JET FANS, AND OTHER CONTROL SYSTEMS IN SUMNER TUNNEL 6 Other FA  $   12,655,015  $   10,124,012  $     2,531,003 Construction; NHPP+HSIP+Other Federal Aid Total Cost = $126,544,931; Total MPO Contribution = $22,115,687; AC Yr 1 of 3; Other Federal Aid = HIP (Boston)
  Roadway Reconstruction 606476 Boston Region Boston BOSTON- ROADWAY, CEILING & WALL RECONSTRUCTION, NEW JET FANS, AND OTHER CONTROL SYSTEMS IN SUMNER TUNNEL 6 Other FA  $   17,830,184  $   14,264,147  $     3,566,037 Construction; NHPP+HSIP+Other Federal Aid Total Cost = $126,544,931; Total MPO Contribution = $22,115,687; AC Yr 1 of 3; Other Federal Aid = HIP (Boston)
Other Federal Aid subtotal ►  $32,012,449  $25,609,959  $  6,402,490 ◄ Funding Split Varies by Funding Source
►Section 2A / State Prioritized Reliability Projects
►Bridge Program / Inspections          
  Bridge Program   Boston Region   Bridge Inspection      $               -    $               -    $                -    
Bridge Program / Inspections subtotal ►  $               -    $               -    $               -   ◄ Funding Split Varies by Funding Source
►Bridge Program / Off-System          
  Bridge Program 608637 Boston Region Maynard MAYNARD- BRIDGE REPLACEMENT, M-10-006, CARRYING FLORIDA ROAD OVER THE ASSABET RIVER 3 STBG-BR-OFF  $     1,646,400  $     1,317,120  $        329,280  
  Bridge Program 608079 Boston Region Sharon SHARON- BRIDGE REPLACEMENT, S-09-003 (40N), MASKWONICUT STREET OVER AMTRAK/MBTA 5 STBG-BR-OFF  $     5,755,240  $     4,604,192  $     1,151,048  
  Bridge Program   Boston Region   Bridge Program / Off-System      $                 -  $               -    $                -    
Bridge Program / Off-System subtotal ►  $  7,401,640  $  5,921,312  $  1,480,328 ◄ 80% Federal + 20% Non-Federal
►Bridge Program / On-System (NHS)          
  Bridge Program 604173 Boston Region Boston BOSTON- BRIDGE REPLACEMENT, B-16-016, NORTH WASHINGTON STREET OVER THE BOSTON INNER HARBOR 6 NHPP-On  $   30,389,655  $   24,311,724  $     6,077,931 AC Year 5 of 6, Total Cost $176,318,433
  Bridge Program 605287 Boston Region Chelsea CHELSEA- ROUTE 1 VIADUCT REHABILITATION (SB/NB) ON C-09-007 & C-09-011 6 NHPP-On  $   29,992,990  $   23,994,392  $     5,998,598 AC Year 4 of 4, Total Cost $213,972,689
  Bridge Program 604952 Boston Region Multiple LYNN- SAUGUS- BRIDGE REPLACEMENT, L-18-016=S-05-008, ROUTE 107 OVER THE SAUGUS RIVER (AKA - BELDEN G. BLY BRIDGE) 4 NHPP-On  $   12,969,789  $   10,375,831  $     2,593,958 AC Year 3 of 5, Total Cost $84,253,135
  Bridge Program   Boston Region   Bridge Program / On-System (NHS)      $                 -  $               -    $                -    
Bridge Program / On-System (NHS) subtotal ►  $73,352,434  $58,681,947  $14,670,487 ◄ Funding Split Varies by Funding Source
►Bridge Program / On-System (Non-NHS)          
  Bridge Program 608596 Boston Region Essex ESSEX- SUPERSTRUCTURE REPLACEMENT, E-11-001 (2TV), ROUTE 133\MAIN STREET OVER ESSEX RIVER 4 NHPP-Off  $     4,511,360  $     3,609,088  $        902,272  
  Bridge Program   Boston Region   Bridge Program / On-System (Non-NHS)      $                 -  $               -    $                -    
Bridge Program / On-System (Non-NHS) subtotal ►  $  4,511,360  $  3,609,088  $     902,272 ◄ 80% Federal + 20% Non-Federal
►Bridge Program / Systematic Maintenance          
  Bridge Program 608610 Boston Region Newton NEWTON- STEEL SUPERSTRUCTURE CLEANING (FULL REMOVAL) AND PAINTING OF N-12-055 6 NHPP-On  $     2,304,000  $     1,843,200  $        460,800  
  Bridge Program   Boston Region   Bridge Program / Systematic Maintenance      $               -    $               -    $                -    
Bridge Program / Systematic Maintenance subtotal ►  $  2,304,000  $  1,843,200  $     460,800 ◄ Funding Split Varies by Funding Source
►Interstate Pavement          
  Interstate Pavement 608208 Boston Region Multiple QUINCY - MILTON - BOSTON - INTERSTATE MAINTENANCE AND RELATED WORK ON I-93 6 NHPP  $   27,371,469  $   24,634,322  $     2,737,147  
  Interstate Pavement   Boston Region   Interstate Pavement      $               -    $               -    $                -    
Insterstate Pavement subtotal ►  $27,371,469  $24,634,322  $  2,737,147 ◄ 90% Federal + 10% Non-Federal
►Non-Interstate Pavement          
  Non-Interstate Pavement 608467 Boston Region Marlborough MARLBOROUGH- RESURFACING AND RELATED WORK ON ROUTE 20 3 NHPP  $   14,358,240  $   11,486,592  $     2,871,648  
  Non-Interstate Pavement 607477 Boston Region Multiple LYNNFIELD-PEABODY RESURFACING AND RELATED WORK ON ROUTE 1 4 NHPP  $     7,721,542  $     6,177,234  $     1,544,308  
  Non-Interstate Pavement   Boston Region   Non-Interstate Pavement      $               -    $               -    $                -    
Non-Interstate Pavement subtotal ►  $22,079,782  $17,663,826  $  4,415,956 ◄ 80% Federal + 20% Non-Federal
► Roadway Improvements          
  Roadway Improvements   Boston Region   Roadway Improvements      $               -    $               -    $                -    
Roadway Improvements subtotal ►  $               -    $               -    $               -   ◄ 80% Federal + 20% Non-Federal
► Safety Improvements          
  Safety Improvements   Boston Region   Safety Improvements      $               -    $               -    $                -    
Safety Improvements subtotal ►  $               -    $               -    $               -   ◄ Funding Split Varies by Funding Source
►Section 2B / State Prioritized Modernization Projects
► ADA Retrofits          
  ADA Retrofits   Boston Region   ADA Retrofits      $               -    $               -    $                -    
ADA Retrofits subtotal ►  $               -    $               -    $               -   ◄ 80% Federal + 20% Non-Federal
►Intersection Improvements          
  Intersection Improvements 608562 Boston Region Somerville SOMERVILLE- SIGNAL AND INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENTS ON I-93 AT MYSTIC AVENUE AND MCGRATH HIGHWAY (TOP 200 CRASH LOCATION) 4 HSIP  $     5,181,613  $     4,663,452  $        518,161  
