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Freight Data Dashboard
The MPO’s Freight Data Dashboard is an interactive tool that provides insight into freight infrastructure in the Boston metropolitan region, including freight corridors, rest areas, rail yards, designated port areas, and airports. The dashboard consolidates data from various sources, enabling transportation planners, policymakers, stakeholders, and members of the public to explore and visualize regional freight data and the regional freight transportation network.
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Bicyclist and Pedestrian Counts
Browse counts of non-motorized traffic collected since the mid-1970s.
All-hazards Planning
View the region’s transportation network and TIP projects relative to natural-hazards zones, including those subject to flooding, storm surges, and sea level rise, and identify facilities that might benefit from protective measures or adaptations.
Mapping Major Infrastructure Milestones
This interactive mapping application visually displays milestones in the multimodal transportation infrastructure system within the Boston Region MPO from 1800 to present.
Park-and-Ride Dashboard
The park-and-ride dashboard visually displays automobile parking for 152 MBTA stations and bicycle parking for every MBTA station, based on data that was collected by staff of the Boston Region Metropolitan Planning Organization in 2017–18. The dashboard indicates the specific location of parking facilities near MBTA stations on MassGIS and Open Street Map interfaces. The data include parking capacity for accessible and standard parking spaces and utilization of those spaces based on a one-day sample, the amount and utilization of bicycle parking, and other station amenities.
Pedestrian Report Card Assessment (PRCA) Interactive Database
Find out how roadway segments and intersections are serving pedestrians around the Boston region.
Explore the scores given to locations in the Boston area to learn how accessible they are to pedestrians
and what needs to be improved at each graded spot.
2015-17 MBTA Systemwide Passenger Survey
Explore and download the results of the 2015-17 MBTA systemwide passenger survey. Compare demographic, travel, and fare payment data across all modes with this interactive tool.
Performance Dashboard: Transportation in the Boston Region
Use this interactive dashboard to explore data on highway and transit safety, transit asset condition, bridge and pavement condition, congestion, air quality, and travel times.
2019 Express-Highway and Arterial Roadway Performance Dashboards
The Express-Highway Performance Dashboard and the Arterial Performance Dashboard graphically display peak-period congestion for expressways in the Boston Region MPO area in 2019. The performance measures in the dashboards represent three factors related to congestion: duration, intensity, and travel time reliability. Each dashboard consists of regional overview maps, route-specific data, and downloadable accessible tables. The data used in both dashboards was collected in 2019 by INRIX and processed by CTPS staff.Express Highways
Arterial Roadways
Transportation Services for the Elderly
Find transportation services offered to the elderly by councils on aging, elder-affairs offices, regional transit authorities, and private non-profit agencies in each of the region’s 97 communities.
Introduction and Disclaimer
2008-09 MBTA Systemwide Passenger Survey
Read the full text of the report on this survey or browse survey results for the following modes:Rapid Transit
Commuter Rail
Commuter Boat and Inner Harbor Ferry
Key Bus Routes
Massachusetts MPO Website Finder
Find the website for your city or town’s metropolitan planning organization.
For more information, please contact David Knudsen, MPO Staff, at 857.702.3669 or dknudsen@ctps.org.