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Transit Working Group
The Boston Region Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) regularly convenes a Transit Working Group to provide resources and opportunities for collaboration between transit providers and organizations that support transit in the Boston region. Participants may include representatives of regional transit authorities, transportation management associations, municipalities that operate transit services, and state transportation agencies. Advocacy groups and members of the public are also welcome to attend these meetings.
Transit Working Group meetings, held bimonthly throughout the year, typically include a presentation from MPO staff or a transit organization and a discussion on the presentation topic. In recent meetings, topics have included travel demand management strategies, state grant programs, and guided discussions on scheduling, workforce development, and funding. Transit Working Group meetings are held virtually via Zoom.
Upcoming Meetings
The next meeting of the Transit Working Group is scheduled for Thursday, April 24, 2025, at 1:00 PM. The agenda and Zoom link will be available one week before the meeting on the MPO calendar.
Past Meetings
You can watch video recordings of past Transit Working Group meetings and events through the Transit Working Group playlist on the MPO’s YouTube channel.
Abby Cutrumbes Heerema, acutrumbes@ctps.org