  Intersection Improvements 607342 Boston Region Milton MILTON- INTERSECTION & SIGNAL IMPROVEMENTS @ ROUTE 28 (RANDOLPH AVENUE) & CHICKATAWBUT ROAD 6 HSIP  $     1,478,849  $     1,330,964  $        147,885  
  Intersection Improvements 607748 Boston Region Acton ACTON- INTERSECTION & SIGNAL IMPROVEMENTS ON SR 2 & SR 111 (MASSACHUSETTS AVENUE) AT PIPER ROAD & TAYLOR ROAD 3 HSIP  $     5,657,725  $     5,091,952  $        565,772  
  Intersection Improvements 607761 Boston Region Swampscott SWAMPSCOTT- INTERSECTION & SIGNAL IMPROVEMENTS AT SR 1A (PARADISE ROAD) AT SWAMPSCOTT MALL 4 HSIP  $     1,157,036  $     1,041,333  $        115,704  
  Intersection Improvements   Boston Region   Intersection Improvements      $               -    $               -    $                -    
Intersection Improvements subtotal ►  $13,475,223  $12,127,701  $  1,347,522 ◄ Funding Split Varies by Funding Source
►Intelligent Transportation Systems          
  Intelligent Transportation Systems   Boston Region   Intelligent Transportation Systems      $               -    $               -    $                -    
Intelligent Transportation System subtotal ►  $               -    $               -    $               -   ◄ 80% Federal + 20% Non-Federal
►Roadway Reconstruction          
  Roadway Reconstruction 608911 Boston Region Belmont BELMONT- IMPROVEMENTS AT WELLINGTON ELEMENTARY SCHOOL (SRTS) 4 TAP  $     1,614,288  $     1,291,430  $        322,858  
  Roadway Reconstruction 607901 Boston Region Dedham DEDHAM- PEDESTRIAN IMPROVEMENTS ALONG ELM STREET & RUSTCRAFT ROAD CORRIDORS 6 CMAQ  $     3,019,061  $     2,415,249  $        603,812  
  Roadway Reconstruction 606476 Boston Region Boston BOSTON- ROADWAY, CEILING & WALL RECONSTRUCTION, NEW JET FANS, AND OTHER CONTROL SYSTEMS IN SUMNER TUNNEL 6 NHPP  $     6,901,660  $     5,521,328  $     1,380,332 Construction; NHPP+HSIP+Other Federal Aid Total Cost = $126,544,931; Total MPO Contribution = $22,115,687; AC Yr 1 of 3
  Roadway Reconstruction 606476 Boston Region Boston BOSTON- ROADWAY, CEILING & WALL RECONSTRUCTION, NEW JET FANS, AND OTHER CONTROL SYSTEMS IN SUMNER TUNNEL 6 HSIP  $     8,376,444  $     7,538,800  $        837,644 Construction; NHPP+HSIP+Other Federal Aid Total Cost = $126,544,931; Total MPO Contribution = $22,115,687; AC Yr 1 of 3
Roadway Reconstruction subtotal ►  $19,911,453  $16,766,807  $  3,144,646 ◄ Funding Split Varies by Funding Source
►Section 2C / State Prioritized Expansion Projects
►Bicycles and Pedestrians          
  Bicycles and Pedestrians 609066 Boston Region Multiple NEWTON- WESTON- MULTI-USE TRAIL CONNECTION, FROM RECREATION ROAD TO UPPER CHARLES RIVER GREENWAY INCLUDING RECONSTRUCTION OF PED BRIDGE N-12-078=W-29-062 6 CMAQ  $     2,767,958  $     2,214,367  $        553,592  
  Bicycles and Pedestrians 607888 Boston Region Multiple BOSTON- BROOKLINE- MULTI-USE PATH CONSTRUCTION ON NEW FENWAY  6 CMAQ  $     3,345,372  $     2,676,298  $        669,074  
  Bicycles and Pedestrians   Boston Region   Bicycles and Pedestrians      $               -    $               -    $                -    
Bicycles and Pedestrians subtotal ►  $  6,113,331  $  4,890,664  $  1,222,666 ◄ 80% Federal + 20% Non-Federal
  Capacity   Boston Region   Capacity      $               -    $               -    $                -    
Capacity subtotal ►  $               -    $               -    $               -   ◄ Funding Split Varies by Funding Source
►Section 3 / Planning / Adjustments / Pass-throughs
►Planning / Adjustments / Pass-throughs          
      Boston Region   ABP GANS Repayment  Multiple    $               -    $               -    $                -    
      Boston Region   Award adjustments, change orders, etc. Multiple    $               -    $               -    $                -    
      Boston Region   Metropolitan Planning Multiple    $               -    $               -    $                -    
      Boston Region   State Planning and Research Work Program II,  (SPR II), Research Multiple    $               -    $               -    $                -    
      Boston Region   Railroad Crossings Multiple    $               -    $               -    $                -    
      Boston Region   Recreational Trails Multiple    $               -    $               -    $                -    
Other Statewide Items subtotal ►  $               -    $               -    $               -   ◄ Funding Split Varies by Funding Source
►Section 4 / Non-Federally Aided Projects
►Non-Federally Aided Projects          
  Non Federal Aid   Boston Region   Non-Federal Aid      $               -      $                -    
Non-Federal Aid subtotal►  $               -      $               -   ◄100% Non-Federal
2021 Summary TIP Section 1 - 3: ▼ TIP Section 4: ▼ Total of All Projects ▼    
Total ► ###########  $               -   ########### ◄ Total Spending in Region
Federal Funds ► ###########   ########### ◄ Total Federal Spending in Region
Non-Federal Funds ►  $51,276,022  $               -    $51,276,022 ◄ Total Non-Federal Spending in Region
701 CMR 7.00 Use of Road Flaggers and Police Details on Public Works Projects / 701 CMR 7.00 (the Regulation) was promulgated and became law on October 3, 2008.  Under this Regulation, the CMR is applicable to any Public works Project that is performed within the limits of, or that impact traffic on, any Public Road.  The Municipal Limitation referenced in this Regulation is applicable only to projects where the Municipality is the Awarding Authority.  For all projects contained in the TIP, the Commonwealth is the Awarding Authority.  Therefore, all projects must be considered and implemented in accordance with 701 CMR 7.00, and the Road Flagger and Police Detail Guidelines. By placing a project on the TIP, the Municipality acknowledges that 701 CMR 7.00 is applicable to its project and design and construction will be fully compliant with this Regulation.   This information, and additional information relative to guidance and implementation of the Regulation can be found at the following link on the MassDOT Highway Division website:


