Speeds and Travel Times

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This figure displays the average travel times for the southbound HOV lanes of the Southeast Expressway (I-93) during the PM peak period. It is a replication of Figure 8 from the memo “Historical Trends: Travel Times and Vehicle Occupancy Levels for I-93 North and Southeast Expressway HOV and General-Purpose Lanes” (2012).
Data type
tabular data
This figure displays the travel times for both the HOV and general-purpose northbound travel lanes of the Southeast Expressway (I-93) during the AM peak period. It is a replication of Figure 2 from the memo “Historical Trends: Travel Times and Vehicle Occupancy Levels for I-93 North and Southeast Expressway HOV and General-Purpose Lanes” (2012).
Data type
tabular data
This figure displays the travel times for both the HOV and general-purpose southbound travel lanes of the Southeast Expressway (I-93) during the PM peak period. It is a replication of Figure 3 from the memo “Historical Trends: Travel Times and Vehicle Occupancy Levels for I-93 North and Southeast Expressway HOV and General-Purpose Lanes” (2012).
Data type
tabular data
This figure displays the average travel times for the northbound general-purpose lanes of the Southeast Expressway (I-93) during the AM peak period. It is a replication of Figure 7 from the memo “Historical Trends: Travel Times and Vehicle Occupancy Levels for I-93 North and Southeast Expressway HOV and General-Purpose Lanes” (2012).
Data type
tabular data
This figure displays the average travel times for the northbound HOV lane of the Southeast Expressway (I-93) during the AM peak period. It is a replication of Figure 6 from the memo titled “Historical Trends: Travel Times and Vehicle Occupancy Levels for I-93 North and Southeast Expressway HOV and General-Purpose Lanes” (2012).
Data type
tabular data
This figure displays the average travel times for the southbound general-purpose lanes of the Southeast Expressway (I-93) during the PM peak period. It is a replication of Figure 9 from the memo “Historical Trends: Travel Times and Vehicle Occupancy Levels for I-93 North and Southeast Expressway HOV and General-Purpose Lanes” (2012).
Data type
tabular data