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In November 2024, the MPO began a restructuring of the Regional Transportation Advisory Council with the goal of implementing best practices in advisory body memberships and structures. The former Advisory Council membership and structure sunsetted after a series of discussions about the restructuring process with the membership. For more detailed information, view recordings of the discussions about the restructuring plan and timing. MPO staff expect to solicit new members and launch a new advisory body in 2025. During this transition phase, Advisory Council leadership (Lenard Diggins, Chair, and Andy Reker, Vice Chair) will continue to represent the Advisory Council on the MPO board and committees.
Please contact Stella Jordan, Public Engagement Program Manager (sjordan@ctps.org or 857.702.3675) with any questions on this restructuring process or to learn about additional opportunities to participate in the MPO’s work prior to the launch of the new group.
Past Meetings
You can watch video recordings of past Advisory Council meetings on our YouTube Playlist, and find summaries of past meetings here and on the MPO calendar.