Transportation Improvement Program (TIP)
Project List (FY2021)
FTA Program Project Number Transit Agency FTA Activity Line Item Project Description Carryover (unobligated) Federal Funds State Funds TDC Local Funds Total Cost
5307 RTD0007516 Cape Ann Transportation Authority 117A00 PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE 2020 - $285,000 $285,000 $0 $0 $71,250 $356,250
5307 RTD0007522 Cape Ann Transportation Authority 114206 ACQUIRE - SHOP EQ/COMP/SFTWR 2020 - $55,000 $55,000 $13,750 $0 $0 $68,750
5307 RTD0007318 MetroWest Regional Transit Authority 113403 TERMINAL, INTERMODAL (TRANSIT) - Framingham Commuter Rail Station (FCRS) 2020 - $125,000 $125,000 $175,000 $0 $0 $300,000
5307 RTD0007988 MetroWest Regional Transit Authority 117C00 NON FIXED ROUTE ADA PARA SERV 2020 - $1,600,000 $1,600,000 $400,000 $0 $0 $2,000,000
5307 RTD0007989 MetroWest Regional Transit Authority 113403 TERMINAL, INTERMODAL (TRANSIT) - BLANDIN 2020 - $350,000 $350,000 $225,000 $0 $0 $575,000
5307 RTD0007990 MetroWest Regional Transit Authority 114200 ACQUISITION OF BUS SUPPORT EQUIP/FACILITIES 2020 - $224,636 $224,636 $225,000 $0 $0 $449,636
5307 RTD0007991 MetroWest Regional Transit Authority 440000 TECHNOLOGY SUPPORT/CAPITAL OUTREACH 2020 - $150,000 $150,000 $180,000 $0 $0 $330,000
5307 RTD0007963 Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA) 121200 Revenue Vehicle Program - 5307 $123,245,036 $0 $0 $30,811,259 $154,056,295
5307 RTD0007978 Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA) 126301 Signals/Systems Upgrade Program - 5307 $16,379,600 $0 $0 $4,094,900 $20,474,500
5307 RTD0008239 Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA) 123400 5307 - Stations and Facilities Program $12,428,382 $0 $0 $3,107,096 $15,535,478
          Subtotal $154,842,654 $1,218,750 $0 $38,084,505 $194,145,909
5309 RTD0007976 Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA) 132303 Green Line Extension Project $100,000,000 $0 $0 $100,000,000 $200,000,000
          Subtotal $100,000,000 $0 $0 $100,000,000 $200,000,000
          Subtotal $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
          Subtotal $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
5337 RTD0007966 Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA) 123400 Stations and Facilities Program - 5337 $58,562,423 $0 $0 $36,113,857 $94,676,280
5337 RTD0007967 Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA) 124400 Signals/Systems Upgrade Program - 5337 $77,532,813 $0 $0 $19,383,203 $96,916,016
5337 RTD0008238 Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA) 122405 5337 - Bridge & Tunnel Program $27,282,445 $0 $0 $6,820,611 $34,103,056
          Subtotal $163,377,681 $0 $0 $62,317,671 $225,695,352
5339 RTD0007968 Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA) 111400 Bus Program - 5339 $6,724,903 $0 $0 $1,681,226 $8,406,129
          Subtotal $6,724,903 $0 $0 $1,681,226 $8,406,129
          Subtotal $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Other Federal                    
Other Federal RTD0007983 Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA) 126301 PTC - RRIF/TIFIA Financing $354,451,665 $0 $0 $88,612,916 $443,064,581
          Subtotal $354,451,665 $0 $0 $88,612,916 $443,064,581
Other Non-Federal                    
Other Non-Federal RTD0008022 Cape Ann Transportation Authority 111203 Replace 30' buses/trolleys (1) $0 $500,000 $0 $0 $500,000
Other Non-Federal RTD0008064 Cape Ann Transportation Authority 111240 BUY ASSOC CAP MAINT ITEMS $0 $15,000 $0 $0 $15,000
          Subtotal $0 $515,000 $0 $0 $515,000
          Total $779,396,903 $1,733,750 $0 $290,696,318 $1,071,826,971
Funds listed under the Carry Over column are included in the Federal Amount


2022 Boston Region Transportation Improvement Program      
Amendment /
Adjustment Type ▼
STIP                             Program ▼ MassDOT Project ID Metropolitan Planning Organization ▼ Municipality Name ▼ MassDOT                                                                                                              Project                                                                                               Description MassDOT  District Funding                       Source Total Programmed                Funds Federal                    Funds Non-Federal                        Funds Additional Information ▼                                   Present information as follows, if applicable: a) Planning / Design / or Construction; b) total project cost and funding sources used; c) advance construction status; d) MPO project score; e) name of entity receiving a transfer; f) name of entity paying the non-state non-federal match; g) earmark details; h) TAP project proponent; i) other information
►Section 1A / Regionally Prioritized Projects
►Regionally Prioritized Projects          
  Roadway Reconstruction 606226 Boston Region Boston BOSTON- RECONSTRUCTION OF RUTHERFORD AVENUE, FROM CITY SQUARE TO SULLIVAN SQUARE 6 NHPP  $    14,664,180  $   11,731,344  $     2,932,836 Construction; NHPP+STBG+TAP Total Cost = $152,000,000; AC Yr 1 of 5; Total funding in this TIP = $111,685,278; MPO Evaluation Score = 59
  Roadway Reconstruction 606226 Boston Region Boston BOSTON- RECONSTRUCTION OF RUTHERFORD AVENUE, FROM CITY SQUARE TO SULLIVAN SQUARE 6 STBG  $     7,609,193  $    6,087,354  $     1,521,839 Construction; NHPP+STBG+TAP Total Cost = $152,000,000; AC Yr 1 of 5; Total funding in this TIP = $111,685,278; MPO Evaluation Score = 59
  Roadway Reconstruction 606226 Boston Region Boston BOSTON- RECONSTRUCTION OF RUTHERFORD AVENUE, FROM CITY SQUARE TO SULLIVAN SQUARE 6 TAP  $     1,282,990  $    1,026,392  $       256,598 Construction; NHPP+STBG+TAP Total Cost = $152,000,000; AC Yr 1 of 5; Total funding in this TIP = $111,685,278; MPO Evaluation Score = 59; TAP Proponent = Boston
  Intersection Improvements 605857 Boston Region Norwood NORWOOD- INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENTS @ ROUTE 1 & UNIVERSITY AVENUE/EVERETT STREET  5 CMAQ  $     3,000,000  $    2,400,000  $       600,000 Construction; HSIP+CMAQ+STBG+NHPP Total Cost = $10,166,526; MPO Evaluation Score = 55
  Intersection Improvements 605857 Boston Region Norwood NORWOOD- INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENTS @ ROUTE 1 & UNIVERSITY AVENUE/EVERETT STREET  5 HSIP  $        631,724  $       568,552  $         63,172 Construction; HSIP+CMAQ+STBG+NHPP Total Cost = $10,166,526; MPO Evaluation Score = 55
  Intersection Improvements 605857 Boston Region Norwood NORWOOD- INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENTS @ ROUTE 1 & UNIVERSITY AVENUE/EVERETT STREET  5 NHPP  $     2,873,029  $    2,298,423  $       574,606 Construction; HSIP+CMAQ+STBG+NHPP Total Cost = $10,166,526; MPO Evaluation Score = 55
  Intersection Improvements 605857 Boston Region Norwood NORWOOD- INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENTS @ ROUTE 1 & UNIVERSITY AVENUE/EVERETT STREET  5 STBG  $     3,661,773  $    2,929,418  $       732,355 Construction; HSIP+CMAQ+STBG+NHPP Total Cost = $10,166,526; MPO Evaluation Score = 55
  Bicycles and Pedestrians 607738 Boston Region Bedford BEDFORD- MINUTEMAN BIKEWAY EXTENSION, FROM LOOMIS STREET TO THE CONCORD T.L. 4 CMAQ  $     6,489,964  $    5,191,971  $     1,297,993 Construction; CMAQ+TAP Total Cost = $8,234,946; MPO Evaluation Score = 47
  Bicycles and Pedestrians 607738 Boston Region Bedford BEDFORD- MINUTEMAN BIKEWAY EXTENSION, FROM LOOMIS STREET TO THE CONCORD T.L. 4 TAP  $     1,744,982  $    1,395,986  $       348,996 Construction; CMAQ+TAP Total Cost = $8,234,946; MPO Evaluation Score = 47; TAP Proponent = Bedford
  Bicycles and Pedestrians 608164 Boston Region Sudbury SUDBURY- BIKE PATH CONSTRUCTION (BRUCE FREEMAN RAIL TRAIL) 3 CMAQ  $     8,834,137  $    7,067,310  $     1,766,827 Construction; CMAQ+TAP Total Cost = $9,334,137; MPO Evaluation Score = 40
  Bicycles and Pedestrians 608164 Boston Region Sudbury SUDBURY- BIKE PATH CONSTRUCTION (BRUCE FREEMAN RAIL TRAIL) 3 TAP  $        500,000  $       400,000  $       100,000 Construction; CMAQ+TAP Total Cost = $9,334,137; MPO Evaluation Score = 40; TAP Proponent = Sudbury
  Roadway Reconstruction 607777 Boston Region Watertown WATERTOWN- REHABILITATION OF MOUNT AUBURN STREET (ROUTE 16) 6 CMAQ  $     1,000,000  $       800,000  $       200,000 Construction; HSIP+CMAQ+STBG Total Cost = $15,120,000; MPO Evaluation Score = 75
  Roadway Reconstruction 607777 Boston Region Watertown WATERTOWN- REHABILITATION OF MOUNT AUBURN STREET (ROUTE 16) 6 HSIP  $     2,000,000  $    1,800,000  $       200,000 Construction; HSIP+CMAQ+STBG Total Cost = $15,120,000; MPO Evaluation Score = 75
  Roadway Reconstruction 607777 Boston Region Watertown WATERTOWN- REHABILITATION OF MOUNT AUBURN STREET (ROUTE 16) 6 STBG  $    12,120,000  $    9,696,000  $     2,424,000 Construction; HSIP+CMAQ+STBG Total Cost = $15,120,000; MPO Evaluation Score = 75
  Roadway Reconstruction 608078 Boston Region Chelsea CHELSEA- RECONSTRUCTION ON BROADWAY (ROUTE 107), FROM CITY HALL AVENUE TO THE REVERE C.L. 6 CMAQ  $     1,000,000  $       800,000  $       200,000 Construction; CMAQ+STBG Total Cost = $9,669,765; MPO Evaluation Score = 61
  Roadway Reconstruction 608078 Boston Region Chelsea CHELSEA- RECONSTRUCTION ON BROADWAY (ROUTE 107), FROM CITY HALL AVENUE TO THE REVERE C.L. 6 STBG  $     8,669,765  $    6,935,812  $     1,733,953 Construction; CMAQ+STBG Total Cost = $9,669,765; MPO Evaluation Score = 61
  Roadway Reconstruction 608229 Boston Region Acton ACTON- INTERSECTION & SIGNAL IMPROVEMENTS AT KELLEY'S CORNER, ROUTE 111 (MASSACHUSETTS AVENUE) AND ROUTE 27 (MAIN STREET) 3 CMAQ  $     3,000,000  $    2,400,000  $       600,000 Construction; CMAQ+TAP+STBG Total Cost = $15,141,463; MPO Evaluation Score = 45
  Roadway Reconstruction 608229 Boston Region Acton ACTON- INTERSECTION & SIGNAL IMPROVEMENTS AT KELLEY'S CORNER, ROUTE 111 (MASSACHUSETTS AVENUE) AND ROUTE 27 (MAIN STREET) 3 STBG  $    11,941,463  $    9,553,170  $     2,388,293 Construction; CMAQ+TAP+STBG Total Cost = $15,141,463; MPO Evaluation Score = 45
  Roadway Reconstruction 608229 Boston Region Acton ACTON- INTERSECTION & SIGNAL IMPROVEMENTS AT KELLEY'S CORNER, ROUTE 111 (MASSACHUSETTS AVENUE) AND ROUTE 27 (MAIN STREET) 3 TAP  $        200,000  $       160,000  $         40,000 Construction; CMAQ+TAP+STBG Total Cost = $15,141,463; MPO Evaluation Score = 45; TAP project proponent = Acton
  Roadway Reconstruction 608889 Boston Region Framingham FRAMINGHAM- TRAFFIC SIGNAL INSTALLATION AT EDGELL ROAD AND CENTRAL STREET 3 CMAQ  $     1,680,000  $    1,344,000  $       336,000 Construction; CMAQ+STBG Total Cost = $1,814,400; MPO Evaluation Score = 41
  Roadway Reconstruction 608889 Boston Region Framingham FRAMINGHAM- TRAFFIC SIGNAL INSTALLATION AT EDGELL ROAD AND CENTRAL STREET 3 STBG  $        134,400  $       107,520  $         26,880 Construction; CMAQ+STBG Total Cost = $1,814,400; MPO Evaluation Score = 41
  Roadway Reconstruction 608887 Boston Region Bellingham BELLINGHAM- REHABILITATION AND RELATED WORK ON ROUTE 126, FROM DOUGLAS DRIVE TO ROUTE 140 3 CMAQ  $     2,000,000  $    1,600,000  $       400,000 Construction; CMAQ+STBG+TAP Total Cost = $4,380,828; MPO Evaluation Score = 45
  Roadway Reconstruction 608887 Boston Region Bellingham BELLINGHAM- REHABILITATION AND RELATED WORK ON ROUTE 126, FROM DOUGLAS DRIVE TO ROUTE 140 3 STBG  $     1,500,000  $    1,200,000  $       300,000 Construction; CMAQ+STBG+TAP Total Cost = $4,380,828; MPO Evaluation Score = 45
  Roadway Reconstruction 608887 Boston Region Bellingham BELLINGHAM- REHABILITATION AND RELATED WORK ON ROUTE 126, FROM DOUGLAS DRIVE TO ROUTE 140 3 TAP  $        880,828  $       704,662  $       176,166 Construction; CMAQ+STBG+TAP Total Cost = $4,380,828; MPO Evaluation Score = 45
  Roadway Reconstruction 601607 Boston Region Hull HULL- RECONSTRUCTION OF ATLANTIC AVENUE AND RELATED WORK FROM NANTASKET AVENUE TO COHASSET TOWN LINE  5 STBG  $     7,263,401  $    5,810,721  $     1,452,680 Construction; Total Cost = $7,263,401; MPO Evaluation Score = 44
  Planning / Adjustments / Pass-throughs BN0009 Boston Region Multiple COMMUNITY TRANSPORTATION PROGRAM N/A CMAQ  $     2,000,000  $    1,600,000  $       400,000 Planning, Design, or Construction; Set Aside for LRTP Clean Air and Mobility Program
Regionally Prioritized Projects subtotal ► ###########  $85,608,636  $21,073,193 ◄ Funding Split Varies by Funding Source
►Section 1A / Fiscal Constraint Analysis        
Total Regional Federal Aid Funds Programmed ► ########### ########### ◄Total Budget  $                0 Target Funds Available
Section 1A instructions: MPO Template Name) Choose Regional Name from dropdown list to populate header and MPO column; Column C) Enter ID from ProjectInfo; Column E) Choose Municipality Name from dropdown list; Column H) Choose the Funding Source being used for the project - if multiple funding sources are being used enter multiple lines; Column I) Enter the total amount of funds being programmed in this fiscal year and for each funding source; Column J) Federal funds autocalculates. Please verify the amount and only change if needed for flex. Column K) Non-federal funds autocalculates. Please verify the split/match - if matching an FTA flex, coordinate with Rail & Transit Division before programming; Column L) Enter Additional Information as described - please do not use any other format. STBG programmed ►  $ 70,437,204  $56,349,763 STBG  
HSIP programmed ►  $   2,631,724  $  2,368,552 HSIP  
CMAQ programmed ►  $ 29,004,101  $23,203,281 CMAQ  
TAP programmed ►  $   4,608,800  $  3,687,040 TAP  
►Section 1B / Earmark or Discretionary Grant Funded Projects
►Other Federal Aid          
  Other Federal Aid 606476 Boston Region Boston BOSTON- ROADWAY, CEILING & WALL RECONSTRUCTION, NEW JET FANS, AND OTHER CONTROL SYSTEMS IN SUMNER TUNNEL 6 Other FA  $    11,607,808  $    9,286,246  $     2,321,562 Construction; NHPP+HSIP+Other Federal Aid Total Cost = $126,544,931; Total MPO Contribution = $22,115,687; AC Yr 2 of 3; Other Federal Aid = NHPP-E
  Other Federal Aid 606476 Boston Region Boston BOSTON- ROADWAY, CEILING & WALL RECONSTRUCTION, NEW JET FANS, AND OTHER CONTROL SYSTEMS IN SUMNER TUNNEL 6 Other FA  $    11,607,808  $    9,286,246  $     2,321,562 Construction; NHPP+HSIP+Other Federal Aid Total Cost = $126,544,931; Total MPO Contribution = $22,115,687; AC Yr 2 of 3; Other Federal Aid = NHPP-E
  Other Federal Aid 606476 Boston Region Boston BOSTON- ROADWAY, CEILING & WALL RECONSTRUCTION, NEW JET FANS, AND OTHER CONTROL SYSTEMS IN SUMNER TUNNEL 6 Other FA  $    11,607,808  $    9,286,246  $     2,321,562 Construction; NHPP+HSIP+Other Federal Aid Total Cost = $126,544,931; Total MPO Contribution = $22,115,687; AC Yr 2 of 3; Other Federal Aid = NHPP-E
      Boston Region   Other Federal Aid   HPP  $                -    $               -    $               -    
Other Federal Aid subtotal ►  $                -    $               -    $               -   ◄ Funding Split Varies by Funding Source
►Section 2A / State Prioritized Reliability Projects
►Bridge Program / Inspections          
  Bridge Program   Boston Region   Bridge Inspection      $                -    $               -    $               -    
Bridge Program / Inspections subtotal ►  $                -    $               -    $               -   ◄ Funding Split Varies by Funding Source
►Bridge Program / Off-System          
  Bridge Program 608255 Boston Region Stow STOW- BRIDGE REPLACEMENT, S-29-011, BOX MILL ROAD OVER ELIZABETH BROOK 3 STBG-BR-OFF  $     3,612,223  $    2,889,779  $       722,445  
  Bridge Program   Boston Region   Bridge Program / Off-System      $                  -  $               -    $               -    
Bridge Program / Off-System subtotal ►  $   3,612,223  $  2,889,779  $     722,445 ◄ 80% Federal + 20% Non-Federal
►Bridge Program / On-System (NHS)          
  Bridge Program 608614 Boston Region Boston BOSTON- BRIDGE SUBSTRUCTURE REPAIRS, B-16-179, AUSTIN STREET OVER I-93 RAMPS, MBTA COMMUTER RAIL AND ORANGE LINE  6 NHPP-On  $     5,000,000  $    4,000,000  $     1,000,000  
  Bridge Program 607327 Boston Region Wilmington WILMINGTON- BRIDGE REPLACEMENT, W-38-002, ROUTE 38 (MAIN STREET) OVER THE B&M RAILROAD 4 NHPP-On  $    10,760,960  $    8,608,768  $     2,152,192  
  Bridge Program 604173 Boston Region Boston BOSTON- BRIDGE REPLACEMENT, B-16-016, NORTH WASHINGTON STREET OVER THE BOSTON INNER HARBOR 6 NHPP-On  $    28,825,728  $   23,060,582  $     5,765,146 AC Year 6 of 6, Total Cost $176,318,433
  Bridge Program 604952 Boston Region Multiple LYNN- SAUGUS- BRIDGE REPLACEMENT, L-18-016=S-05-008, ROUTE 107 OVER THE SAUGUS RIVER (AKA - BELDEN G. BLY BRIDGE) 4 NHPP-On  $    22,307,071  $   17,845,656  $     4,461,414 AC Year 4 of 5, Total Cost $84,253,135
  Bridge Program   Boston Region   Bridge Program / On-System (NHS)      $                  -  $               -    $               -    
Bridge Program / On-System (NHS) subtotal ►  $ 66,893,759  $53,515,007  $13,378,752 ◄ Funding Split Varies by Funding Source
►Bridge Program / On-System (Non-NHS)          
  Bridge Program 608929 Boston Region Wilmington WILMINGTON- BRIDGE REPLACEMENT, W-38-003, BUTTERS ROW OVER MBTA  4 NHPP-Off  $     5,183,360  $    4,146,688  $     1,036,672  
  Bridge Program   Boston Region   Bridge Program / On-System (Non-NHS)      $                  -  $               -    $               -    
Bridge Program / On-System (Non-NHS) subtotal ►  $   5,183,360  $  4,146,688  $  1,036,672 ◄ 80% Federal + 20% Non-Federal
►Bridge Program / Systematic Maintenance          
  Bridge Program 608866 Boston Region Multiple NEWTON- WESTON- STEEL SUPERSTRUCTURE CLEANING (FULL REMOVAL) AND PAINTING OF 3 BRIDGES: N-12-051, W-29-011 & W-29-028 6 NHPP-On  $     2,349,900  $    1,879,920  $       469,980  
  Bridge Program   Boston Region   Bridge Program / Systematic Maintenance      $                -    $               -    $               -    
Bridge Program / Systematic Maintenance subtotal ►  $   2,349,900  $  1,879,920  $     469,980 ◄ Funding Split Varies by Funding Source
►Interstate Pavement          
  Interstate Pavement   Boston Region   Interstate Pavement      $                -    $               -    $               -    
Insterstate Pavement subtotal ►  $                -    $               -    $               -   ◄ 90% Federal + 10% Non-Federal
►Non-Interstate Pavement          
  Non-Interstate Pavement 608817 Boston Region Multiple SALEM-LYNN - RESURFACING AND RELATED WORK ON RTE 107 4 NHPP  $     2,278,125  $    1,822,500  $       455,625  
  Non-Interstate Pavement 608818 Boston Region Danvers DANVERS - RESURFACING AND RELATED WORK ON ROUTE 114 4 NHPP  $     1,003,590  $       802,872  $       200,718  
  Non-Interstate Pavement 608480 Boston Region Foxborough FOXBOROUGH - RESURFACING AND RELATED WORK ON US ROUTE 1 5 NHPP  $     7,072,920  $    5,658,336  $     1,414,584  
  Non-Interstate Pavement   Boston Region   Non-Interstate Pavement      $                -    $               -    $               -    
Non-Interstate Pavement subtotal ►  $ 10,354,635  $  8,283,708  $  2,070,927 ◄ 80% Federal + 20% Non-Federal
► Roadway Improvements          
  Roadway Improvements 608599 Boston Region Multiple CANTON- SHARON- FOXBOROUGH- NORWOOD- WALPOLE- STORMWATER IMPROVEMENTS ALONG ROUTE 1, ROUTE 1A & INTERSTATE 95 5 STBG  $        526,235  $       420,988  $       105,247  
  Roadway Improvements   Boston Region   Roadway Improvements      $                -    $               -    $               -    
Roadway Improvements subtotal ►  $                -    $               -    $               -   ◄ 80% Federal + 20% Non-Federal
► Safety Improvements          
  Safety Improvements 609060 Boston Region Multiple LYNNFIELD- PEABODY- DANVERS-  GUIDE AND TRAFFIC SIGN REPLACEMENT ON I-95/128 (TASK 'A' INTERCHANGE) 4 HSIP  $        495,860  $       446,274  $         49,586  
  Safety Improvements 609090 Boston Region Multiple BOSTON- MILTON- QUINCY- HIGHWAY LIGHTING SYSTEM REPLACEMENT ON I-93, FROM NEPONSET AVENUE TO THE BRAINTREE SPLIT 6 NHPP  $     9,568,000  $    7,654,400  $     1,913,600  
  Safety Improvements   Boston Region   Safety Improvements      $                -    $               -    $               -    
Safety Improvements subtotal ►  $ 10,063,860  $  8,100,674  $  1,963,186 ◄ Funding Split Varies by Funding Source
►Section 2B / State Prioritized Modernization Projects
► ADA Retrofits          
  ADA Retrofits   Boston Region   ADA Retrofits      $                -    $               -    $               -    
ADA Retrofits subtotal ►  $                -    $               -    $               -   ◄ 80% Federal + 20% Non-Federal
►Intersection Improvements          
  Intersection Improvements 608567 Boston Region Peabody PEABODY- IMPROVEMENTS AT ROUTE 114 AT SYLVAN STREET, CROSS STREET, NORTHSHORE MALL, LORIS ROAD, ROUTE 128 INTERCHANGE AND ESQUIRE DRIVE 4 HSIP  $     1,815,480  $    1,633,932  $       181,548  
  Intersection Improvements 608569 Boston Region Quincy QUINCY- INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENTS AT ROUTE 3A (SOUTHERN ARTERY) AND BROAD STREET 6 HSIP  $     3,132,000  $    2,818,800  $       313,200  
  Intersection Improvements   Boston Region   Intersection Improvements      $                -    $               -    $               -    
Intersection Improvements subtotal ►  $   4,947,480  $  4,452,732  $     494,748 ◄ Funding Split Varies by Funding Source
►Intelligent Transportation Systems          
  Intelligent Transportation Systems   Boston Region   Intelligent Transportation Systems      $                -    $               -    $               -    
Intelligent Transportation System subtotal ►  $                -    $               -    $               -   ◄ 80% Federal + 20% Non-Federal
►Roadway Reconstruction          
  Roadway Reconstruction 607977 Boston Region Multiple HOPKINTON- WESTBOROUGH- RECONSTRUCTION OF I-90/I-495 INTERCHANGE 3 NFP  $    27,500,000  $   22,000,000  $     5,500,000 a) Construction; Total Federal Participating Cost (TFPC) = $189,451,000; AC Yr 1 of 5
  Roadway Reconstruction 607977 Boston Region Multiple HOPKINTON- WESTBOROUGH- RECONSTRUCTION OF I-90/I-495 INTERCHANGE 3 NHPP  $    12,233,939  $    9,787,151  $     2,446,788 a) Construction; Total Federal Participating Cost (TFPC) = $189,451,000; AC Yr 1 of 5
  Roadway Reconstruction   Boston Region   Roadway Reconstruction      $                -    $               -    $               -    
Roadway Reconstruction subtotal ►  $ 39,733,939  $31,787,151  $  7,946,788 ◄ Funding Split Varies by Funding Source
►Section 2C / State Prioritized Expansion Projects
►Bicycles and Pedestrians          
  Bicycles and Pedestrians   Boston Region   Bicycles and Pedestrians      $                -    $               -    $               -    
Bicycles and Pedestrians subtotal ►  $                -    $               -    $               -   ◄ 80% Federal + 20% Non-Federal
  Capacity   Boston Region   Capacity      $                -    $               -    $               -    
Capacity subtotal ►  $                -    $               -    $               -   ◄ Funding Split Varies by Funding Source
►Section 3 / Planning / Adjustments / Pass-throughs
►Planning / Adjustments / Pass-throughs          
      Boston Region   ABP GANS Repayment  Multiple    $                -    $               -    $               -    
      Boston Region   Award adjustments, change orders, etc. Multiple    $                -    $               -    $               -    
      Boston Region   Metropolitan Planning Multiple    $                -    $               -    $               -    
      Boston Region   State Planning and Research Work Program II,  (SPR II), Research Multiple    $                -    $               -    $               -    
      Boston Region   Railroad Crossings Multiple    $                -    $               -    $               -    
      Boston Region   Recreational Trails Multiple    $                -    $               -    $               -    
Other Statewide Items subtotal ►  $                -    $               -    $               -   ◄ Funding Split Varies by Funding Source
►Section 4 / Non-Federally Aided Projects
►Non-Federally Aided Projects          
  Non Federal Aid 607977 Boston Region Multiple HOPKINTON- WESTBOROUGH- RECONSTRUCTION OF I-90/I-495 INTERCHANGE 3 NFA  $    18,112,483    $   18,112,483 Construction; Total Federal Participating Cost (TFPC) = $189,451,000; AC Yr 1 of 5
  Non-Federally Aided Projects   Boston Region   Non-Federal Aid      $                -      $               -    
Non-Federal Aid subtotal►  $ 18,112,483    $18,112,483 ◄100% Non-Federal
2022 Summary TIP Section 1 - 3: ▼ TIP Section 4: ▼ Total of All Projects ▼    
Total ► ###########  $18,112,483 ########### ◄ Total Spending in Region
Federal Funds ► ###########   ########### ◄ Total Federal Spending in Region
Non-Federal Funds ►  $ 49,156,691  $18,112,483  $67,269,174 ◄ Total Non-Federal Spending in Region
701 CMR 7.00 Use of Road Flaggers and Police Details on Public Works Projects / 701 CMR 7.00 (the Regulation) was promulgated and became law on October 3, 2008.  Under this Regulation, the CMR is applicable to any Public works Project that is performed within the limits of, or that impact traffic on, any Public Road.  The Municipal Limitation referenced in this Regulation is applicable only to projects where the Municipality is the Awarding Authority.  For all projects contained in the TIP, the Commonwealth is the Awarding Authority.  Therefore, all projects must be considered and implemented in accordance with 701 CMR 7.00, and the Road Flagger and Police Detail Guidelines. By placing a project on the TIP, the Municipality acknowledges that 701 CMR 7.00 is applicable to its project and design and construction will be fully compliant with this Regulation.   This information, and additional information relative to guidance and implementation of the Regulation can be found at the following link on the MassDOT Highway Division website:


Transportation Improvement Program (TIP)
Project List (FY2022)
FTA Program Project Number Transit Agency FTA Activity Line Item Project Description Carryover (unobligated) Federal Funds State Funds TDC Local Funds Total Cost
5307 RTD0007517 Cape Ann Transportation Authority 117A00 PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE 2021 - $285,000 $285,000 $0 $0 $71,250 $356,250
5307 RTD0007518 Cape Ann Transportation Authority 114206 ACQUIRE - SHOP EQUIPMENT 2021 - $55,000 $55,000 $13,750 $0 $0 $68,750
5307 RTD0007317 MetroWest Regional Transit Authority 113403 TERMINAL, INTERMODAL (TRANSIT) - Framingham Commuter Rail Station (FCRS) 2021 - $137,500 $137,500 $175,000 $0 $0 $312,500
5307 RTD0007992 MetroWest Regional Transit Authority 117C00 NON FIXED ROUTE ADA PARA SERV 2021 - $1,600,000 $1,600,000 $400,000 $0 $0 $2,000,000
5307 RTD0007993 MetroWest Regional Transit Authority 114200 ACQUISITION OF BUS SUPPORT EQUIP/FACILITIES 2021 - $224,775 $224,775 $225,000 $0 $0 $449,775
5307 RTD0007994 MetroWest Regional Transit Authority 113403 TERMINAL, INTERMODAL (TRANSIT) - BLANDIN 2021 - $375,813 $375,813 $225,000 $0 $0 $600,813
5307 RTD0007995 MetroWest Regional Transit Authority 440000 TECHNOLOGY SUPPORT/CAPITAL OUTREACH 2021 - $162,500 $162,500 $180,000 $0 $0 $342,500
5307 RTD0007969 Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA) 121200 Revenue Vehicle Program - 5307 $125,352,526 $0 $0 $31,338,132 $156,690,658
          Subtotal $128,193,114 $1,218,750 $0 $31,409,382 $160,821,246
5309 RTD0007979 Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA) 133302 Green Line Extension $46,121,000 $0 $0 $46,121,000 $92,242,000
          Subtotal $46,121,000 $0 $0 $46,121,000 $92,242,000
          Subtotal $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
          Subtotal $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
5337 RTD0007971 Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA) 122405 Bridge & Tunnel Program - 5337 $27,748,975 $0 $0 $6,937,244 $34,686,219
5337 RTD0007972 Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA) 123400 Stations and Facilities Program - 5337 $59,563,840 $0 $0 $14,890,960 $74,454,800
5337 RTD0007973 Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA) 126301 Signals/Systems Upgrade Program - 5337 $78,858,624 $0 $0 $19,714,656 $98,573,280
5337 RTD0008240 Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA) 126301 5307 - Signals/Systems Upgrade Program $29,300,598 $0 $0 $7,325,150 $36,625,748
          Subtotal $195,472,037 $0 $0 $48,868,010 $244,340,047
5339 RTD0007974 Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA) 111400 Bus Program - 5339 $6,839,898 $0 $0 $1,709,975 $8,549,873
          Subtotal $6,839,898 $0 $0 $1,709,975 $8,549,873
          Subtotal $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Other Federal                    
          Subtotal $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Other Non-Federal                    
Other Non-Federal RTD0008065 Cape Ann Transportation Authority 111240 BUY ASSOC CAP MAINT ITEMS $0 $15,000 $0 $0 $15,000
          Subtotal $0 $15,000 $0 $0 $15,000
          Total $376,626,049 $1,233,750 $0 $128,108,367 $505,968,166
Funds listed under the Carry Over column are included in the Federal Amount


2023 Boston Region Transportation Improvement Program      
Amendment /
Adjustment Type ▼
STIP                             Program ▼ MassDOT Project ID Metropolitan Planning Organization ▼ Municipality Name ▼ MassDOT                                                                                                              Project                                                                                               Description MassDOT  District Funding                       Source Total Programmed                Funds Federal                    Funds Non-Federal                        Funds Additional Information ▼                                   Present information as follows, if applicable: a) Planning / Design / or Construction; b) total project cost and funding sources used; c) advance construction status; d) MPO project score; e) name of entity receiving a transfer; f) name of entity paying the non-state non-federal match; g) earmark details; h) TAP project proponent; i) other information
►Section 1A / Regionally Prioritized Projects
►Regionally Prioritized Projects          
  Roadway Reconstruction 606226 Boston Region Boston BOSTON- RECONSTRUCTION OF RUTHERFORD AVENUE, FROM CITY SQUARE TO SULLIVAN SQUARE 6 NHPP  $   13,000,000  $   10,400,000  $     2,600,000 Construction; NHPP+STBG+TAP Total Cost = $152,000,000; AC Yr 2 of 5; Total funding in this TIP = $111,685,278; MPO Evaluation Score = 59
  Roadway Reconstruction 606226 Boston Region Boston BOSTON- RECONSTRUCTION OF RUTHERFORD AVENUE, FROM CITY SQUARE TO SULLIVAN SQUARE 6 STBG  $   20,268,422  $   16,214,738  $     4,053,684 Construction; NHPP+STBG+TAP Total Cost = $152,000,000; AC Yr 2 of 5; Total funding in this TIP = $111,685,278; MPO Evaluation Score = 59
  Roadway Reconstruction 606226 Boston Region Boston BOSTON- RECONSTRUCTION OF RUTHERFORD AVENUE, FROM CITY SQUARE TO SULLIVAN SQUARE 6 TAP  $     1,000,000  $       800,000  $       200,000 Construction; NHPP+STBG+TAP Total Cost = $152,000,000; AC Yr 2 of 5; Total funding in this TIP = $111,685,278; MPO Evaluation Score = 59; TAP Proponent = Boston
  Roadway Reconstruction 608348 Boston Region Beverly BEVERLY - RECONSTRUCTION OF BRIDGE STREET 4 CMAQ  $     3,000,000  $    2,400,000  $       600,000 Construction; CMAQ+STBG Total Cost = $8,504,923; MPO Evaluation Score = 66
  Roadway Reconstruction 608348 Boston Region Beverly BEVERLY - RECONSTRUCTION OF BRIDGE STREET 4 STBG  $     5,504,923  $    4,403,938  $     1,100,985 Construction; CMAQ+STBG Total Cost = $8,504,923; MPO Evaluation Score = 66
  Roadway Reconstruction 608933 Boston Region Peabody PEABODY - REHABILITATION OF CENTRAL STREET 4 CMAQ  $     3,000,000  $    2,400,000  $       600,000 Construction; CMAQ+HSIP+STBG Total Cost = $10,819,200; MPO Evaluation Score = 61
  Roadway Reconstruction 608933 Boston Region Peabody PEABODY - REHABILITATION OF CENTRAL STREET 4 HSIP  $     1,500,000  $    1,350,000  $       150,000 Construction; CMAQ+HSIP+STBG Total Cost = $10,819,200; MPO Evaluation Score = 61
  Roadway Reconstruction 608933 Boston Region Peabody PEABODY - REHABILITATION OF CENTRAL STREET 4 STBG  $     6,319,200  $    5,055,360  $     1,263,840 Construction; CMAQ+HSIP+STBG Total Cost = $10,819,200; MPO Evaluation Score = 61
  Roadway Reconstruction 607244 Boston Region Winthrop WINTHROP - RECONSTRUCTION & RELATED WORK ALONG WINTHROP STREET & REVERE STREET CORRIDOR 6 CMAQ  $     2,000,000  $    1,600,000  $       400,000 Construction; CMAQ+STBG+TAP Total Cost = $5,644,800; MPO Evaluation Score = 47
  Roadway Reconstruction 607244 Boston Region Winthrop WINTHROP - RECONSTRUCTION & RELATED WORK ALONG WINTHROP STREET & REVERE STREET CORRIDOR 6 STBG  $     3,084,800  $    2,467,840  $       616,960 Construction; CMAQ+STBG+TAP Total Cost = $5,644,800; MPO Evaluation Score = 47
  Roadway Reconstruction 607244 Boston Region Winthrop WINTHROP - RECONSTRUCTION & RELATED WORK ALONG WINTHROP STREET & REVERE STREET CORRIDOR 6 TAP  $        560,000  $       448,000  $       112,000 Construction; CMAQ+STBG+TAP Total Cost = $5,644,800; MPO Evaluation Score = 54; TAP Proponent = Winthrop
  Roadway Reconstruction 605743 Boston Region Ipswich IPSWICH - RESURFACING & RELATED WORK ON CENTRAL & SOUTH MAIN STREETS 4 STBG  $     2,419,502  $    1,935,602  $       483,900 Construction; STBG+TAP Total Cost = $2,939,052; MPO Evaluation Score = 47
  Roadway Reconstruction 605743 Boston Region Ipswich IPSWICH - RESURFACING & RELATED WORK ON CENTRAL & SOUTH MAIN STREETS 4 TAP  $        519,550  $       415,640  $       103,910 Construction; STBG+TAP Total Cost = $2,939,052; MPO Evaluation Score = 47; TAP Proponent = Ipswich
  Roadway Reconstruction 608707 Boston Region Quincy QUINCY - RECONSTRUCTION OF SEA STREET 6 STBG  $     6,066,683  $    4,853,346  $     1,213,337 Construction; STBG+TAP Total Cost = $6,292,937; MPO Evaluation Score = 40
  Roadway Reconstruction 608707 Boston Region Quincy QUINCY - RECONSTRUCTION OF SEA STREET 6 TAP  $        226,254  $       181,003  $         45,251 Construction; STBG+TAP Total Cost = $6,292,937; MPO Evaluation Score = 40; TAP Project Proponent = Quincy
  Roadway Reconstruction 608007 Boston Region Multiple COHASSET/SCITUATE - CORRIDOR IMPROVEMENTS AND RELATED WORK ON JUSTICE CUSHING HIGHWAY (ROUTE 3A), FROM BEECHWOOD STREET TO HENRY TURNER BAILEY ROAD 5 HSIP  $     1,500,000  $    1,350,000  $       150,000 Construction; HSIP+STBG+TAP Total Cost = $8,971,636; MPO Evaluation Score = 37
  Roadway Reconstruction 608007 Boston Region Multiple COHASSET/SCITUATE - CORRIDOR IMPROVEMENTS AND RELATED WORK ON JUSTICE CUSHING HIGHWAY (ROUTE 3A), FROM BEECHWOOD STREET TO HENRY TURNER BAILEY ROAD 5 STBG  $     7,331,404  $    5,865,123  $     1,466,281 Construction; HSIP+STBG+TAP Total Cost = $8,971,636; MPO Evaluation Score = 37
  Roadway Reconstruction 608007 Boston Region Multiple COHASSET/SCITUATE - CORRIDOR IMPROVEMENTS AND RELATED WORK ON JUSTICE CUSHING HIGHWAY (ROUTE 3A), FROM BEECHWOOD STREET TO HENRY TURNER BAILEY ROAD 5 TAP  $        140,232  $       112,186  $         28,046 Construction; HSIP+STBG+TAP Total Cost = $8,971,636; MPO Evaluation Score = 37; TAP Proponent = MassDOT